Chapter 10 Alaxan

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*My master left after an hour of whipping me, my whole body was crimson and my tail was dripping blood. My eyes were red with the blood running into them. I needed to clean myself, but since there wasn't any water I could use I was just going to use my toung. I started on my hand and licked away the blood as I made my way closer to my body it hurt more and more since I was making contact with more beaten and tender flesh. The smallest whip lashes I had were about an eighth of an inch and the largest were about six inches. I finished my front side which was easy,but painful. I tried to twist back to lick my wounds upon my back, but couldn't. The only result I managed was more blood to stream down my back. I gave up on the notion to clean my back. I scanned the room with cold eyes seeing who else was down here. I came upon a cell with an old man which had a broken look in his eyes yet he held knowledge by which even I did not posses. I stopped and looked in at him his eyes met mine and I saw a spark of interest gleam within his eyes even if only for a moment. I sat down in front of his cell watching him and he me.*

"What's your name familiar, your real name not the one given to you by this master your first one, unless you have a preferred name."

"How did you know I was a familiar?"

"Takes one to know one."

"Saraphinx, you?"


"What era were you born in?"

"A pretty recent one. You?"


"That's curious seeing as I appear older than you and an younger in fact, while you appear so young while you are older, how is that?"

"My first master was king Tutenkomin he summoned me when he was five or so if that makes sense."

"Very, that explains why you appear so young. Your master had royal and young manna, so in geniality yes I am older than you even though you were summoned sooner than I."

"Why is it you cannot go back to the grey zone?"

"I have been forbidden by my first master so thus when he died a contract was still open despite his death. I have been out of the grey zone and fell eating my manna force for over five hundred years locked down in this cell forgotten."

*I shifted into my fox form and snuck through the cracks when I shifted back my skin stretching opened my wounds which had healed over with dried blood and it was streaking down my back staining my tail with crimson.*

"Come over here."

"Why should I?"

"Just come."

*I wasn't one for following orders if I had a say in it, but I complied if only to humor him. I sat down in front of him slowly and my skin stretched and tore more. Alaxan got up upon creaking and popping bones and sat behind me. I felt something warm get pressed to my skin and it stung, I flinched and swiped behind me with flexed claws, but my hand was stopped and held firmly as more warmth spread across my back. I used the best of my sight to see what was going on and saw Alaxan licking my wounds, that wasn't all though, he also had wolf ears and a tail protruding from his body. As Alaxan worked his way closer and closer to bigger wounds it got harder and harder to chock back the pain I was feeling from him cleaning my wounds.*

"Shhh, I know it hurts, just a little longer then your wounds will be clean."

*Alaxan was licking my wounds for five minutes longer before he was satisfied with his work and stopped.*

"There, that should help you heal more not to mention help prevent infection and disease from setting in."

"I didn't ask for your help not want it."

"Too bad, because I helped you and you got it wether you wanted it or not. What did you do to get beaten so badly, that it showed to the bone with a barbed whip anyway?"

"My orders were to extract some info from this guy, but around the time my master got back I realized he wasn't going to rat his comrades out so I ended his misery by ripping his heart out. My master said that I could have tried harder and said I could have gotten him to crack, so he gave me what he would have done to that guy I suppose."

"You didn't even cry out, but I could hear the whip coming down for an hour. How is it you lasted that long, were you even consious?"

"Yes I was, I feel the pain inflicted upon me yes, but I  will not give satisfaction to my tormentor. So the aftermath hurts tenfolds more so you cleaning my wounds was like the barbs ripping through my skin."

"I believe I know who your master is by what you just told me. If you are lucky or resourceful, like the fox you are then you can use his age against him. For now I will teach you what I know and have acquire over the many years down here to help aid you until my manna runs out and I disappear from this world and the gray zone."

"I will listen, but obeying you is another thing."

"Listening is fine by me. Obaying, we will work on that slowly."

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