This Is The Best Christmas Ever!

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It was Christmas Eve and I was helping Zoe make cookies. We were having everyone over on christmas day

"Alfie, don't just stand there give me the dough!" Zoe says.

"Oh... sorry" I say. She hits me with the rolling pin and laughs. 

"Oi! That hurt!" I say rubbing my back where she wacked me.

"Oh be quiet you baby!" She says kissing me. 

"Ew, What did I tell you guys?!" Joe says making a disgusted face. I laugh.

We finish making the cookies and Joe, Zoe and I decorate the christmas tree. We filmed a video about it and most if it was just us goofing off. Joe broke several ornaments and Zoe yelled at him while I just laughed. 

"Zoe, Alfie!" We hear Joe yell. We turn around to see Joe inside the Christmas Tree shaking the tree around.

"Joseph! Get out of the tree!" Zoe yells acting as if Joe was her 4 year old son.

"Don't tell me what to do! I do what i want!" Joe yells climbing out of the tree and pushing Zoe playfully on to the couch. Zoe laughs and I go to grab a cookie. 

"Alfie! Don't touch those! They are for tomorrow!" Zoe yells.

"Fine" I say dropping it on the plate.

"Since tomorrow is Christmas I am going to go to bed early!" Joe announces walking up the stairs.

"Me too" Zoe says yawning. She starts walking up the stairs and I follow close behind.


Waking up I realized it was Christmas. My eyes instantly shot open and I starting shaking Alfie getting him to wake up.

"ALFIE! IT"S CHRISTMAS!" I felt like I was 5 but I really didn't care. It was Christmas! Now was the time to act like a kid.

"Ughhh" He said rolling over. I shook his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" He says jolting up, knocking me off the bed.

"Ow" I say laughing.

"Ohh sorry love. You scared me" He says standing and helping me up.

We get dressed and I run into Joe's room and start jumping on his bed.

"Joseph!!! It's Christmas! Wake up!" I yell.

"Christmas!" He says jumping up and running down the stairs.

"Wait for us!" I yell grabbing Alfie's arm pulling him down the stairs.


"This is from me Zoe" Alfie says handing me a small box with red wrapping paper. I open it and find a heart necklace with the words Forever and Always Alfie + Zoe. It so amazing I throw my arms around him with excitement and ask him to help me put it on. He says of course and puts the necklace around me. 

"It's my turn now. Alfie, This is from me" I say pulling out the little bag from under the tree.

He starts to open it and pulls out the bracelet. I see his face instantly light up as he puts it around his wrist. 

"I love it!" He says pulling me into a hug. 

"Wait. I think you missed something in my present" He says pointing to the box. I give him a confused look and notice a small piece of paper stuffed into the side. It says Go upstairs and look in our bedroom closet. I smile at Alfie and we both start walking towards the stairs.

We get to the bedroom and I open the closet door and see a pink suitcase and a blue suitcase in front of me. "Look at the tag" Alfie says pointing to the pink one. I look at it and it says Look in the front pocket. I follow the instructions and find 2 all access passes to Playlist Live in Floridia. 

"Alfie!" I squeal with excitement. I jump into his arms and kiss him.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"I love it so much! This is amazing!" I say still hugging him.


Zoe absolutely loved the Playlist Live tickets. I was so happy she liked it. I noticed my phone was ringing so I told Zoe I would be right back and I walked into the living room. 

"Hello, Is this Alfred Deyes?" I hear from the phone.

"Yes, This is him" I answer with confusion.

"This is the officer David, We have arrested Jack and Finn Harries and we need you and Zoey Sugg to come to court in 2 weeks."

"We will definetly be there officer" I say excitedly. The cop explains what is going on and then hangs up. I sprint out of my room and straight into the kitchen to get Zoe.

"Guess what?" I say gleaming at her.

"What?" She asks confused.

"They arrested Jack and Finn last night!" I say hugging her.

"You're kidding me!" She says shocked.

"I'm being serious!" I say picking her up and spinning her around.

"This has got to be the best Christmas ever!" She squeals burying her face in my shirt.

"And it's not even over yet!" I say putting her back down.

We hear the doorbell ring so we go and get it. Louise, Marcus, Jim and Tanya are outside.

"Chummy!!" Louise yells running past me and towards Zoe.

"Here we go again" I say laughing. We all greet each other and head into the living room.

"Did she like the Playlist Live passes?" Marcus asks me.

"Yeah she loved them" I say smiling.

Zoe, Tanya and Louise make dinner while Marcus, Jim, Joe and I played Call Of Duty.

"So I'm guessing #Malfie is over" Marcus says pretending to be sad.

"Sorry mate, but Zoe is just so much better than you" I say laughing.

"Way to let a guy down easy Alfie" Jim says pretending to comfort Marcus.

"I'm not going to lie she is pretty hot Alfie" Marcus says.

"Guys! Shut up! She's my sister!" Joe yells.

"It's not me! I'm engaged!" Jim says throwing his hands in the air.

"Oops" Marcus says shrugging his shoulders. I laugh at the 2 of them.

"Can we just get back to playing? I intend to kick your arse Marcus!" Joe says unpausing the game.

"I doubt that!" Marcus yells.

After a while Zoe comes into the room and says dinner is ready. We all get up and head into the dining room being greeted by a table full of delicious looking food.

"This looks amazing!" I say in shock.

"Yeah" The guys say in agreement. We all immediatley sit down and gorge ourselves in the perfect tasting food. We finish eating and go into the living room to watch some christmas movies. Everyone slept over that night and we all slept in the living on the floor. It was the first time in a while I felt like a kid. 

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