part 4

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Jasmine's POV:

I was in Matthew's laundry room having already completed the tasks that needed doing before Matthew wanted to see me upstairs. I made dinner, and I just put mia to bed and said goodnight, leaving the only thing left to do was the washing.

I was still dreading talking to him,he intimidated me,a lot the way he initiated everything and dominated most of our conversations, my heart to busy racing and my head to busy spinning to even comprehend the words whenever he talked.

Since he had kissed me a few hours ago,I could only assume that he wanted to continue whatever we had,but the only thing that was niggling at the back of my mind was why me??
Why did he want me? I'm nothing special I'm just a student, a babysitter a kid who works 2 job because her mom and dad are not together and she needs to save money to go to collage. I'm not even that pretty, my brown hair is always a mess and I'm not special. Its all baffled me, the reason why he would want me. He was so attractive himself, I've seen the way women react to him, their jaws hang low and they stare and whisper and flirt I've seen it all too many times why wouldn't he want any of them? He was perfectly capable of getting anyone he wanted, his looks and charm and his lips able to obtain anything he laid his eyes on, so why me?

I was picking you the laundry and putting them into 2 piles. I don't think Matthew ever did his own laundry, the basket full of his clothes all spilling from it. Hr could probably go a month without doing any washing and still have so many clean clothes left to wear..

I started with his shirts and pants aimlessly flinging his Shirts that smelled like his Cologne into the machine, before digging my hands through the pockets of his trousers to check for anything before they went into the washer. I found funny things in Matthews pockets. Which always made doing the washing so entertaining.
I found a handwritten notes from his female co - workers I would give them to him laughing hysterically when his nostrils flared in anger,and his cheeks turned red from embarrassment, he would snatched it from me my hand as I clutched my stomach in pain from laughing, growling at me to never speak of the incident again.
After that, he always made sure to clean his pockets of anything that would make me think any less of him, which wasn't great for me because that meant doing the washing was now less entertaining.

I climbed the top of the stairs once I had finished the laundry, my feet moving quietly so I would be able to give myself some time to prepare before going into his bedroom. My heart was beating hard against my chest my pulse being. The only thing I could hear in the eerie hallway I could hear papers rustling from Matthews room, he was probably doing work even though he said he was tired when he came home,and looked the part he was never good at controlling himself when it came to his work.

I stepped in front of his door, gently pushing it open to fine him sitting on his bed his back leaning against the headboard and his legs sprawled out, his eyebrows pulled down in concentration from what he was reading and a pair of black glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. His head snapped up to me when he heard the door open a smirk growing on his face.
You finished? He asked his voice extra raspy for not having spoken for a while . I nodded back , and he let out a long sigh, like he had been waiting for me to finish this whole time.
He shoved all the papers spread over his lap off of him. Some falling to the floor and others scattering across the edges of the bed. Straightening up against the headboard, he took his glasses off and putting them on the beside table,patting his lap,silently asking me to go over to him.

I hesitated at first ,chewing nervously on the inside of my cheek. My feet started moving before my mind had processed his offer, my knees hitting the bed and shuffling up towards his spread out body. I moved to his side, still kneeling over him, and he placed his large hands on the back of m. Thigh, pulling gently, telling me to move it onto the other side of him so I was straddling his lap.
I did as his hands guided sitting comfortably in his lap, my pulse quickening and the flesh on the inside of my cheeks becoming raw from the chewing I hadn't let up. His hands grasped around the back of my knees,pulling me further up his lap before he leant his upper body forward to crash his lips on mine.
This kiss wasn't slow or sweet at all, it was needy and lustful and it made my lips tingle with arousal as he kissed me hard. One of his hands held my face,while the other was splayed across the small of my back his fingertips digging unforgivingly into my back,desperately clutching as if I was going to leave him.
My hands moved from my checks to the back of my head,his fingers tangling themselves in my hair as he pulled gently, the kiss breaking but his lips reattaching themselves seconds later to my newly exposed neck.
I thought we were supposed to be talking. I panted above him.
Hmmm,mumbled, his mouth by my neck as he continued leaving torturous kisses along my heated skin,we will after I've finished this. He said.
He constantly pecked at my neck,the grip on my hair tightening and pulling me back down every time I tried to straighten up. His lips were quick to find the loud pulse in my neck, no doubt it was beating hard against my skin,hard enough for him to stop kissing me all together and feel it beat against his lips.
Your heart is reading,he whispered, letting go of my hair. I let out a whimper when his fingers massaged my scalp, the stinging in my roots easing from his gentle touch.
Can you blame it, I breathed, trying to regain a normal breathing patten. He threw his head back a deep laugh erupting from his throat, a wide grin spreading across his face flushed and his lips red and swollen.

