Chapter 4 A Torchered Life

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(Royal Pharos symbol for this book, but is the symbol for Horus an Egyptian god)

*I have mastered the grey zone goo, I am now able to move through it with ease. It was actually quit fun. My wounds were no longer a pain since they had healed over completely  so only a eighth a centimeter of scars were showing which were small enough to be covered up by my thick fur. I stopped moving letting the stream of goo take me. I rested my head on my paws and wrapped my tail around my body. I began to drift off to sleep only to become awoken by yelling. I opened my eyes seeing a arena around me and the pharo was in a big vehicle thing pulled by horses. I belive it was a chariot. The young master looked much older; now he looked like a man in fact. If I weren't a familiar I would have been swooning by his looks, alas I am not so there goes my five second fantasy. My eyes shifted around the crowd seeing only one blond head. Hey Rinja is here. I wonder why she looks so concerned?*

'What do you wish of me master?'

"Hello Saraphinx, I want you too accompany me on this chariot race and prevent any harm to me that could possibly fall upon me."

'Of course, my masters well being is priority over my own.'

-Ladies and gentlemen we have a real treat the pharo himself will be racing the best chariot racer so far for the past eight years! Take your starting positions...ready...set...go!-

*The vehicle  lurched forward. I sunk my nails into the none existing traction for my nails. I pinned my foot into a small crack close to a chariot wheel. It held firmly and the race continued. I could feel the sand beneath the chariot shake the massive vehicle close to tipping. The other chariot rider came up beside the pharo. I looked into his eyes and saw pure dirty intent. A spoke on the opposite chariot drivers wheel caught the wheel I was closest to and cause the crack to immediately break launching the pharo into the air while I had my foot get brutally stuck and rip the pad of my foot clean off while my foot still remains stuck. I watched as the pharo flew in slow motion the chariot landing in front of the horses trampling him. The crowed scream out of fear the only voice that I heard clearly was Rinja's her voice was grief stricken and I noticed something as she stood up her stomach was slightly bloated not very much however to be noticed. She was with child. Masters child. I felt a sharp pain through my body as I felt the bond between myself and my master get broken through death. I had failed my master as a familiar, I hade failed to do exactly what I was summoned for. If only my foot wasn't stuck I could have saved him. I was slammed to the ground as things came back to real time. I was pinned under the chariot crushing my small rib cage then I was let back to the grey zone only it wasn't grey it was black and cold. I could feel the cold and I could see my breath. I couldn't curl up my rib cage was broken, I couldn't move my pad on my paw was completely taken off and I was coughing up blood. I felt a stinging sensation on my right ear as a white Egyptian summoners symbol was  placed a payment for my service to a pharo I got the royal emblem for pharo. I closed my eyes to a crack. I felt so cold and the atmosphere here wasn't helping any. The images of master kept repeating over and over play in front of me like a ghost haunting the living for an evil deed of wrong done to them and seeking reveng, only this 'evil' spirit would continue to haunt me till I got summoned again instead of haunting me to my grave, which would never come even if I were to get ripped into an atom beyond recognition of anything living, I would still live never being able to die no matter how many times my bones broke my heart stopped beating or I got beat I could never die, this was the curse of a familiar. Once a familiar always a familar, for eternity more and eternity more. Master after master I would see a never ending cycle one I couldn't break not even a master can set a familiar free from their eternal curse of servitude and loyalty to ones master. Nothing could break this bond not even the destruction of man kind because the fall of one being brings rise to another and the fall of that being brings rise to another the cycle never ending, never. A moment of rest never to come for the fatigued a moment of drink to quench ones parched throat, never a moment of food to vanquish ones hunger, never a moment without pain for those who seek oblivion. True oblivion not this torcherous  gray zone. This was a cruel imitation of both heaven and hell a torchered ride denying the luxury of heaven or even the demented world of hell. This was limbo for the torchered or in my case what one could call my eternal womb a cage and yet a bed of warmth all in one and I never could break this cycle not any other familiar. My only hope not too many have to deal with this curse called life in the grey zone.*

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