Watch where you're walking!

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I layed in the bed under the duvet as Zoe was sound asleep with her head on my chest. I looked down and noticed she was snoring just loud enough for me to hear it.

I kissed the top of her head and slowly got out of bed. I put on some clothes and decide I want to make her breakfast in bed. I headed down the stairs and went into the kitchen to try and find something to make. I found some eggs and pancakes and got down to work. I finish cooking but I manage to cover myself in flour. I place all of the food on a tray and walk back into the bedroom finding Zoe still fast asleep.

"Zoe." I say gently shaking her. She stirs in her sleep and opens her eyes.

"Alfie.. what is this?" She says pushing herself up. 

"I made you breakfast." I say beaming at her.

"Thanks and you should probably take a shower since you are covered in flour" She says laughing at me.

"You're welcome and don't forget that we need to be ready by 3 to get to the cruise!" I say throwing my shirt off and heading towards the bathroom.

"I can't wait! This is going to be amazing, just the 2 of us and a huge cruise ship to explore by the way no vlogging or laptops" Zoe says putting some pancakes on her fork and stuffing them into her mouth.

"I would never dream of it" I say grinning at her.


"Alfie!" I hear Zoe scream from the bedroom. I instantly bolt through the door thinking she is having a panic attack. 

"Zoe, honey! Are you okay?" I say slamming the door open.

"I'm fine. I was just wondering if you would carry my bags. They are a bit heavy" She says with a smile. I look at the ground and see a huge pink suitcase staring back at me.

"You need all of that?!" I say pointing to it.

"I'm just bringing the essentials" She says shrugging her shoulders.

"Whatever you say" I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bags and heading down the stairs with her following.

We get into the car and are finally ready to go. I hurry around the side of the car to open the dor for her like usual.

"Thank you Mr. Deyes" 

"You know, I never do get tired of hearing you say that" I say sitting down in the drivers seat.

We pull up to the docks and look out over the boat that would be our home for the next 2 weeks. I stare in amazement for a moment before getting knocked out of my thoughts by Zoe pushing me in the arm.

"Alfie! We need to hurry up the boat is leaving soon!" She says opening her door. I get out and grab our bags before walking up to the guy who checks your tickets. Zoe hands him ours and we make our way aboard. After a while of searching we find our room. As I open the door I see huge bed with a very large flat screen. Woah was the only word I could come up with to describe this place. Zoe headed into the bathroom as I fell back unto the bed.

"Alfie! Come look at this!" She yells from the bathroom. I get up and go inside and see a large jacuzzi in the middle of the room. 

"I can't believe we have our own jacuzzi!" She says walking around it.

"This room is perfect!" I say walking back into the room. 

We unload all of our stuff, got our bathing suits on and headed back to the upper decks hand in hand. I noticed some people glaring at us since we both looked so young. I didn't care though, I was with the girl I loved and what these people thought didn't matter.

We got to the pool and Zoe and I layed out in the sun. I noticed a tall, blonde haired guy staring at us from the other side of the pool but I ignored him thinking he was just a viewer.


The soft swaying of the boat had put me to sleep with Alfie's arms wrapped around me. I was laying in the bed right now with my head on Alfie's chest listening to the way he breathed as he slept. It was the same repeating beat over and over and it felt familiar and comforting. He stirred in his sleep as repositioned my head so I was looking at him. He slowly opened his eyes and grinned at me. 

"Hi," He said.

"Hey" I said sitting up.

"How did you sleep?" He asks yawning while sitting up and turning on the TV.

"I slept great. How about you?" I ask leaning my head on his shoulder.

"It was the best I've slept in months."

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah I could go for some food." 

"Okay well I heard that they have a great breakfast buffet in the dining hall. Do you want to go?" 

"Yeah sounds good," He says getting out of bed and putting on a pair of jeans. I get up, get changed and put my makeup on while Alfie sits on the bed complaining I'm taking to long.

"Zoe! I'm starving!" He whines coming into the bathroom.

"I'm done. Let's go," I say laughing. We walk out of the room hand in hand. As we were walking down the hall a tall, blonde haired man wearing sunglasses walked right inbetween Alfie and I separating us. 

"Watch where you're walking!" Alfie yells at the man as he hurries away from us.

"Zoe that was wierd...I saw that guy yesterday staring at us from across the pool." Alfie says intertwining his fingers with mine again. 

"It was probably just a coincidence," I said really hoping it was. We finally made it to the buffet and sat down to eat. We enjoyed our meal but we both were very antsy about that guy. We went back to our room and under the door we found a crumpled note.

I suggest you watch what you say Mr. Deyes, if you care about you and your wifes health. I'm always watching. - A Friend.

Alfie read the note out loud and sat down on the bed. I sat next to him and put my hand on his back.

"Shit" Was all Alfie said before putting the note down and pacing the room.

"Alfie, It's going to be fine. It is probably just some obsessed viewer nothing bad is going to happen. This is our honeymoon lets just forget about all of this and enjoy ourselves" I say walking up to him and standing on my tippy toes to kiss him.

"Zoe, I'm not taking this lightly. You remember what happened last time we tried to blow something like this off?" He said breaking our kiss. The memories of what happened starting flashing in front of my eyes and started to shake. I layed down on the bed and curled up in a ball hoping the memories would go away. Nothing was stopping them. It was like I was reliving them again. I could hear Alfie saying my name but I couldn't get to him. I felt warm and familiar arms wrap around me and I started to calm down. The memories began to fade as I heard Alfie repeating "It's okay" into my ear as he rocked me back and forth.

"A-Alfie, I-I think we should try and avoid this guy and keep to ourselves for the rest of the t-trip" I say resting my head on his chest.

"I agree" He says into my ear. 

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