You're Like a Family!

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I woke up with Alfie's arms wrapped around me. I rolled over to see his face and he was still fast asleep. I know I sound creepy but he is so cute when he is asleep, he just seems at peace with everything. For the first time in my life I really feel content. Right now I wish I could wake up like this every morning.

It killed me to get out of that bed but I knew I had to go and make Darcy breakfast. I made it down to the kitchen and starting cooking pancakes. The aroma must have filled the house because Alfie was now making his way into the kitchen with Darcy on his hip. 

"Goodmorning!" Aflie said, spinning around me putting his finger into the pancake batter and eating it.

"Goodmorning and don't eat the batter it will make you sick!" I say trying to sound as serious as possible. 

"It's fine, I never get sick!" He said putting down Darcy in her highchair and puffing up his chest. I start to laugh and he grins at me.

I finish making the pancakes as Alfie attempts to have a conversation with a half asleep Darcy. We all sit down to eat when Alfie has a brilliant idea.

"Hey Darcy! You know what we should do today? We should go to the park!" Alfie says as Darcy starts bouncing in her highchair yelling "Yay! The park! The park!" Me and Alfie look at each other and smile.  


We arrive at the park and Darcy pulls my arm straight to the playground. Alfie and I push her on the swing a couple times and then we go and sit on a bench nearby, though still keeping a close eye on her. 

After a little while a lady comes and sits next to us. 

"So which child is your's" she asks.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat while Alfie pulls me closer with a grin on his face.

"Oh we don't have a child, we are just babysitting that little cutie over there" he says laughing and  pointing to Darcy.

"That's a shame you two look like great parents" she says smiling while getting up. After she walks away Alfie starts to talk.

"You know, I think we would be great parents" He says. I look at him in shock.

"Aflie! We are just dating I really don't think we should be talking about children" I say starting to get angry.

"Woah! Chill out I'm just saying that eventually we would be good parents. Just look at how Darcy adores you and how she thinks I'm the funniest thing on the planet" He looks at me with almost a sense of regret as he moves his arm from around me and back to his side.

"Oh.. I'm sorry I didn't realize you meant it that way" I say awkwardly. We sit there in silence for around an hour until Darcy runs up to us and grabs our hands and starts pulling us.

"Darcy! Where are we going?" I say going with her.

"Ice cream!" she yells before trying even more desperatly to get us to move faster.

"I'll race you to the truck!" Alfie says to Darcy letting go of her hand and jogging ahead of us. Darcy starts to run forward and passes Alfie who is letting her win. I started to think about how Alfie and I would be great parents as I begin to run to catch up with them.


Zoe, Darcy and I got ice cream and then headed back to Louise's house. Me and Zoe held hands all the way home though we didn't say much, for the first time it seemed that actions really spoke louder than words.

It was the last day were spending at Louise's house and was going by so fast. I watched as Darcy attempted to put makeup on Zoe. I pulled out my vlogging camera and started to film.

"What's up guys! I'm hanging out with Zoe and Darcy today and as you can see we are having alot of fun, right Zoe!" I say zooming in on her face. 

"Alfie! Don't film me I look hor-" She stops as Darcy looks over at her. "Great I mean definitely film me I look amazing!" She says striking a pose. I laugh at her and turn off the camera. 

"Nice cover up" I say.

"All done!" Darcy says feeling very accomplished at her work.

"It's Alfie's turn now right?" Zoe says pulling me down onto the floor with her.

"Yes! Alfie's turn!" Darcy says turning to me with lipstick in hand.

"Oh lord" I say laughing as she begins. After a while she is done and Zoe hands me a mirror. 

"Oh... ugh wow Darcy you did an amazing job!" I say with as much enthusiasum as I can choke out. Zoe starts to take out her Iphone and takes a picture of us with Darcy and posts it on Twitter and Instagram. Tagging Louise and I in it. Fans start to flood in responding with we look like a family or ZALFIE. I smiled at the tweets but Zoe didn't think they were as funny as I did.

"Why do they have to this?! Can't they just leave us alone." She says getting mad.

"Zoe, They aren't wrong and they aren't going to leave us alone. They watch us everyday and our lives make them happy, so of course they are going to talk about us and try and get us to do things" I say trying to make her think about how much we influence our fans.

"Why do you have to be right all the time?" She says starting to smile.

"It's because I'm just a genius" I say speaking like a nerd. She starts to laugh and I start laughing too.

We spent the rest of the day joking around and watching children's shows. I had way much more fun than I expected.


Darcy fell asleep quickly and Alfie and I decided to go to bed early. I didn't object except for the fact that I did not want to get off the couch. We watched tv for a little while longer until I convinced Alfie to carry me to the room. When we got up there he laughed and said "Your bed your majesty" I laughed at him and went to the bathroom to get changed. I knew if I didn't speak up Alfie would end up sleeping downstairs and I would be alone and I was not going to let that happen.

"You can stay in here tonight if you want" I yelled through the bathroom door.

When I finish changing he is laying under the duvet half asleep. I smile and crawl under the covers moving closer to his warm body. He kisses me on the forehead like he always does and wraps his arm around me while using his other arm to turn off the light. I can't help but think to myself how lucky I am to have him.


Holy crap! All of you guys reading this still are AMAZING. Thank you again. Like really almost 2000 reads. Btw I might be gone for a couple of days because I'm leaving for vacation, but I will try and update as frequent as possible.

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