Chapter 22 Icecream

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(Damn my feral reader I don't know what time my mental clock is on anymore!!!! Seriously get this I flew out from one time zone to go see my da in dc for 3 weeks, left on Sunday then one week out there I flew to ALASKA! One thing I must know bout me is I am a warm humid person not Alaska so I sorta have what I require....then Sunday hits again back 2 dc then Sunday bak to my mum....I give up I have no fudging idea what time zone I am on I see light when I am tired so stay awake....why am I even ranting u don't want 2 hear this so back to what u do.

My master approached me preditorily, I tried to get my body to poof to smoke to a different part of the room preferably behind my master, for the love of guanno I couldn't! What kind of summon did he put on me anyway?!

"Get any closer and I will kil..hurt...crap!"

"Can't do anything can you huh?"

Damn master was smirking at me!

"Ohh no, I can...I just haven't thought of what yet."

"In that sense you can't think of anything to do towards my advances."

I am a fucking familiar and I can't even think of a way to get out of this damn situation! What the hell is going on with me! Master encroached upon me further. He finally got within reaching distance and began to lightly move his hands around my sides causing me to go down rolling onto the floor in a laughing fit so hard that I couldn't breath. Tears were now streaming down my face from how hard I was laughing. Masters fingers were taken away so I was finally able to catch my breath.

"What was that for?!"

"You needed a good laugh. You just seem too serious."

I caught my breath after about five minutes my face now with a light flush and responded.

"Yeah well living for a couple millennia does that to ones personality."

"Well anyway, you are waaaaay overdue for an icecream. Since I don't  have any in my house. We will go to this caffe I know that is awesome get you into this eras was and loosen up a bit."

"....I honestly don't care."

"Good then, your coming with me."

Master grabbed my wrist and yanked me along with surprising strength for a human causing me to stumble a bit, I ran into masters chest at a couple moments before he had completely turned to pull me out the door.

"Careful, I thought that familiars had great balance."

"Not when we are suddenly yanked unexpectedly."

I stepped back and was prepared for the sudden yank of my arm this time as I was lead around the house or complex living homes since there seemed to be more than one occupant in this small building. As I was lead through the town my tail and ears on full display people took one look and usually smiled and walked on, or muttered cossplayer under their breath then walked on minding their own buisness. No dirty looks, no mean snears, nor and people spitting on me. Man have things changed since the last time I was summoned, these carriages moved around without horses, they looked much larger some smaller than others and occupants of up to usually four were in the carriages. The building looked to be made of some sort of compact like rock or even small wooden homes that looked wooden, but weren't on the inside from what I could see into the homes.  Some building stretched up miles high while others only a few stories or even more like towards where we came from only a one story house would be spotted usually owned by older couples. A few blocks latter we came to a small restaurant that seemed to be fairly well off, yet is was laid back. We walked into the building and we were greeted with 'welcome home master, and mistress.'

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