Chapter 1 A Familiar Summoned

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(Sorta what Saraphinx looks like)

* Oblivion it is such a sweet thing you don't feel pain happiness hatred sorrow nothing except compleat and utter surreal. You are probably very confused right now and have questions like who are you? What is your name? Age as well as gender your answer to those questions is simple I don't  exist. Confused yet? Probably. Ok,ok I am done messing with your mind so sum it up everything comes from something and something nothing. I am currently grey matter in the grey zone you see the grey zone is neutral territory for what could be classified as good or evil. I don't know how I got where I am at nor if I am good or evil I don't even know what I am. I could feel a pull tugging on my body pulling me towards a vortex of sorts more grey matter swirled around with me and started to take shape I went from a blob of grey slowly turning to a glowing mass from what I could tell. I was sucked once again feeling an even harsher pull on my body then my vision was bombarded with light that hurt my eyes in contrast the the grey I was use too. A glowing yellow light surrounded my body then it vanished. I looked around my surroundings not sure where or what I was. I took a few steps forward then felt a zap I jumped back and started to let weird Josie's come out of my mouth. Growls I belive.*

"Good very good prince Tutenkomin remember you have to set a binding on the beast or it can kill you and be very sped icing with what you say."

* I stepped forward again not feeling a zap I moved forward to the boy and liked up at him.*

"I prince Tutenkomin have summoned you my familiar as traditional bindings of master and familiar go the rules I my binding are as follow until I add or detract the binding conditions. Rule one you may not harm or kill me or anybody unless I say so.Rule two if you speak you are to address me as master, rule four you are to obey each command  with compleat and utter accuracy or face punishment rule  five you may not drain my manna or feed off of it unless I allow you too rule six you may not rub against or touch me unless I say you may or pick you up. You will follow each of these rules or risk punishment. Now for your name,....from now on you will be know as Saraphix meaning Egyptian summon. (idk if it really means that)

*I blinked blankly at the boy I honestly had no idea what was going on.*

"My first command of you is to shift to your human form."

*I felt a buzz, but nothing happened.*

"I said shift to your human form!"

*Nope nothin.*

"Sire if I might be bold to say this, but if she is a low class filial she may not have the manna to do what you ask of her try something more simple."

"I want you to go and bring me the venom of a cobra."

*My fur buzzed and I felt a zap I gave a yelp and began to run the zapping stopped after I had made it outside I looked around in aww at my surroundings it was quiet beautiful the San was hot on my paws the sun scorched my ebony fur only the fur at the end of my tail around my eyes and my paws didn't get scorched since they were white I still wanted to see  how I looked I only knew a few basics. I went up to a water trough and looked in purple eyes shine back at me they fascinated me the color so unusual from the brown of the humans and animals eyes. I had a pointed nose and small paws my tail was extremely fluffy and my body was small and slender. I dipped my head in farther and my body lurched forward I was suddenly drenched with water and I scampered out of the trough. I ran from the trough I came across this an with a flute and something in a basket I watched as he played the flute an something started to come out of the basket I felt a tingly feeling in my fur and my body moved on its own without my say so. I leaped forward grabbing the smooth reptile with m teeth minding the head the creature snapped at me and wound up spitting onto my coat I wound up getting hit and flung off of the reptile by the man yelling curses at me.*

"Get away from my income you weird dog! Scat before I take drastic measures!"

*I limped away from the man with the spit of the reptile on my fur. My body continued to move towards the palace and it found the boy. I sat down by his feet as he gave me a raised brow.*

"I thought I told you to get the venom of the cobra you useless beast."

*I gave a whimper not knowing what was wanted of me.*

"What is this on your fur?"

*The boy reached down with his hand and rubbed some of the spit off of my body then sniffed it.*

"I stand corrected you aren't totally useless after all. You are dismissed until I summon you again."

*My body buzzed then I was projected back to the grayzone where my aching body was slowly beginning to heal quickly and it no longer hurt and I felt at peace again.*

(Yeah I know my feral readers u are prob thinking you are writting like three four books now with this one four five,but this has been bugging me to be written for awhile now so I decided to write it tell me what u think my feral readers!)

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