Chapter 20 More Class Than You

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The material on my body was quiet soft to say the least. The sleeves covered my hands by a good four five inches maybe more. I looked at my new master and the shirt e was wearing was quiet tight on him hugging his body almost like a second skin of any tighter it could be considered that.

"Ok, look just pick a name you like an I can call you that cause I am obviously it like your prior masters."

"...fine if I must, call me Saraphinx then, master."

"Ok, eww no, don't call me that. Darick is more than enough, Dar or even Rick if you will, but not master. That just makes me sound like a perv."

"You certainly are a confusing master. Very well, Darick. What is your first command for me?"

"First thing is first cloths. Now I have no idea how to go about that without liking like a weirdo...."

I pursed my lips and snapped my fingers putting on an attire identical to that of my master only it fit.

"This work?"

", you need female cloths. How did you do that exactly?"

"I don't feel like educating you so read bout it or something in some tombs or such."

"Or, I could look it up online."

My master turned to a thin piece of metal with an apple bitten on it then began moving his fingers a words piped up in some weird text I had trouble reading. It took me a bit to realize it was really simple letters without all the fancy loops. My master was typing in something along the lines of 'Familiars getting objects from nowhere.' A bunch of things popped up and his eyes flicked get it quickly then clicked in something a few pages over. I didn't feel like straining my eye to read it so I settled for liking around the room. It was much plainer than I was use to, there were paper images on the wall if extreme quality. A small book shelf was in the corner a bed that was rumpled like he had just rolled out of it and this worlds books with papers scattered all around. The room had two beds and I just say this room was quiet small for two people. I would love to tell you how much cloths arrivals were on the floor, but let's simplify it with saying only small parts like a path and small areas with books and papers were vacant of such cloths items. I heard some foot steps coming towards this room then I herd a clock as a handle and lock was tired as a guy entered. My master shut the metal quickly and turned to face the now approaching guy.

"Hey Darick, whoah man! When did you get such a hot girlfriend?!"

"She isn't my girlfriend Dan."

"So miss, are you single?"

Hmm, I could have a bit of fun with this one.

"Yes I am. Saraphinx, Dan I take it. It is very nice to make your aquantance."

"Whoah, are you from some rich family or what with that kind of speech?"

"No, I just pick things up as suppose."

"Where have you traveld to?"

"All over, Egypt, Britan, Italy, if I remember correctly I went to Ireland too, unless it was Iceland. It was awhile back."

"Wow, you sure do get around. Say, you an me go get something to eat together, just the two of us; a date if you will."

"Dan, paws off she is just visiting and I am sure she has far too much class for you, not to mention she is way out of your legue."

"Ohh, so I suppose she is in yours then hmm?"

"Yes, cause I have way more class and less perv than you."

"As entertaining as this is, I am afraid I don't do datting. Too much...hassle."

Dans face fell and Daricks shone with relief.

"Ok, ok be that as it may, what exactly are you doing in our room and how do you know Darick here?"

Hmm, well master said that this era doesn't believe in familiars anymore do that is out. Ahh, I got it.

"Well my father knew his at one point, but lost touch, I remembered him saying something bout his friend having a son so I came here and ran into him by accident we started to talk and came to relict our fathers knew each other so he invited me back here do that brings us to now."

Daricks expression was shocked as he was behind Dan and Dan was facing me. I my new master am a very good lire so ya better watch out for my silver toung and butter like voice.

"That is sure a coincidence on both of your parts."

"Yes, I must say it was."

"Well, Sarphinx, you should head back home while it is still light out."

"Yes, I belive I should, nice meeting you Dan, Darick."

"Yeah good meeting ya. Ohh before you go might I and hat your names translated to in...what language is it?"

"Egyptian and you won't find it in any hyraghlifics, it means 'Egyptian summoned' or summon if you will."

"That's a weird, yet pretty name."

"Thanks you, well bye now."

I left the room then puffed away quickly back to the grey zone in await for my master to summon me.

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