Fire Is Good.

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I got back to mine and Marcus's flat pretty late. When I walked through the door I was hit with the smell of something burning. I yelled for Marcus and rushed to the kitchen finding the stove and the cabinets on fire. Marcus walked out from his room and yawned he saw then saw the fire and started freaking out.

I turned on the faucet grabbed the nozzle of the sink and yanked the hose spraying the fire. It didn't do much though. Mainly because Marcus being the genius he is grabbed a blanket and starting hitting the fire which only caught the blanket on fire and then he threw into the living room lighting the couch on fire.

While calling the fire department I ran to my room grabbed my laptop, camera, and some clothes and left the house leaving Marcus packing up his things.

By the time the firefighters got there the whole apartment was torched. Everything was gone and we had no place to go. Marcus called our friends and I called Zoe telling her what happened. No matter how much I tried to protest she said she was rushing up to london to see me.


When Zoe got here she raced out of her car and ran over to me gripping me in a hug as tight as her tiny arms would let her.

"Oh my god, Alfie I am so glad you are okay!" She said with tears streaming down her face.

"Zoe it's okay. I'm perfectly fine." I hugged her back just to let her know everything was okay.

"Where are you going to stay now?" she asked starting to calm down.

"I actually haven't thought that far yet" I said laughing

"Well if you don't find a place you could come stay at my house for a while. We have a guest bedroom you could use" she said smiling at me. I definitely wasn't going to pass on an opportunity to spend alot more time with Zoe. The only issue is seeing if Marcus is going to be okay with it.

"Thank's I'll talk to Marcus about it" I gleamed at her hoping not to seem too happy.

I walked over to Marcus and he was talking to Jim. I didn't really know him that well but he seemed like a pretty cool guy.

"Hey Marcus, I think I'm going to stay at Zoe's house for a while did you find a place to stay?" Marcus was the only one who knew about my feelings for Zoe and I knew he would think this to be funny.

"Yeah, I'm going to stay at Jim and Tanya's and about Zoe, try to get the courage to ask her out mate see you later" He said slapping me on the back and leaving with Jim.

I walked back to Zoe with a smile on my face.

"Well it seems I can't find a place so it looks like I am staying with the Suggs" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"You didn't even look did you?" she said laughing as we made our way to her car.

"No I did not" I said looking into her eyes and smiling. This was going to be amazing. All I had to worry about was how to ask Zoe out.

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