Zoe! I Won't Let Them Hurt You!

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"Zoe! Hurry up! We're gonna be late for our reservation!" I yell up the stairs. We were going to some fancy restaurant before I take her to the cliffspot.

"I'm coming!" 

"I'll be out in the car." I say walking outside. I reach into my pocket and feel the small box holding the ring. "I can do this" I tell myself. I take a deep breath and sit down in the drivers seat. I decide to call Joe and make sure everything at the cliff is set up.

"Hey Alf" Joe says out of breath through the phone.

"Hey Joe, Do you have all the lights and things set up?"

"Yeah I'm almost done it will be all ready by the time you get here. All you have to do is step on a peddle and it all comes on." 

"Thanks mate. Ohh crap I see her coming, gotta go bye" I hang up as Zoe walks out of the house. I get out and open the passenger door for her.

"Well thank you Mr. Deyes" She says getting in her side. "Hopefully you will be Mrs. Deyes soon" I think to myself.

I get into the car and start to drive. 

"Alfie, Do you think we could go to that spot by the cliff tonight after dinner?" Zoe asks. I grin and say yes thinking it will be even more of a surprise. 

We pull up to the restaurant and head inside. We sit at our booth and look at the menu.

"Hi. I'm Abby, I'll be your server this evening. Could I start you off with something to drink?" A tall, blonde girl says, not taking her eyes off me.

"Hi. Ugh..We'll just have 2 cokes" I say as Zoe nods in agreement.

"I'll be right back" The girl says winking at me as she walks away. I look at her in shock. Zoe didn't notice the girl's behavior so I ignored it.

When she returned with our drinks. We were ready to order. I go with a burger while Zoe takes a salad.

"Why would eat a salad?" I say laughing at her.

"Because it's healthy!" 

"Healthy doesn't always mean good!" 

We keep talking until our food comes.


I finish eating before Alfie so I check my iphone. I have 8 missed calls and 15 messages from everyone. They all said the same thing. "JACK AND FINN ESCAPED PRISON". I told Alfie and he said that it was very unlikely for them to even know where we were considering no one except Joe knows we are going out tonight. I agree with him and order dessert. 


"Excuse me. I'm his girlfriend" I say to the waitress getting irritated. "Soon to be fiance" I think to myself.

"And your point?" She says, chewing her gum way to loud.

"Zoe, calm down." Alfie says grabbing my hand.

"Yeah you should calm down and by the way, you could do so much better" She says to Alfie. I get up and storm out of the restaurant. I get into the car and sit trying to cool down.

"Zoe, do you want to go to the cliff now?" Alfie says getting into the car and grabbing my hand calming me down.

"Yeah" I mumble.

About 30 minutes later we pulled up to the trail and I noticed Alfie was starting to shake.

"Are you okay Alfie?" I ask concerned.

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