Chapter 15 Ones Own Devises

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*Once the mansion came into sight, I wasn't sure if it would be a good thing to wake my mistress up, or let her sleep and just bring her to her room. I was stronger than most females in this realm, however that didn't mean I did not have my limits. I cast a sidelong glance at my mistress sizing her body up with mine and estimated the difference. Ok, Height divided by width, divided by mass...ok, that would be an equivalent of 135 pounds considering my new found knowledge in place. To my eighty five ninety pound body. So overall, I would have a tad bit of trouble, since more weight is in a whole body rather than just relocating a joint and moving somebody a short distance five feet away. I had to bring her up the winding stairs, down hallways through corridors, into her room get her into her night cloths put her to bed, I could feel the annoyed tick coming on above my eye. The carriage finally came to a stop and I now had to make my decisions...or did I? She never told me I had to do anything once we got back to her mansion...I could-just leave her there for another servant to take care of. I made up my mind and began poking her cheek. She swat my hand away and gave a groan of annoyance.*

"We are back at the mansion now."

*She opened one of her eyes giving me a small glare to my fake smile.*

"You couldn't have just gotten me to bed without waking me could you?"

"Fraid not, I may be a familiar, but I dont have that much power."

"I would think you would after spending God knows how long serving your masters on this earth."

"Hmm, then you dont know me. I never served them, try mutilated, destroyed, schemed against and humiliated when I had the chance, ignoring my first master of course. I was still a young familiar then didn't know anything about my nature, be glade I didn't leave you here in this carriage and decided to wake you instead."

"What do you mean mutilated?"

"Are you sure you want to know that mistress?"

*I flashed my eyes a blood red and my mistress grew silent.*

"I suppose not."

"Very good choice. I am not a simple servant, nor pet. I have my own conscious and am willing to do whatever I please as long as my contract permits it and a loop hole may be found."

"You indeed have the mind set of a demon."

"Which is why you need to know what you are dealing with before summoning a creature such as myself. Or that creature may just eat you out to a hollow husk as I did with my 1500's master. Fool didn't know what I was capable of. Nor what he was doing in the first place. At least you have some sense of what you are getting yourself into."

"Was that a compliment Verminmina?"

"No, I am just stating the obvious"

*I got out of the carriage then looked back at my mistress with a sideways look. She gave me a raised brow then got out on her own since she didn't have appearances to keep up she knew I wouldn't help her out unless it was an order, by which would drain her manna so she saw fit in my assumption not to make it an order and save her precious manna. I leapt away from the carriage and went on down the gravel road leading to the back of the Victorian mansion. I entered and startled some of the staff at the mansion. I stormed through the the kitchen and found a fire. I set by the stove top in a dark aura surrounding me. I stuck my hand in the fire grabbing some of it and playing with the small flame in my hand twining it around my fingers weaving it in and out from between them. The flame slowly turning it into a blue flame that began getting hotter and hotter as I twined it around my fingers more and more letting it get faster and faster till you cloud see the streaks of it where it was mere seconds prior. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I almost dropped the flame cupping my hands around it so I wouldn't lose it and risk burning the house down.*


"Does that flame not hurt your hands?"

"No, flames and natural element wont hurt me since I am a sister to them or cousin even niece depending on your view. However, if a human were to touch it, then they would surely at this point be missing such a limb."

*I brought the flames to my face then breathed in the flame taking it into my body. The flames emitted a blue glow as it went down to my twin tails under my dress and went to a harmless flame as it tipped my tails outside my body. I began uncurling my tails from the dress letting them hang loosely as they swished around my ankles and feet. I continued to look into the fire as the maid left me to my own devises, and or until I was summoned again. I wonder if I had a designated area for me to sleep, or if I could sleep anywhere? Hmm, wont ask, I shall be left to my own free will and not somebody else.*

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