Chapter 12 1820's

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*It seemed when I had finally closed my eyes for rest I was being summoned yet again. I was too weak to do anything though so when I was summoned I just remained laying down on the cushy ground as my two tails wrapped around my body, my wounds had healed over and were now just scares marring my flesh and the hair slowly working on growing back, My muscles ached all over. I glanced up at my new master and saw a woman standing before me with a stiff expression. Well that's new, usually men summon me. Her speech  fell on def ears as I already new the basics, blah blah blah, don't kill or harm friends and family yada yada yada obey every command so on so forth, simple enough. I began to stand up and sat with my tails curled around my body as I waited for the remits of the summoners circle to disappear. Once it completely disappeared I stepped  out from the circle and the woman looked at me with disdain.*

"I told you, you are not to look at me, vermin."

*I gave a blank vacant shrug.*

"Say what you will, not like I give a crap anymore."

 "You should if you value your life vermin."

"Mmm, well I don't, not like you can kill me even if you cut me into tiny little atoms."

"How so vermin?"

"You summoned me, I am from something, which is from nothing. So in terminology, I can't die. I will just keep getting summoned back through the era's and will just be put back together,  so I will come back, with multiple scares and such, but none the less still come back alive."

"In other words, immortal."

"If that is what you wish to call it, then yes."

"How is it you can speak vermin? Your a fox,no?"

"I am, like I said, I am a familiar, as you said immortal;so I will know the human language as well as many others."

"What about humans do you know?"

"I don't believe what I have to say will be very pleasing, mistress."

"Mistress...I like that, but biologically, no. I still wish for you to speak about what you know of humans."

*Ehh? I don't get it...*

"Well, if you wish it of me, then fine. Humans are selfish, greedy, cruel, and lower than pigs in  a sty full of shit."

"So, that is what you have come to after all this time ehh?"

"Well, the majority anyway. Of course the minority excluded. So what year is it exactly, mistress."

"1820, vermin."

"Is that my new name, mistress?"

"No, that would just be un-civil of me, your name will be Verminmina."(said as spelled  Ver-min-mina)

"Not the worst name I have had."

*I still prefer Saraphinx though...*

"What is your first request mistress?"

"First, shift to a human, I know you can due to the description on you. Then help me change for a party I am going too tonight. I have two hours to get ready and I need every minute to get ready."

*I blinked absently and my body shifted back to my moon kissed skin tone and my tails hung limply down at my ankles held just a little so they wouldn't drag, my eyes remained fixated upon my mistress and my ears hung in a semi forward, semi back.My nails remained sharp as well as my teeth. Once again summoned with no cloths, I now appeared to be about sixteen. Probably due to how long I was in the last era. Once I hit twenty three in appearance I wouldn't age, unless no longer getting fed manna. My hair hung lifelessly around my body. It was well matted with blood and dirt.My mistress gave  a horrified gasp and turned away.*

"Where are your cloths?!"

"I was never given any, ever. Now you wished for me to help you, no?"

"Yes, but first you have to get cleaned up, no way will I be seen with a naked, or dirty escort."

*My mistress was holding her nose with a disgusted look. I shrugged. My mistress ordered a maid to come in which looked dumbfounded at my appearance and gave a apprehensive look and ushered me out and into a white polished bathroom. She filled the tub and pushed me into it. I wanted to jump out from the sudden warmth, but doing that would cause harm to the maid which was cleaning my body with vigor. So I couldn't as goes the summoners rules.Something frothy started to form on my head. The harsh scrubbing felt rather nice upon my scalp and skin by which only ever felt whip lashes and pain. Then the occasionally toung bath.I suddenly felt my ears getting scrubbed lightly. I let out a small growl at the maid which only gave a light chuckle.*

"So, they are real. You really are a fox then."

*I remained silent and the maid grabbed my tails and began lathering them then rinsed me off and wrapped a towel around me and dried me off. I still felt wet and gave a shake and poof of my body's hair and fur sending small droplets around the room. My fur fluffed up and with the help of a towel my head hair began to dry. I was put into a simple death trap corset as they called it with a small layer of fabric beneath to prevent raw rubbing. the laces were puled taught. Almost crushing me. I was then put into a dress which felt rather silky. Then again anything was soft compared to the hard cobblestone ground. I was let out after my hair had been done with a simple braided headband with black streaks of my hair. The rest of it began to get large lushes curls. I searched for my mistress since now only and hour thirty was left so I would be working rather quickly to finish on time.*

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