Chapter 3 Familiar of Loop Holes

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*I felt a tug on my sleeping body too tired to care my body was move along as if it was on a smooth rapid. I rushed up to the surface since I was sleeping and had no viscosity in this goo called gray matter...ok well not so much goo. I opened my eyes seeing the eyes of my master.*

"Saraphinx I order you to find Rinja."

*Rinja? Ok then who is Rinja?*

"Go find her now!"

*I jumped up from my paws and ran down the halls ignoring my protesting body. My wounds had healed, but they were now white scars however they were swollen red along the sides so it was painful to move, but I had to, masters orders. I ran into each room seeing women cleaning some dressing men cooking men dressing...let's just say my poor eyes are no longer pure. Not like anybody cares though. I finally went to the last room and squeezed through the door crack as a black mist and saw a weeping blond.*

'Whats wrong?'


'Its she.'

"Th..the Pharos wants me to marry him, but I said no and now he is f..furious."

'Shouldn't him marrying you be a good thing?'

"No, I..I have a gift that allows me to see into the f..futur. What I am about to tell you you mustn't repeat."

'As long as master doesn't command me to then I won't breath a word.'

"I..foresaw his death at age 19 the details aren't clear however."

'If you marry him then you would be masters wife and you would be entitled to whatever they believe in that the queen is entitled to.'

"You really don't know much about Egypt do you?"

'I have only been outside the grey zone thrice so no, no I don't. Master  summoned me to bring you back to him, so can you follow me, willingly?'

"I suppose, can you give me a bit more time though?"

'I can a few minutes more won't hurt. After all master wasn't specific bout the time frame of when he wanted you to be found and what time to he brought back at.'

*I gave a sly smirk an my violet eyes shone with mischief. I had so many loop holes in this contract that I could if I really wanted to and tried I could unravel the contract thread by thread seam by seam. However I needed masters mana to exist so thus I had to wait patiently then fight another day, another year, perhaps another time period then get free. I wasn't a stupid familiar just a newbie. Then again familiars have only been getting summoned for fifteen years or so, so I was summoned about eight years later in my best estimate of the human time. After all familiars sense of time was never ending and humans ended so shortly. Of course a day to me is what..five ten years for humans.*

'Its been five minutes in human time you good now?'

"I am good. Lead the way."

*I snaked through hallways with a slick and fluid movement not showing the pain I was in. I hade my fur covering my scars so they wouldn't be visible unless the hair shifted.*

"Saraphinx, what is on your back?"

*I looked back with a confused look.*

'Nothing, nothing that is important nor you need to be concerned with.'

*I turned to walk and felt hands wrap around my body picking my small frame up. My first instinct was to bite whoever picked me up, however an invisible force stopped me and I looked up seeing Rinja parting my fur.*

"Where did you get these?"

*Her breath was airy and I tok a moment to wriggle out of her grasp almost reopening a closed wound.*

'I said it don't concern you. Now follow me.'

*Her footsteps didn't follow then they fell quicker as to catch up to me.*

"The Pharos did that..didn't he?"

'I told you it didn't  concern you now drop. It.'

*I pushed open the large doors With a loud creak and Rinja opened it fatter for herself.*

'I did as you said master.'

"Good girl Saraphinx. Youse take a moment to explore without a comand, but you are to return in five minutes."

*Master gave a shooing motion for me to leave I dipped my head then left through a window landing on my feet lightly. I went back to the market place I jumped onto a food stand and snagged some glazed fruit. I felt a small sting resign ate on my back before I jumped off and made a mad dash for a alleyway. I downed the fruit quickly I mad a dash for a fish stand snagged a five pound fish I had gotten stones thrown at me as well as thorn branches I dashed back to the palace downing the fish so the evidence was gone. No sooner did I enter the Pharos throne rom did I turn back around and leave. I did not need to see that little heated face on face contact. I pooled back the gray zone by force then just Sat sleeping. I was only so far I was the only familiar I had met in fact it was possible I was the only familiar in Egypt... Lonely I'm so lonely somebody summon me no-w!*

(Idk I just wanted to try that😋)

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