Chapter 18 Crimson Masacure

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I saw some men passing by as the sun had set and were now destroying the building further from how they were already. I walked up behind them with a flirtatious smile on my lips and my tail wrapped around my thigh hiding it as for my ears, those were hidden underneath some of my hair making my seem normal. I tapped one of the guys on his shoulder and looked him in the eye slightly bent showing my very prominent bust and the swells of my breast.

"Wanna have some fun? Of course the invitation is implied to all of you and your buddy's that are getting ride of the accursed stores."

All the men looked around a each other with a evil glint and when their gazes met mine again I could see the lust in their eyes. I tilted my head a little giving off a playful appeal.

"Well, follow me if you want what I am offering."

They all suddenly began to give a laugh and jabs toward each other. I lead them down the alleyway I was at prior to me fetching them to drag them into my trap. I turned around once they were all a good ways in.

"Well now, who want to go first?"

A big burly man came forward and if one looked closely you could see the drool forming.

"Ohh, so it will be you then."

I flashed a fake sweet smile. As soon as he put his hand on my shoulder and shoved me I to the wall was when my plan took action. I kicked the man in the groin taking him down to the ground then bashed his head in.

"Now, who want to have some fun next?"

The men all looked horrified as I approached them with a sexy sway of my hips advancing towards them. Some of the older more bold members came at me weapons gleaming, I disarmed all of them with a small flick I my wrist sending then flying. One guy came at me fists balled and tried to punch my face. I moved my head a few inches to the left he missed my face by a good deal. I grabbed the guys arm twisted and a loud crunch was heard of his bone snapping I then proceeded by ripping  his arm off and out of its socket sending blood spraying across the ground, not a drop landed on me however.


"No, correction, I am a familiar. There is a big difference ya know. First off(rips a man head off) my strength is minimal compared to that of a demon. My temperament is much better.(crushes a mans hand that is aimed for her face) I don't eat souls(licks the blood off of her hand). Lastly, I can find far more loops holes than any demon can that had been around far longer than I have.(leans forward to a boy about fifteen that is in utter shock and the only one left out of the one hundred and fifty men brought into the alley).

"Now boy, who else is in your little band that is reaking  havoc for my summoner?"

My voice was gentle, but held an icy tone to it.

" already k..k.killed h..h..him."

"I did, did I?"

"Yes, t..t..that over t..there is h..him."

I looked to where the boy was pointing at the large burly man I had killed and turned my gaze back to the boy.

"Hmm, if I find you are lying to me(voice turns sinical) then I will kill you on account of my orders."

"I am not lying to you."

"...I believe you. Now, if you repeat what you saw tonight then I will come out to kill you, I try to not make habit of killing minors, but there is always the exception."

I left with a hairs breath between my face and the boys then I was gone on the moonlight night with the bloody masacur  left behind gleaming crimson in the pale moonlight which was now being blocked by clouds. I began to run back to the mansion with intense speed. I made it over the hills by running in five minutes with what would have taken five hours by horse. I entered through these events door and plopped down by the fire dripping blood which was not my own into the flames. I licked the blood that had been dripping for a minute in the fire and finished the blood off and absorbed the manna in the process. The mixture to say the least was vile with too many different blood and manna types in the mix some high quality others the lowest on the scale then the majority was average manna type. All in all I tasted like a lemon like, and something spicy mixed together in a sour spice taste. I grabbed some of the flame and torched the inside f my mouth cleaning it and my tong then I spat the ember out into the fire giving a lemon scent to the flame and my mouth had a smoky taste. Much better. Now let's see when my master;mistress summons me to report, I wonder how long it will take.

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