The Collaboration

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Joe left and Zoe led me up to her room where we were going to film the video.

"Zoe, why didn't you tell Joe about what happened?" I didn't understand why she kept it to herself.

"It's really difficult to just talk about it Alfie and besides I'm not really good at talking to people about what's going on with me" She sighed and sat next to me on her bed. Before I could respond she changed the subject.

"So what did you want to do for the collab?" I didn't want to make her upset so I went along with it.

"How about we do each other's makeup?" I said smiling.

"That sounds like a great idea!" She said laughing.

"Well first you need to take off the makeup you are already wearing"

"I could say the same for you" She said going towards the bathroom.

"I don't need makeup my face is just naturally beautiful!" I cupped my hands around my face and made a pose.

"So you're calling me not beautiful?" She laughed and pretended to be mad at my comment.

"No your very beautiful Miss Sugg" What she didn't know was that I really meant it.

"Well thank you Mr. Deyes" She said smiling at me.


When she walked out of the bathroom she looked even more beautiful without makeup on. I couldn't help but stare.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

"Uhh nothing lets start the video" Hopefully she didn't think I was making fun of her.

I turned on the camera and did my usual what's up guys! I introduced Zoe and commenced to doing her makeup. Being this close to her face made me desperately want to kiss her. Though me and my awkwardness would not allow it.

After I finished doing her makeup we decided she would do my makeup on her channel. She had the great idea of turning me into a clown. I protested but she shut me up by turning on the camera. I kept looking over at her and staring at her lips I still really wanted to kiss her but I refused to let myself do it.

"Alfie, get a mirror to look at yourself....ALFIE!" She snapped in front of my face.

"Huh what? Oh yeah okay" I hope she didn't notice me staring.

"What do you think?" She said giggling.

"I look horrible! How do you even have a beauty channel? The makeup I did on you looked much better!" I said sarcastically.

"We'll let the viewers decide that one! Go and check out my video where he does my makeup than comment Zoe is better or Alfie is better."

"You know I'm going to win right?" I said laughing at her.

"I highly doubt it!" She smiled and we said goodbye and turned off the camera.

"Wow that took forever!" she said flopping back on to the bed.

"Yes it did!" I said laying down next to her.

She turned to face me on the bed and smiled. I saw my chance and leaned in to kiss her. My heart started to beat super fast and right before our lips touched Joe walked in and we jumped apart. Talk about a mood killer.

"Oh sorry, am I interupting something?" Joe asked.

"No, I was just leaving uh bye Zoe" I said quickly moving to her bedroom door.

"Bye Alfie" she mumbled from behind me.

As I pulled away from her house I thought about it more. I can't believe that almost just happened. She probably doesn't even like me back. I need to seriously control myself.


He almost kissed me. I can't believe it. I thought he only liked me as a friend. Well I guess not if that almost happened. I smiled to myself but then remembered what happened last time I fell for a guy.


I was scrolling through my twitter feed when I saw a tweet from one of my fans saying they saw Wilf with another girl. I looked at the picture only thinking I would see a photoshopped picture of him with something stupid. Then I noticed it wasn't photoshopped. Thinking over how he was ignoring and blowing me off for the past few weeks made me realize my fans were probably right. Tears started to form in my eyes and I started to text Wilf.

Me: Have you been hiding something from me?

Wilf: No why would you say that?

Me: I don't know maybe because of this picture of you and some chick kissing.

He didn't text back instead he called.

"Listen Babe that isn't me! I swear! I would never cheat on you! You can trust me!" I could hear him desperately trying to find the right words to say.

"First of all, Don't call me babe ever! Second of all, We're done don't ever speak to me again."

I hung up before he had the chance to respond. My phone was blowing up with texts and call's from him saying he made a mistake and we could get past this, but I was done. I crawled under the duvet on my bed, curled into a ball and cried for hours. I promised myself that day I would never let myself get hurt like that ever again.


I couldn't let the past stop me from doing what I wanted to do and Alfie would never hurt me like Wilf did right?

Snapping me out of my train of thought. Joe walked back into my room and started singing.

"Zoe and Alfie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" He laughed and continued.


"Shut up Joe! He isn't my boyfriend! And we didn't kiss! We just....almost did." I yelled at him.

"All I have to say is that I approve. Especially because of him protecting you from those Harries boys." he said walking out of my room.

"Well thanks because I approve too!" I laughed and fell asleep thinking of Alfie.

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