Do you even know how to shoot a gun?

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 "Alfie, What do you think they are going ot make us film about?" I asked as the men lead us to the filming room.

"I honestly don't know." Alfie said with his head down. We walked into the filming room and I was left in awe at the looks of it. It was huge with a giant green screen. It was like walking onto a TV show set. Everthing was super high tech. We were tied to two chairs in front of the green scream facing the camera.

"So today we are filming about everything that is going with you two and how you are doing." LC said walking in.

"What are we supposed to say?" Alfie asked. 

"The truth. Anything that will rip their hearts out and want them to save you." He said. Everyone then left leaving Alfie and I to talk to the camera.

"What's up guys?...." Alfie said trying to sound cheerful but failing. He looked at me expecting me to do my intro.

"Hello everyone.." I said.

"Guy's I don't know how to say this but while on our honeymoon Zoe and I were kidnapped. We are supposed to be making this video to tell you whats going on but I don't even know. I'm so terrified of whats going to happen.." Alfie said breaking into sobs.

"Louise, Tanya, Jim, Marcus, Caspar, Joseph, Dad and our wonderful viewers. I don't know when I will be making a new video or when I will see you again but I love you all so much." I said looking at the ground beginning to cry. Alfie wiped his tears on his sleeve.

"Please never stop looking for us...please." Alfie said. The men then came back in and undid our bindings. Alfie immediatley through his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.



LC had started an Indiegogo campaign to "fund the search party" for us, Zoe was also starting to show and I was just biding my time until I got the chance to escape. 

"I have great news everyone! We are halfway to reaching our goal for the campaign!" LC said coming into our room. 

"Great." Zoe said sarcastically. I grinned at her response.

"You'll be happy to know that I am giving you two a free day. You are allowed to wander the facility but if you feel the need to escape I have guards posted everywhere and they are armed." He said leaving. Zoe and I looked at each other and smiled. I grabbed her and pulled her close.

"We will get out of here today okay and whatever happens I love you with all my heart Zoe Elizabeth Sugg." I whispered into her ear. She grinned at me.

"I love you too Alfred Sydney Deyes." She whispered into my ear. I grabbed her hand and led her out into the hallway and found a guard that had keys. I nodded at Zoe and she nodded back.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"What do you want?" The guard asked irritated.

"I want to show you something." I said flatly.

"What?" He said rolling his eyes.

I took a deep breath. "This." I uppercutted him in the nose releasing all of my built up anger from the past month. He was knocked out instantly. I kneeled down and grabbed his keys and gun. I smiled at Zoe and went to find the nearest exit.

"Do you even know how to shoot a gun?" She asked.

"No but I'm going to try." I said continuing to walk. We approached an exit. There were 3 men blocking our path to the outside. I clutched Zoe's hand and shot 3 times miraculously hitting each of them. I ran to the door and fumbled with the keys as an alarmed sounded causing guards to appear running straight at us. I gripped Zoe's hand and ran through the door as my eyes adjusted I saw we were in a forest. Continuing to run I looked back and saw tons of guards aiming their guns at us and shooting.

"Keep running no matter what!" I yelled to Zoe running beside me.I then noticed that she wasn't holding my hand anymore and was on the ground clutching her leg. Without thinking I ran back scooped her up wedding style and carried her away. 

After running for what felt like forever we finally lost them. I set Zoe down and went to examine her leg. The blood was soaking through her jeans so I ripped a sleeve off my t-shirt and wrapped it right above the wound. 

"Alfie... I'm tired." Zoe said cringing in pain.

"No Zoe. You can't sleep." I said. I saw her eyes beginning to close and I started to panic.

"Zoe! Stay with me! It's gonna be okay! Everything will be fine!" I yelled scooping her up and running hoping to find something, anything that would help her. I felt tears beginning to block my vision as I could vaguely see a parking lot in the distance. I broke through the trees and fell to my knees with Zoe in my arms in the parking lot. 

"Help! Someone! My wife! She's been shot!" I scream over and over. A man runs over and calls an ambulance. I hold Zoe's limp body in my arms sobbing. My world was crumbling right in front of me and there was not a damn thing I could do about it. 

"Wake up Zoe.... Please. I need you.... I can't continue without you Zoe. You can't leave me. You can't. I love you so much." I say beginning to lose hope. The ambulance finally arrives and takes her and me to the hospital. 


I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. I was not normally a religious person but I was praying that she would make it out alive.

"Mr. Deyes?" I heard someone say. 

"Yes." I said getting up.

"Your wife is going to make it." He said with a smile on his face. I was speechless.

"Would you like to see her?" He asked. I just nodded and followed him back to her room. She was in her room not yet awake with a bandage wrapped around her leg.

"Zoe.." I said sitting in a chair beside her bed. I clutched her hand and smiled.

"Thank you for saving her doctor."

"We didn't save her. You did, If you hadn't tied that t-shirt around her leg to stop the bleeding she wouldn't be here." The doctor said leaving. I saw her eyes beginning to open and I held my breath.

"Alfie.. Where am I?" She asked.

"We're in the hospital Zoe. We got away." I said beginning to cry tears of joy. She wrapped her arms around me and grinned. 

"We got away." I repeated trying to convince myself that it was true.

**** AUTHOR'S NOTE ****

My first fanfiction has now come to an end. I hope you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it. If you want to read other stories by me I am writing a Troyler fanfiction and a Zalfie fanction if you are interested. I love all of you wonderful people. *group hug*

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