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Laying in my bed I thought over everything with me and Alfie. It had been a week since me and Alfie's first date and things were going completely fine. We we're acting like a couple but we really haven't discussed what our relationship was. My phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts and I saw Louise's name show up. 

"Hey Chummy!" Louise said cheerfully through the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" 

"Could you come and babysit Darcy for a few days? Matt planned a weekend getaway for just the 2 of us but he forgot about getting a sitter for Darcy" 

"Sure I'll come and watch her! What time do you need me over?" I asked.

"Does 5ish work for you? And you can bring Alfie if you want!" 

"Yeah it does and I will then!" I said excited to get to stay in a house with just me, him and Darcy. 

"Well I have to go bye Chummy!" she ended the call before I got the chance to say goodbye. 

I rushed down the stairs and found Alfie in the kitchen.

"Hey Alfie, Do you want to come with me to babysit Darcy for a few days?" I said excitedly.

"Definetly" He said smiling at me. For a moment I got lost in his perfect brown eyes. I kissed him and told him to go pack. He agreed and went up the stairs and I followed.


Me, Zoe and Darcy all in one house acting like a family. Maybe I will ask her to be my girlfriend tonight. We've already been acting like it we just need to make it official. I finished packing my stuff and went to knock on Zoe's door.

"Zoe are you ready?" I say opening the door.

"Yeah just let me finish my makeup" She says focusing on her mirror. I start making funny faces at her in the mirror and she laughs at me.

"Alfie stop it I need to finish this" She says trying not to giggle.

"Fine, give me the keys and I'll go start the car" I say holding my hand out so accept the keys.

"Here" She tosses them to me and goes back to her mirror. I sigh and go out to the car.


"We're pulling up right now" Zoe says into her phone talking to Louise.

I go to the trunk and get mine and Zoe's luggage.

"Alfie, you don't need to carry my stuff too" She said frowning at me.

"I know I don't need to but I want to"

"Well in that case thank you Mr. Deyes" She says hugging me and going towards the house.

"You're welcome Ms. Sugg" I say following her.

We go inside and Louise practically attacks Zoe with hugs.

"Chummy!" Louise yells still hugging Zoe.

I walk past the two of them and greet Matt. Zoe and Louise finishing hugging so Louise starts to tell us everything we need to know.

"By the way Chummy there is only one bedroom so Alfie is going to have to sleep on the couch" Louise said. I saw her wink at Zoe and I wondered what that meant. Louise continued speaking but I tuned out and started looking at the room.

The house had a very cozy and homey feel to it and I liked it. Darcy ran out of her room and jumped on Zoe. 

"Zoe! I missed you so much!" She yelled begging for Zoe to pick her up.

"I missed you too Darcy!" Zoe said hugging her. Matt and Louise said goodbye and got in their car. 

"Say bye to Mummy!" Zoe told Darcy. I laughed and closed the door after Darcy said goodbye.

"So what do you want to do Darcy?" I asked her as Zoe put her down.

"I wanna play!" she said running into her room.


We spent all day playing with Darcy and she was asleep by 6. Zoe and I were now laying on the couch watching a movie and eating popcorn. Zoe get's a call and asks if I mind if she answers it. I say its fine and she leaves the room. I keep watching and after a while I notice she has been gone for a long time so I go into the bedroom and find her crying her face down into the pillow.

"Zoe what's wrong?" I say sitting down on the bed.

"It was just my mom.." she says sitting up still crying.

"What did she say?" I ask her.

"She was drunk and said that I was a worthless and I needed to get a real job instead of making videos for the internet and then she called me a whore saying that I needed to stop spending all my time with boys who she apparently knows I'm all sleeping with" She begins to sob again so I lay down next to her.

"Zoe look at me, your mom is completely wrong. First off you aren't worthless you have a great job and it isn't as easy as she thinks it is. And second, you are anything but a whore. I know that for a fact. You can't listen to her, she doesn't understand how amazing of a person you are" I pull her into my shirt and don't let her go.

"Thank you Alfie, I feel alot better" she says. I let her go and start to leave feeling like the happiest person in the world.

"Alfie wait." She asks sitting up.

"Yeah Zoe"

"Would you mind staying in here tonight I don't want to be alone.." She says wiping away the rest of her tears.

"Okay" I feel a smile starting to form on my lips as I get into the bed.

As soon as we turn the lights off she curls up into my side and instantly falls asleep. I wrap my arm around her petite body and slowly drift to sleep with a smile on my face.

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