Chapter 7 Leonardo and Saraphinx

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*I felt my chain get yanked and a toe get jammed into my side. I had somehow fallen asleep while standing. I opened my eyes too see my current masters eyes looking into mine.*

"Who said you could fall asleep beast?!"

*I wasn't going to responded to that.*

"What do you wish of me?"

"I want you to make me breakfast Minx."

*My chain was unhooked from the wall then I was moved over to a fireplace which had a few rusty pans in which I was suppost to cook. I wouldn't actually get the manna until after I had fulfilled my task. I put the fire on then grabbed some eggs looking them over tying to figure out how this would be fine since I have never cooked before soooo this isn't going to be pretty.*

~1 hour and many attempts later.~

*I put the eggs and partially burned bacon in front of my current master with great reluctance. I turned to walk away and get paid in my manna which would mean the death of my master. However I felt my arm get violently yanked back at the table the end result my getting a table jammed into my side causing me to get a gash in my side however it quickly healed, but I could still feel the pain.*


"The eggs are under cooked and the bacon is burnt you didn't do what I asked of you Minx."

"I did exactly what you asked, I made you breakfast you didn't tell me how you liked your breakfast done. Ohh you probably are starting to realize this, but a tip for summoning make sure you are specific about how things go down and make sure you tell your familiar not to suck out your manna. At least king Tutenkomin my first master was smart enough to say that unlike you."

*I flashed my white pointed canine teeth as I watched my current master give a gasp then double over as his eyes glazed over and he became a mindless being until he died of starvation. I walked over my current masters dead minded body my tail brushing over his body as I  walked. I opened the door and walked out. My ebony hair was now streaked with white and my tips were also. The tips of my ears were white as well as my tail. People gave me the same look they always did and several people came up to me and even tripped me up. I let out a growl at them flashing my teeth and they backed away then bolted and ran from fear. I made my way over to Leonardo's house and gave a knock on the door.*

"Come in."

*I walked in and saw him working on some sculptures as blue prints for a weird devise with bird like wings.*

"Beauty of time how are you?"

"I am good, you?"

"Just working on my masterpieces. What brings you here, pasta?"

*My lips turned up into a smile.*

"No, but good guess. I came here to say goodbye once my master hmm...expired which won't be long then I won't be back here again."

"Why what happened to him?"

"A lot can happen to a person, but that won't be any concern. Do you want any help?"

*I cocked my head to the side with a sly smile.*

"No, not unless you can bring me some bodies to work with for some pictures so I have a better idea on the human body workings."

*I could tell Leonardo was joking with me. However I was fine with doing that.*

"Ok, that won't be too hard."

*Leonardos eyes grew wide from shock.*

"It was only a joke."

"Even so. I am still willing to go out and do you that favor."

"Little girls shouldn't see such things."

"Well, I am actually much older than I appear to be."

*I was willing to divulge a little about myself seeing as Leonardo didn't care what I looked like and accepted me for me.*

"Have you ever heard of familiars?"

"Black magic? Of course."

"Well, I am actually a familiar which as you say is summoned through black magic. I was first summoned in the Egyptian era by king Tutenkomin my first master."

"So that was what you were going on about saying you are a salve to time itself?"

"Exactly that. You scared now?"

*I looked at Leonardo through softly narrowed eyes.*

"On the contrary, fascinated. How does one summon a familar such as yourself and how did it come to be?"

"Well a summoners circle or symbol some incantations then boom a familiar is born as for when if first came to be and how...Egyptian era the Egyptians I suppose unlocked the mysteries of life and how to creat it in other ways than procreation physically."

"That makes you about 128. You weren't kidding when you said you had been around awhile."

(Tell me if my math was wrong between king tut to Leonardo if you know.)

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