Chapter 28 Saraphinx's Style and Prefrence

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I opened my eyes seeing a rolled up poster poking my cheek and Dan sitting crouched over me. I grabbed the poster yanking it out of his hands and hit him hard enough to give him a concussion if not for how thin the poster was. 

"Ouch! What was that for?!"

"Stop poking my bloody cheek...!"

I opened one of  my eyes looking at him with a glare.

"Gahh, you smell horrible, I cant place like what though..."

Dan smelled himself and shrugged getting up.

"So, where is he?"

"Hmm? I am assuming you mean Derick?"

"Yes, Derick. Who else?"

"Last I checked he was showering, although by now he is in class."

"Perfect. I get to do whatever I want."

I moved up feeling the floor move from under me and I tilted my ears around till I was feeling stable again.

"You need something to help with that hangover?"

"Like bloody fuck I would want anything."

"Ok, ok. No need for such language."

"I can use any language I so desire. These clothes are too fucking tight."

I began to throw clothes off until my body was free from the constricting items and my hair was splayed over my body instead. Dan was looking my body over unashamedly.I folded my arms under my breasts pushing them up not like they could get any perkier.

"See something you like?"

I leaned forward very familiar with the flames I could wield and make bend to my will and command.

"Yes, are you suggesting something?"

Dan leaned forward a bit not expecting my next response

"Mmmm, who is to say. Figure it out yourself."

I flicked my tail over his eyes disappearing from his view and someplace else within a city. I put up a illusion which allowed me to appear to be wearing clothes without actually wearing any and walked around gaining quiet a few cat calls. Whatever a persons preference was what I was wearing as an illusion to that individual so of course I was getting quiet a few cat calls. I made my way over to a small park where people seemed to be relaxing and just enjoying themselves. I laid down beneath a tree and looked up at the sky watching the clouds roll in and out. I had apparently been laying still for so long squirls and birds just started to move around me with no problem then when I moved the squirls dashed up a tree while the birds flew off. Things had changed quiet a bit since the last I had seen. Buildings seemed to be in much better condition to be able to go up as high as they were.

"Saraphinx, what are you doing here?"

I looked up seeing Katie standing in front of me.

"I am just out."

"Do you know where Dan and Derick are?"

"Dan was in the room poking my face last I saw and Derick haven't seen him since last night. According to Dan he was showering and in some of his classes, of course I don't know for a fact since I didnt see him there myself, why?"

"I was just wondering since I haven't seen them today."

"Ahh, well if I were you, I would keep a tight leash on Dan."

"Hehe, believe me, I will."

I saw a evil glint in her eyes and some..drool? Note to self don't provoke or use my usual charm on her or risk something I do not wish to evoke upon myself.

"Ahh, well have fun with that then."

"Hehe, thanks, believe me I will. Soo~ I have a question for you."

"That is what?"

"Why do you always seem so...distant?"

"I just am. No particular reason why."

"Aww, now that I don't believe doll."


"Mhmm. You look like a adorable doll."

"If you say so."

"And I do say so. So, what made you so distant?"

"Nothing important."

"Aww, you can tell me doll, I wont tell. Reapers oath."

Katie held a hand over her heart in the fashion of a solemn oath.

"A reapers oath?"

"Yup, so what made you so distant?"

"Doesn't matter, I always have been distant."

Lie you haven't always been this way.

"I am just a distant person."

"Aww, fine don't tell me then doll face. You can keep your secrets if you are so determined to do so."

"Katie! Saraphinx, so this is where you disappeared to."

"Later, better muzzle and leash him."

"Umm, ok, bye. Will do."

I walked away right as Dan had made his way over to Katie I had disappeared within a crowd of people and felt my summoners symbol burning around my neck hands and feet as if a chain was being yanked making it hard to breath so I proofed to Derick and the chains released their constricting hold on my throat. I saw Derick asleep and a small black tattooed ring of sorts glowing as he mumbled something in his sleep it seemed to be a order since my body began to move on its own and I was straddling Derick. What the hell was he dreaming?! I saw his eyes open and the dark ring dissipated into small particles and I leaped off of him appearing to have been reading the whole time on Dans bed.

"What wrong?"

Derick had a bright red blush on his face and shook his head as his answer saying he wasn't going to answer me. I saw the blankets tinted erect a little and I shook my head knowing what he was dreaming of now to a better degree and went back to looking at the random magazine I had grabbed which was of girls in skimpy outfits. Quiet honestly I had no preference and humans had come to create so many different terms for what things they liked I couldn't even keep track.  I believe humans terms for my preference was Bie, who was I to know though not like i cared either way I have been exposed to all sorts of different things so one would think I had a grasp over this stuff by now correct? Nope, I didn't I flirted on either way to get what I wanted in the most inconspicuous way possible. Granted it usually only worked for males, however it did for females as well it just took a different style which was by far harder to manipulate to my will which is where my male form came into play and had given the name Nightshade since it was more masculine  than Saraphinx. Although my natural form did work for females of a certain preference the term now is Lesbian I believe.  Long story short I have done more things than I can even remember to get what I wanted weather as a order and or simply to manipulate my masters which I have done ohh so well might I say.

(This is dedicated to my friend Dv-san since he asked me what one of my characters preferences was and I responded with I honestly don't know since Saraphinx doesn't really give that much thought so,...17 chapters later; her preference came up due to that one 5 min talk on that question ty Dv-san for inspiring this chapter! Anywho, sry for this really late post I am also getting ready to expand my fields of writing to gay and lesbian genre also since I know more bout it now and honstly didnt know what gay or lesbian preference was till eighth grade. to answer your question yes I lived under a rock however my maturity and knowledge of rather large words makes up for my lack of knowledge on that topic prior to that year. So just look out for my many new books soon to be...I really need to stop making new books and finish a few would you not agree?)

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