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**** 1 WEEKS LATER ****


I sat on the bed waiting for Zoe to come out of the bathroom. She walks out, her face red with tears and a look of fear plastered on her face.

"Honey, Whatever it is it won't change anything." I say getting up trying to comfort her.

"Alfie... I-I'm pre-pregant." She says collapsing into my shirt crying.

"It's okay. We're gonna be great parents remember how great we are with Darcy! Everything will be fine."

"I'm to young to be a mom Alfie! I can barely take care of myself! Let alone a child!" She says continuing to sob.

"Well then I'll take care of both of you," I say starting to grin. She smacks my arm starting to grin.

"I love you." She says wiping her face.

"I love you too." I say getting up.


I walked into the restaurant on the main deck wearing a black suit waiting for Zoe to finish getting ready. She was supposed to meet me here for a date night. It was the last night on the cruise. I notice someone walking behind me and I turned to see Zoe wearing the same dress she wore on our first date. I smile at her and pull her into an embrace. The hostess finds us a table and we sit down.

"Alfie.. Louise texted me and said she was going to wait for us at the docks tomorrow." Zoe says picking up the menu.

"Okay and I think that we should get our own place away when we get back since we are going to have a baby.." I say trailing off.

"Well what kind of place do you think we should get?" She says setting her menu down.

"I was thinking we could get an apartment in london." I say.

"That would be good since we would be close to all our friends." She says grinning.

The waitress appeared and she took our orders. I felt like someone was staring at me so I turned around and saw the blonde haired man staring straight at Zoe intently. I looked back over to Zoe who was doing something on her phone. I turned and my eyes met with the man who immidiately turned away looking back at his menu. The past week had been filled with wierd occurrences. Things went missing from our stateroom only for them to be returned the next day and that man was showing up everywhere.

"Zoe" I said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah" She said looking up.

"Look behind me." I said pointing my head in that direction. She looks and her jaw drops.

"What is he doing here?" She whispers across the table.

"I don't know but obviously to keep an eye on us." I said also whispering.

"Thank god we are getting off this ship tomorrow and all of this will be over." Zoe said sighing as our food arrived.

"Yeah I know" I said biting into my burger.


"That dinner was amazing!" I said as Alfie pulled my chair out for me.

"Yeah" Alfie said staring at the man while taking my hand and leading me to the edge of the boat where we stared off into the sea. He held me and kissed my forehead. I grinned up at him and kissed him on the lips.

"I really am the luckiest man in the world." Alfie said smiling. I just laughed and hugged him.

**** NEXT DAY ****

I woke up to Alfie putting all of his stuff in his suitcase.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead." He says smiling.

"Goodmorning," I say getting out of bed and changing into my clothes. I walk into the bathroom and do my makeup. After I finish I start packing my suitcase.

"Your stuff is everywhere! You are so messy!" Alfie says sarcastically as he throws one of my shirts at me.

"Me! Look at all of this! You brought more than me!" I say laughing and pointing to a pile of clothes on the floor.

A knock on the door interrupts our fits of laughter and I go to answer it.


I get a text from Zoe telling me that they were packing up and the boat was getting close to the dock. I put Darcy into her car seat and begin the 2 hour drive to meet them. I was so glad for them. Zoe really deserved Alfie. They were perfect for each other and I couldn't wait to see them and talk to Zoe about her having a baby! Darcy and Zoe's baby would have so much fun and we could set up play dates! I just couldn't wait to see her!

I turned on the radio and listened to Dan and Phil on the radio all the way to the docks. When I got there I got a call from Zoe. I answered and heard shuffling and screaming. 

"Chummy?!?" I said starting to freak out.

"NO!" Is all I heard through the line before the call was ended. I stared at my phone in shock and just thought Zoe and Alfie were arguing about something.

I got Darcy out of the car and waited by the exit as Darcy held a sign that Zalfie. I couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when they saw that sign. I waited and waited as people came flooding out of the boat. After a while people stopped coming out. I picked up Darcy and walked over to the man standing by the exit.

"Sir, Is there anyone else on the boat?" I ask nervously.

"We just did a check and there isn't anyone left mam" He says walking back towards the ship.

"Ohh Okay." I say pulling out my phone and dialing Zoe's number. It goes straight to voicemail so I try Alfie. It also goes straight to voicemail. I walk back to the car and lean against the hood of it. I feel terrified and worried not knowing what's going on.

"Mummy, where are Zoe and Alfie?" Darcy says grabbing my hand.

"I don't know Darcy." I say feeling a tear fall down my cheek.

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