This Isn't Exactly A Good First Impression.

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"Alfie! Are you ready?" I yell up the stairs. 

"Yeah! I'm coming!" He says bounding down the stairs in a suit and tie.

"You look amazing" I say kissing him while adjusting his tie.

"Thanks" He said putting his arm around my waist. I smile up at him and he laughs.

"Could you two please just cut out the lovey dovey stuff until I'm not around" Joe says walking out the front door.

"What a party pooper" Alfie says grinning. I laugh as we walk out the door with his arm still around my waist.


"Joe, Alfie you both need to promise me that you won't say anything when Mum insults me" I say giving them my best puppy dog face. As we pulled up to my Dads house.

"I promise" Joe says looking down.

"I honestly can't promise anything if she insults you, I don't know what I'm going to do" Alfie says looking me in the eye.

"Alfie please. You can't say anything" I say really hoping he will agree.

"Fine" He says getting out of the car. This day is going to end so badly. I follow Alfie and grab his hand for security.

He smiles at me as we walk inside. Everybody begins to stare and I freeze. Alfie puts his hand around my waist as I take a deep breath and keep walking to our table. Joe sits down and Alfie pulls my chair out for me and I sit. I see my dad's intern Harry start to walk over to us. He is my age and he is a little obsessed with me.

"Hey Zoe, did you miss me?" He says pulling up a chair next to me and kissing my cheek. I look over and Alfie is deep into a conversation with Joe so he isn't paying attention to us.

"Go away Harry" I say grabbing Alfie's leg, causing him to immediately look over at me. 

"Zoe, who is this?" Alfie asks completely oblivious to the fact that Harry is flirting with me.

"I'm her future husband" Harry says putting his arm around me. Oh no.

"Well I'm her boyfriend and I would appreciate it if you would keep your hands off her" Alfie says standing up.

"Come on Zoe you can't seriously be dating this punk" Harry says pointing at Alfie. This is going to be bad.

"Harry, you should really go" I say grabbing Alfie's hand.

"Sure babe, I'll go but I'll come see you when this guy isn't around" Harry says winking. The next thing I saw was Harry laying unconscious on the ground.


"Dad! It wasn't Alfie's fault! Harry was being rude to me and Alfie was defending me" I said grabbing Alfie's hand.

"Is this true Alfie?" My dad asked. 

"Yes, sir and I'm sorry we had to meet like this. It isn't exaclty a good impression." Alfie said chuckling.

"Well I see no harm done if he was being rude to my little girl, just please don't bother the rest of my guests" My dad says shaking Alfie's hand and leaving.

"Well that went better than I expected" I said.

"I know. I'm just glad that jerk is gone" Alfie says pulling me into a kiss, though from behind his back I can see my mom starting to glare at us.


"Alfie, Can we go back to our table" Zoe says shakily.

"Sure" I say unsure of what's wrong. 

When we get back to her table I notice Joe had left to go talk to some girl and Zoe starts frantically looking around for something.

"Zoe, what's wrong?" I ask.

"My mum. I saw her earlier and I don't know where she went" She says still looking around.

"Zoe, It's okay I'm here and she probably isn't even going to come over if she doesn't like you" I say putting my arm around her waist calming her down.

"Everyone, the buffet is open" We hear someone say over the loudspeaker. Everyone immediatly gets up to get food so we go join the crowd. Zoe grips my hand even tighter when we get into the line because of her anxiety. 

"Hello Zoe." I hear a woman behind us say. Zoe flinches at the sound of her voice so I guess it's her mom.

"Hi mum" Zoe mumbles.

"Oh. Who is this? Hi you must be one of the men that my daughter sleeps with" Zoe's Mum says looking at me. I feel Zoe grab onto my arm trying to keep me from responding.

"He's my boyfriend mom" Zoe says.

"You? With a boyfriend? Zoe dear, sluts don't have boyfriends" She says laughing at Zoe. I clench my fist trying to contain my anger. I do my best to try and stay quiet but it just doesn't work.

"Excuse me? Are you calling your own daughter a slut? I am her boyfriend and I don't care if you are her mother you need to stop calling her that right now" I say getting out of Zoe's grip and moving towards her mum.

"Young man, I'm her mother I will speak to her however I want to" She snaps.

"Well you obviously shouldn't be her mum" I say shooting the words at her like daggers.

"Alfie I need to go" Zoe says quietly.

"Before I go, I want to tell you your daughter has more than 1,000,000 people watching her videos and adoring her from around the world and what do you have? Oh thats right no one because you are a selfish bitch" I say grabbing Zoe's arm and walking away. We pass Joe and I tell him we are leaving and he says he is staying. 

We make it out to the car and we sit in the parking lot for a minute.

"Alfie" Zoe says looking at me.


"I love you" She says looking me in the eye.  

"I love you too" I immediately respond pulling her into a hug. 

We drive home and Zoe is really quiet.

We get into the house and I head up to my room. Zoe follows but goes into hers. After a little while I decide I want to go over to be with her. I guess she had the same idea I had because we met in the hallway.

I look from her eyes to her lips and can't stop myself from kissing them. Next thing I know she has her legs wrapped around my waist and we are going into my bedroom. I kiss her again and lay her on my bed with a smile on my face.

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