Chapter 23 Scamming the Scammer

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"What are you trying to get at with this little seduction, hmm?"

"Ohh, I am simply being what I am, a fox, know as a seductress in a lot of lore. I mean nothing by it."

The bunny waitress came back with what I am assuming was the check and handed it to my current master. He thanked her then slipped the money in. It looked a lot diffrent than what I remembered it to be. My master saw my eyes scrunch up in question and handed me some money, I looked at it flipping it over and examined it.

"Cool right?"

"How much is this, worth? It looks just like paper to me."

"About twenty dollars."

I really looked at it in question now. I ran my finger over the edge feeling a cut form. I licked my finger healing it over as the pain slowly disappeared and I handed the money back to my master.

"Do you know how to count?"

"Of course I do, it would be pathetic if I couldn't after all this time."

"Ok, this times currency is paper money and coins each thing says its currency, the paper says in dollars and the coins in cents which are less than dollars. It goes a penny, one cent nickel five, dime ten, quarter twenty five and a silver dollar fifty lastly a gold coin a dollar."

"It most certainly had gotten more confusing than I remember. I grabbed a penny and spun it causing it to twirl around rapidly as I used very little manna to keep it spinning."

"Cool trick, you definelty will win any coin wars, my bet is on you."

"Coin wars?"

"Yes, here let me demonstrate when I say to stop that little trick and just let it spin on its own, stop ok."


My master spun his penny.


I stopped my manas flow and the pennies hit each other with great force and clinked together, mine one out, but only by a couple seconds.

"That is a coin war."


My master got up and I followed suit behind him. We walked around the city a bit and I stopped seeing a game I was quiet familiar with, shel and pea. I veered over to it and watched along with the crowd. The person won a few rounds then lost after a bit.

"Who wants to try their luck next?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw my master looking at me warily.

"You do realize that is a scam right?"

"Of course, but nobody can out fox a fox. Just watch and learn."

I created a coin from the grey zone and put it in place and play.

"Ahh, so lil miss cross dresser wants to have a go?"

"I do, shuffle."

The man looked offended but began shuffling slowly so as to real me in. I guessed each time correct building up on the house money. Now was when the scam took place. The man began shuffling and the coin I put in play was shuffled then slipped under a different shel. I still got it correct. The man seemed enraged now and took the coin out of play with a simple slid of hand and coin into his coat  sleeve. He then transferred it to the middle shel.

"Middle shel."

He gave a sly smile and I felt the transfer of coin as he was about to show me get push off the table. I simple summoned the coin back to where it was at. The man looked dumbfounded at what happened. I took all the houses money and gave it to my master.  The pouch of money and coins was about  8x8.

"There, that should have paid for my meal and then some."

The crowd parted and looked at me amazed. A man from the crowd reached out and grabbed my arm pulling me over to another scam table this time with cards.


"If you can do what you just did here you can have seventy five percent of the takings."

"Hmm, I don't care I just have fun humiliating the scam artists. Speak about the percent with Darick."

As the saying goes speak of the devil he shall appear well, Darick indeed did appear.

"You just disappeared on me!"

"Part of my lovely vanishing act. Here I am going to play another game talk about the percentage with him while I play."

I walked away to let Darick bicker with the guy. I sat in front of the card dealer as he felt the cards with a two hand shuffle. I counted the cards once the game started I could not remember what this era called this card game, but I did remember the rules. If the hand that was dealt was higher than the dealers you won, you could trade a card out, but that risked a faulty and lesser hand. I didn't show any emotion besides worry for my hand the dealer smirked then spoke.

"Whatever winnings you have gotten from previous stands gets played and all the winnings I have built up over the years you get. The man placed a good sized stack of a hundred thousand dollar bills out. I placed an equally large stack of summoned money. The dealer laid down a hand of aces a queen and tens. I laid down my hand, an ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of royal suit.

"Royal flush, I win."

I grabbed the money and handed it to a still squabbling Darick and stranger.

"Ok, I don't care what you guys decided, that was a boring game."

I handed the said stacks of a hundred thousand dollar bills to Darick.

"Ok, let's go, these people are a boring game to be played."

Darick looked at me then ran after me with a shocked look on his face at my winnings. Surprisingly we walked back in silence I do believe he was in shock at his sudden fortune. We entered and I saw Dan reading a magazine with a half naked woman on the cover wearing some leather outfit and bondage things of sort. I took the magazine out of his hands and flipped through it knowing what everything did since I had lived in a midevil time, humans, they never so change things are simply less public. I handed the magazine back to the now embarrassed Dan.

" did not need to see that."

"It isn't my business what you do on your own time. Not like I don't know what those devises do...aside from just these two. I pointed at a hard looking object that said with new extra vibration she will love! Then with another one which looked like a ring that said this will leave him wanting the release just that much more.Dan looked at me quiet shocked.

"Either a, you have some really messed up childhood, b you are beyond a sadist, or c beyond a madochist."

I just shrugged and just jumped onto the empty bed. Dan gave me a quizzical look then his gaze flicked over to my current master and his jaw droped.

"Where the hell did you get all that money?! Ohh you better not have robbed. A bank or, or, put her on  the streets!"

My master smacked Dan upside the head then gave a exasperated sigh.

"No, she saw some scam artists and played against them and won. She won against a smaller scam artist then another random guy pulled her from the crowd and brought her to a poker street game that nobody was able to win up to her then she won, god knows how much is here."

"Man, your at least a billionaire by now! Girl how many talents do you have?!"


"Well enough gets you a trip to Vegas with me!"

I shrugged and curled up in a ball on the bed not paying mind to anybody.

"Umm..Darick, she ok?"

"I don't know she seemed pretty happy earlier. Bi polar maybe?"

I grabbed a pillow and held that to my body and closed my eyes feeling them get moist as I slipped into darkness.

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