Chapter 9 Dungeons

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(Warning, major gore read at your own risk!)

*I unhooked the man being torchered from the devise that had dislocated his limbs and set him down. My current master had left me to extract the information from the man. I grabbed the mans arm I could see a pained look on his face. I moved the arm up then forced it back into its socket. The man let out a scream of pain at what I had done. As a familiar I have incredible strength so relocating his joints was quiet an easy task. I proceeded with his other arm then the legs were the trickier part. I felt for where the humans hip bone was located then I felt the legs joint and lined it up quickly and pushed hard and quickly popping it into place then proceeded with the last joint.*

"There, at least you can move your limbs and some relief will be given, if you just tell me where the troops are located then this can all be over. Your death will be quick...if you play your cards right I may be able to give you a means of escape to help your comrades."

"Why do you stay here?"

"I don't have a choice."

"Is your family held here as ransom?"

"No, I don't have  a family."

"Then why stay there is nothing holding you here!"

"I am not of your world, I am a familiar. A being summoned from, as you call it, black magic."

"Your a demon then..."

"Call me what you will, I am simply following orders I can't disobey due to the contract."


"Mhmm. I don't have any reason to harm you personally, just like the family I had to dispose of, but I am following orders. Last chance, where are your troops located?"

"I won't rat my comrades out, ever. Do your worst."

*I gave a sigh at this, I looked around the room not even knowing what half of the objects in this room did, so far from experience I know what the whip and the weird devise the man was hooked up to did. I saw a wheel with knives on it used for throwing, I suppose I will start off with just spinning him round to get him dizzy and see if he will crack...I grabbed the man which he was surprised by this twelve year olds strength. I strapped him in with little effort and began spinning him around, I could see him getting nausea,but nothing.*

"Where are the troops?"


*I grabbed a knife and threw it at the wheel with complete accuracy missing the guys hand on purpose.*

"Where are they?"


*I tossed  a knife nicking his face.*

"Where are they?"


*I hit the mans hand, then his ear. He held in his scream as I continued.*

"When you feel like telling me then start talking."

*I hit the mans foot, then slowly worked my way up his right leg. I continued on with his left then both of his arms. The man had tears in his eyes not once did he speak.I hit his stomach and he gave a grunt and I continued on like that missing all vital organs. *

"Last time before I go any farther, where are the troops?"

"Go to hell!"

*The man spit in my face,I closed my eyes as I wiped the spit off of my face then turned around and threw the knife at the mans groin and he let out an agonizing scream. I walked back up to the man and proceeded towards him.*

"Where are the troops?"

"Go to hell!"

*I grabbed the hilt of the knife and gave a small twist.*


*I looked at the man with a face devoid of emotion.*

"Where are the troops?"

"Long gone by now!"

"Look, I don't know what war is being fought who is who so just make this easy on yourself and tell me so I can end your misery."

"I'd rather die a painful death knowing I helped my comrades than die a blissful one by betraying them!"

"Very well."

*I twisted the knife embedded in his groin more then yanked it out leaving  a bloodied mess behind then stabbed around his chest just missing his heart. My current master came over to where I was at observing my work.*

"Ha! Not even I would mess with a man there!"

*I looked with murderous  eyes towards him.*

"Well I am not you."

*I extended my nails then jammed them into the mans chest and ripped out his still beating heart in my hand. The man gasped then sputtered blood and I ended his agony with me crushing his heart.* 

"You were supost to extract the information from his before disposing of him bitch!"

*I felt a hand slap me across my face however I didn't show any emotion.*

"He wouldn't have spoken anyway, he was far too loyal to his companions to say anything to endanger them."

*My master grabbed my spiked collar and I felt the spikes embed into my skin drawing blood and choking me from how tight it was.*

"I would have been the judge of that, and I say he would have cracked if you had only worked him over more!"

*A whip with spikes came down on my back as it came off it ripped my flesh. I felt the whip come down upon my chest ripping the tender flesh apart. My body wouldn't heal me since the pain was being inflected by my master,but  I would feel the pain and scar. I took the beating with no emotion. I couldn't do anything about it the law didn't apply to me since I wasn't of this world in technicality I wasn't even a pet I was a slave, a slave to time itself forced to endure the pain and misery, inflict pain and suffering upon others forced to do whatever evil malicious acts my master saw fit of me to do in this era without say on what  felt on it. Forced to be  a murderer. Forced to do my master evil bidding, and no body could say what was being done was inhuman since I was neither human, animal, living or dead. The only joy I have had was from Leonardo a hundred years ago and my first master which treated me with a fitting punishment when I disobeyed and never for no reason, now I am in darker times getting darker and darker, the next place I go to perhaps even darker yet.*

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