I like this,I like doing this with you he started, grabbing my arm and rubbing his thumb along the inside of my wrist. I gave him a nervous smile, the overwhelming feeling of him admitting that he liked kissing me and they way his finger felt dragging along my skin,causing my stomach to drop.

Do you..... Like it as well? He asked.

I nodded frantically, and a relieved look set across his face,which was then quickly replaced with a stony expression.

Say it, I need to hear you say it. He demand, his gentle actions on my skin disappearing as his hand wrapped around my wrist tightly.

I like it. Matthew,I like doing this too,the words spilled from my mouth before my brain even had time to catch up, he loosened his grip on my wrist and going back to drawing patterns lightly on my skin.

Do you want to keep doing this?he asked cautiously, his eyes searching mine for any kind of hesitance or uncertainty.

Of course I wanted to keep doing this,whatever this was,but there was still so many things that I wanted to know from him.

Why me? I ignored his question. You could have anyone you wanted,so why me?
Smiled softly at me,his hands snaking around my lower back and sliding me up his body effortlessly. I squealed in his grasp, my arms winding themselves around his neck since there was no where else for them to go due to our close proximity.

I'm quite fond of you jasmine,did you know that? He asked, raising his eyebrow at me. I was quite taken back, I thought he only thought of me as a babysitter, just some kid trying to earn some extra money. Well I guess not.

You're the only one who's been there for me. You're the only one who cared. Sometimes I asked myself the same question, why a teenager would care do much about someone like me. He leant forward to kiss me again, his lips molding around my bottom one. His actions slow and taunting,his lips hot and puffy, before he pulled back and continued.

There's something in you that I've never seen before in anyone else. You make me feel things that I've never felt and to tell you the truth, it excites me. I would like to keep things up with you,everything being strictly physical of course, but only if you let me. He Spoke calmly, slowly, as if he was thinking very hard and very cautiously about everything that was coming from his mouth.
My heartbeat had slowed down significantly, which didn't make any sense to me since he was basically telling Mr that he was down with having a physical relationship with me. Everything about it seemed hot, the fact that it was strictly physical,the fact that there was an age difference between us, the fact that we would keep this secret, everything about his proposition excited me to no end.
I nodded my head slowly, confirming that I agreed with his proposal. I would like that too, very much .

Are you completely sure Jasmine? You can take some time to think about it, come back with any questions or anything. He explained, his lips pressing gently against the shell of my ear.

I want to, I want to do this with you, I stated,my voice quite yet sure of my rash decision. Matthew cracked a dazzling smile at my confirmation, leaning forward to snake his tongue into my mouth to kiss me heavily. I felt him sigh against my lips,pure content settling over his features at my answer.
Hmm,I can't wait till we start,he hummed lightly, grinning boyishly at me..

Hiii sorry I took so long to update its just I've been sick and not feeling good.
But thanks for reading up to this point, you guys are all amazing and make me smile with you're nice comments so thanks XXX
Please comment/vote it you enjoyed.
I'll try to update evey Friday and Saturday, and Sunday because I have school and have a lot of think of do. Bye XXX

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