Alfie, What Are You Staring At?

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"Wake up!!!" I heard someone yell into my ear.

"Ughhh" I open my eyes and notice that Louise was standing over Zoe and I with her camera. 

"Good morning lovebirds!" She said with a huge smile on her face snapping a picture of my frustrated face.

"Alfie, What's going on?" Zoe says looking around, still up against me. 

"Louise! Oh my god! I'm sorry!" She yells pushing off of me and rushing towards the bathroom.

"It's alright Chummy! I knew this was going to happen, but you didn' anything did you?" She says getting a disgusted look on her face.

I look at her in shock. "What? No! We didn't do anything!" I yell getting up and putting my pants on.

"Well then why are you in here and not on the couch?" She says looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"I had a panic attack and Alfie came to make me feel better and we fell asleep" Zoe says walking out the bathroom hanging her head low. I knew Zoe hated lying to Louise but I guess she felt like she had no choice.

"Oh.... I'm sorry Zoe I had no idea" Louise says pulling Zoe into a hug.

"It's alright and we'll be out of here right after we get changed" Zoe says as Louise leaves the room.

"You didn't have to lie to her" I say, putting my stuff into a suitcase. 

"Yes I did, I would never hear the end of it if she found out I asked you to stay in here with me." She said pulling me into a hug and kissing me. I was a little taken a back by how straight forward she was but I didn't question it. I kissed her back and then pushed her back a little bit. " I think we should get our stuff packed" I say smiling at her. 


Zoe decided she wanted to drive back. So I sat in the passenger seat plugging my Iphone into the car getting it to play Kiss You by One Direction which was our song. As soon as I turned it on Zoe laughed and started singing. I started singing too and fist pumped out the window making Zoe laugh even louder. I would do anything to keep her laughing like that forever. 

After the One Direction song we sat and talked about our parents. I told her about how my mom owned her own clothing store in Brighton and I didn't know my dad. Zoe told me her dad was a businessman and made a ton of money though he rarely shared any of it with Joe and her besides getting them the house to stay at. Zoe steared clear of the topic of her mom and I knew why so I didn't ask. 

"Oh god. I forgot!!" She said smacking the stearing the wheel.

"What?" I ask confused.

"My dad is having this family reunion this weekend and I completely forgot! Ughh and what's even worse is my mom is going to be there" She said smacking her forehead.

"It's okay you can make it one day" I say reaching for her hand and squeezing it.

"You don't know her Alfie. She will wreck me in one day." She says starting to shake.

"It's fine. I'll go with you" I say trying to reassure her everything was going to be fine. 

"Really?" She says looking at me.

"Yeah of course I will! That's what boyfriends are for right?" I say laughing. Wait. I just said boyfriend. I never asked her about that. Oh no.

"Yay! This will be much better with my boyfriend there" She puts emphasize on the word boyfriend just to get to me. She said it so I guess that means she is my girlfriend.

We pull up to Zoe's house and I get our bags out the back and bring them inside. I bring them up the stairs and put them in my room. I head back downstairs and take a seat on the couch next to Joe who is watching an old rerun of Dr. Who. 

"So, Are you dating my sister yet?" Joe asks turning to me.

"Uhh... yeah you could say that we are.... together actually" I say starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well you better not hurt or do anything to her because it happened once already and I will not watch her go through that again." Joe says getting that defensive brother look on his face. I sit there in silence not exactly sure what to say. 

"I'm just kidding mate! I know you of all people would never hurt her! I'm just glad she picked a good guy this time" He says smacking my arm.

"Haha yeah... uhh I think I'm going to go to bed now" I quickly walk out of the room leaving Joe staring after me. I go to find Zoe and explain to her what just happened. I go out to the garden and find Zoe sunbathing in a bikini. I stop dead in my tracks and stare. 

"Alfie what are you staring at?" She says taking off her sunglasses.

"I was looking at the view from back here it's great" I say faking a smile. 

"Oh.. okay, you should come sit down with me" She says pointing to a seat right next to her. 

"You know what Joe just told me" I say sitting down in the chair.

"What?" She says slipping her sunglasses back on.

"He said that he approved of me being your boyfriend and that he didn't want to watch you get hurt again but I didn't really know what that meant" I say looking at her. She looks at me with raised eyebrows. 

"He said that? And I really don't want to get into the issue of my past boyfriend" She said looking down.

"It's okay I completely understand and yeah he did" I say a smile on my face.

We layed there in silence hand in hand for the rest of the day just enjoying each others company.


Well I stayed up and wrote this for you wonderful people. I know it's only in Alfie's POV but I wanted to stick with just him for a little bit. I can't wait to write the next chapter I'm trying my hardest to keep updating everyday. :D

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