I Don't Remember

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The car ride home from the hospital was the longest in my life. I was hurting, physically and emotionally. Nobody had told me what happened to Zoe after I passed out and frankly I wouldn't ask. I looked down at mine and Zoe's intertwined hands and saw the rings. I noticed Zoe looking at them too. Without saying a word she kissed me and laid her head on my shoulder.


Louise stayed with us for a couple days after coming home from the hospital to make sure we were okay. I liked that she stayed with us only that I didn't get alone time with Zoe because I had to sleep on the couch.

My leg was now getting better and I could somewhat walk on it, Zoe's cast is covered in signatures from all our friends and I think the concussion screwed up Joe's head even more than it already was. I laughed at the thought grabbed my crutches and went to the kitchen.

"Alfie!" Zoe yells from the dining room.

"Coming" I say hobbling to the room.

"Do you think this looks like a good idea for the wedding cake?" Zoe says looking at a wedding magazine.

"I was actually thinking we could have more of a private wedding with just the 2 of us and a couple of our friends. I'm not big on parties" I say btiing my lip.

"Ohh well we can do that but we still need a cake" She says laughing at me.

"Louise actually called earlier and said that she wanted our cake to be surprise for the both of us"

"I'm going to call her right now to figure out what else she is doing for our wedding." She says grabbing her phone and leaving the room. 

"Wait! Do you want to tell the viewers about the engagement?" I call after her.

"Oh yeah I forgot about." She says turning around and walking back towards me. I grab her hand that has the ring on it and put mine right besides hers and take a picture.

"Here. I'll post it on all the sites right now." I say.

"Thanks babe" She says kissing me on the cheek then leaving the room. I grin and post it. I sit my phone down and ignore the hate comments. While getting up I notice Joe shouting from the garden. 

"Joe! Are you alright mate?" I yell walking out the back door.

"If by alright you mean getting stung by a wasp then yes I am fine" He says rubbing a welt that was starting to form on his arm.

"How did you get stung by a wasp?" I say laughing.

"Well I was trying to move this chair because I didn't like where it was sitting and there was a wasp flying around my head so I tried to hit it with the chair and missed so it stung me then flew off" He says sitting down in the chair.

"You tried hitting it...with a chair?" 

"Yeah it seemed like a logical decision" He says putting on sunglasses and leaning back. Yeah he is really screwed up in the head.

"Well ugh you have fun with that" I say going back inside. Well that was very wierd. I sit down on the couch and grab my laptop. I start editing a video while listening to One Direction.

 *************   1 MONTH LATER   *************** 


The wedding was getting alot closer now and I was started to get really stressed. Louise said she would take care of everything except for the dresses and the colors I wanted. Even though that doesn't sound like alot it really is. I had already decided on the colors I just needed to go dress shopping. Louise was picking me up later to go. Alfie walks into the livingroom and sits down on the couch. He grins at me and inches closer.

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