Wow. That Is A Beauty

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I couldn't believe how my fans had reacted to me being with Zoe. It hurt so much knowing that she had a panic attack over it. I sobbed while she sat with my arms wrapped around her. I felt completely useless. I promised her nothing was going to happen while she was with me. Nothing. I failed on multiple occasions and that means I lied to her. I lied to the girl I'm in love with. The tears started to fall more rapidly now and I could hear Zoe crying too. I really hated it when she cried.


"Hurry up Alfie! We can't miss our flight!" I hear Zoe yell from the hallway. I quickly gather up all of my things, dump them in my suitcase and rush out of the room. I was so happy to be going back to England. This hotel room was filled with nothing but sadness. Sighing, I grabbed our bags and headed into the elevator. 

In the taxi I checked twitter hoping all of the hate about Zoe had gone away. I scrolled until I saw something that brightened my day entirely.

@ZALFieSHIPPer143: @PointlessBlogTv  Please don't let what people are saying about Zoe get you down. They are just jealous about you guys relationship. Don't let them drive you 2 apart.

I smile at the tweet and respond saying thank you and I won't let them. I grab Zoe's hand making her smile. We pull up to the airport and we head to our terminal. I sit and think about how it feels amazing to be able to hold Zoe's hand in public without everyone freaking out. 


"Surprise attack!" Joe yells jumping out of the closet with a nerf gun as Zoe and I get inside the house.

"Joe! How long have you been in there?" Zoe says laughing.

"Maybe an hour or 2." Joe says hitting Zoe in the forehead with a dart.

"Congradulations! You finally surprised us!" I say sarcastically, picking up our bags and bringing them upstairs. I look behind me and see Joe giving me the finger as Zoe laughs hysterically behind him. 

As I'm unpacking Zoe walks into the room.

"Alfie, Do you want some Nando's for dinner?" She asks.

"Yes! It feels like forever since I've had that!" 

"Okay, I'll send Joe out to get us some." She says laughing.


After I finish packing I head downstairs and find Zoe and Joe argueing.

"Joseph, go get the food!" Zoe yells.

"No! I don't wanna!" Joe says crossing his arms.

"I'll go. Just stop arguing." I say laughing and covering my ears with my hands.

"Alfie, You don't have to go. I'll go." Zoe says pushing Joe out of the way. 

"It's fine. I need to pick up a few things anyway." I really hated lying to her but it was the only way I was going to be able to think. 

"Okay" Zoe says pouting.

I leave the house thinking about me and Zoe's relationship. I really loved her and I knew that if she loved me back I could take it to the next level. Was I really ready for marriage? What if Zoe wasn't and she says no? It would definetly ruin the relationship. I really wanted to make her just mine. I love her so much it seems like a good idea. I'll go look at rings tomorrow and hope Zoe doesn't find out. 

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