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Alfie and I were on our way to the airport to go to Playlist Live. I absolutely couldn't wait. This was going to be my first time in America and I knew it was goig to be special because I was going with Alfie. 

"Zoe, we're here!" Alfie says getting out of the car.

"Alfie, This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait!" I say getting out. With a smirk, Alfie gets our bags and starts walking towards the entrance. We find the terminal and are waiting when we are bombarded Jacksgap fans.

"We know what you did!" A large short girl said angrily.

"What you are talking about?" Alfie says confused.


"They are in prison because of their poor choices. We only let the police know about them." Alfie says completely calm.

"Flight 214 for Floridia is now boarding" We hear over the intercom.

"Goodbye ladies" Alfie says, taking my hand leading me to the gate. I can't help but turn around and find that the main girl is flipping me off. I squeeze Alfie's hand as we get onto the plane.

For most of the plane ride all I could think about was how upset those girls were. I bet there were going to be a ton more at Playlist Live. I looked over and saw Alfie asleep on my shoulder. I smiled and decided I would get some well needed sleep.


The plane landed while I was watching a movie on my laptop. I nudged Zoe but she groaned at me.

"Zoe, we've landed" I whisper to her.

"Really?" Zoe says looking around.

"No we are still in England. Of course we!" I say sarcastically.

We get off the plane and go get a taxi to the hotel. I look out the window of the cab and notice everything looks like the meaning of summer. My face is glued to the window the entire ride.

We pull up the hotel and I get our bags out of the back. I look up at the magnificent building that is our hotel and am taken aback.

"It looks alot better in person than it does online" I say still staring.

"Yeah" Zoe responds as fixated on the building as I am.

"Could I take your baggage sir?" A bellhop asks.

"Yeah uh Thanks" I say, handing the bags to him.

We walk into the lobby hand in hand. We see Dan, Phil, Jim, Tanya, Louise, Caspar, Marcus and Sam. We all have a mini UK youtuber reunion until we are shooed out to the pool area by the staff.

"You know what we should do?" Caspar says with a suspicious grin.

"What?" Jim asks.

"Night swimming!" Caspar yells throwing his shirt off and jumping into the huge pool.

"Sounds like a great idea!" Marcus says jumping in. Sam, Dan, Phil follow him screaming while jumping in.

"Looks like we are going in now!" Jim says grabbing Tanya and jumping in, pulling both of them into the pool. I smile at Zoe and grab her. 

"No! Alfie don't!" She yells. but it was to late I already was in the midst of jumping. I resurface and start laughing. I look around but Zoe hasn't come back up yet.

"Guys, Did Zoe come up?" I ask. Everyone looks around and shakes there heads no. I start to panic.

"BOO!" I hear before being grabbed by tiny arms. I spin around and Zoe is there laughing at me.

"You were scared" She says laughing.

"I thought you were still under the water" I say pulling her close.

"Chill out Alf, I'm fine" She says pushing me playfully away.

"Did you guys here what happened to Jack and Finn?" Caspar asks. 

"Caspar that is a touchy subject.." Jim says hitting Caspar in the back of the head.

"It's fine Jim. He doesn't know" Zoe says alot calmer than I expected.

"I don't know what?" Caspar says confused. Zoe looks at me as if to tell me to explain

"For those of you who don't know, Zoe was... I guess you could say attacked by the twins and we had them arrested" I say putting my arm around her.

"Oh... Zoe, I'm so sorry" Caspar says.

"It's fine Caspar, Can we all just focus on the happy things this week like the fact we get to meet all our fans!" Zoe says happily.

After a little while we all decide to head up to our rooms. When we walk in there is a huge piano and everything looks awesome. I tweet about the piano and lay down on the bed. Zoe does something on her phone then joins me. 

"This is going to be the coolest week ever" She says rolling over to look at me. 

"I know" I say staring into her blue eyes. She curls up under the duvet and we lay there in silence until we both fall asleep.

*** AUTHOR'S NOTE *** 

Hello wonderful people! How is it going? I know this isn't the most eventful chapter but I am trying to write with really slow internet connection so please bear with me. Tumblr isn't helping either. I'm getting way to distracted by the Zalfie tag hahaha. 

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