The Park

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WOAH! Over 800 reads! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this! This is my first fanfiction and I definitley intend to write more! Anyways back to the story.....


Alfie and I are going to the park today! I'm so excited I can't wait! I decide to put on my favorite pair of disco pants and a big sweater. I do my makeup like usual and call Louise.

"CHUMMY!" I yell into the phone excited!

"What is it?" she said laughing.

"Have you heard of a thing called Zalfie yet?" I ask.

"OH MY GOD! ITS ALL OVER TWITTER AND I DEFINITLEY SHIP IT!" She said yelling into the phone with excitement.

I lowered my voice so Alfie couldn't here. "I do too! We are going to the park today and I am going to confess my feelings and ask him out!" 

"When you get back you have to tell me everything!" 

"I will I promise and I have to go I don't want to keep Alfie waiting! BYE!" I laughed as I hung up rushing downstairs to find Alfie waiting at the door wearing a hoodie, skinny jeans and a pair of vans. He saw me and smiled then he started biting his lip nervously. I wonder what's wrong with him? I ignored it thinking it was nothing and focused on how I was going to ask him out.


Zoe and I got into her car and I turned on the radio. A One Direction song came on and without thinking I instantly started humming along. I heard Zoe humming it and I laughed. She was so cute sometimes.

"What's so funny?" She said looking at me.

"Oh nothing. It's just that I didn't know you were a directioner" I said still laughing.

"I didn't know you that you were one either" She said starting to giggle.

"Well I'm a bigger one than you!" I said turning up the radio.

"I doubt that!" She said yelling over top of the music.

We both starting singing at the top of our lungs knowing all the words. After the song we were bothing breathing heavy and laughing hysterically. I was having so much fun I didn't want this car ride to end.

"I think it was a tie" I managed to say inbetween my heavy breathes.

"I agree" She said grinning from ear to ear at me.

We pulled up to the park and I rushed over to her side of the car to open the door for her. 

"Well thank you Mr. Deyes" She said.

"Your are very welcome Ms. Sugg" I said. I started getting butterflies in my stomach. What if she says no and leaves? What if I ruin our friendship and she never talks to me again? Stop Alfie. No Negative. The worst thing she can do is reject you. 

We make our way over to the playground and we take a seat on the swings.

"Hey can I ask you something?" We both say at the same time. 

"You go ahead" We both say again. We start laughing.

"No you" We both say. I stop talking and point at her signaling for her to go.

"Okay umm I have liked you for a while now and I was wondering" she takes a deep breath and looks down. "if you would go out on a date with me tomorrow night?" Im speechless and I look at her with a shocked expression.

"I'm sor-" She starts to tear up but I cut her off and start talking.

"I like you too and of course I will go on a date with you! As a matter of fact I was going to ask you to go on a date with me tomorrow but you beat me to it" I say laughing while wiping a tear from her cheek.

She smiles and hugs me. "That is such a relief I thought you were going to say no" 

"I thought the same thing! I could have sworn you friendzoned me" I said smiling. This is the happiest day of my life. My dream girl is going on a date with me!


He said YES! I honestly cant believe it! I have got to text Louise.




"Hey do you want to get some ice cream?" He asked pointing to a ice cream van across the park.

"Hell yeah!" I say cheerfully. We start walking over to the van and I realize he is holding my hand. I look down as casually as possible and smile. I love how just touching him makes me feel so safe. 

"What kind do you want?" He asks snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Ugh I'll have chocolate on a cone please" I say.

"I'll have the same please" 

We got our ice creams and were walking hand in hand to a bench when we got stopped by fans. I instantly dropped his hand but they already saw.





Usually fans coming up to me didn't bother me but they ruined my day with Alfie. Alfie and I reluctantly agreed for a picture while dodging all questions about Zalfie. 

After the girls finally left we decided to go home.

"Alfie I think we should keep public affection to a minimum for a while okay?" As much as it pained me to say it I knew it was for the best and I hoped he would agree.

"I completely agree. The fans would go wild if they saw us together!" He said laughing.

We got back into the car and started holding hands singing to One Direction all the way home.


"Do you want to watch Aladdin?" Zoe said excitedly curling up close to me on the couch.

"Definitley!" I would watch anything if it meant being this close to her.

"Yay! This is my all time favorite Disney movie! I love the whole street rat thing!" She said looking up at me.

"Why do you like that?" I said chuckling.

"I have know idea." She said getting up.

"Do you want any popcorn?" She asked moving towards the kitchen

"Yes please!" I follow her just because I hate the thought of her being out there by herself. I've been very protective of her since the incident with Jack and Finn.

She finished making the popcorn and we sat back down to watch the movie. She dozed off about halfway through the movie with her head in my lap. I carried her back up to her room and kissed her forehead goodnight. I went back to my room and fell asleep with a smile on face still in shock I was going to go on a date with her tomorrow.

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