Chapter 8 Late 1500's

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"So as a familiar you have to do whatever your master tell you?"

"Yes, however since I am a fox I can find loop holes so unless you are specific I can find a way out of a command of course I still have to do it, but I can delay it and or depending on the command I can do a halfway job for say my master tells me to stab somebody then I might only stab their hand or foot so you need to be specific."

*I curled my tail around my stomach and the tip of it hung over my shoulder. I felt my body getting tugged again meaning I was about to get pulled back into the grey zone.*

"Well I wish you luck Leonardo. My time here is done and over with. Go down an ally way a ways turn left and in a dingy looking house you will find a good subject to see how human body's work. Don't give up I am sure one day your work will be noticed."

*On that note I was yanked back to the grey zone and I was spinning from head up head down head up head down. I shifted back into my fox form and now I was streaked with white. I began to scratch at the collar around my neck trying to get it off however I couldn't. I shifted into my human form for a few seconds and tried like that still nothing so I shifted back to my fox form. I felt what felt like thorns stabbing my skin as it yanked me back to reality of the human world. I got ready for my form to materialize then I leapt right onto the man with my teeth bore and gleeming. My small frame was ripped from the mans face and slung across the room with nastily looking devises I didn't even know what they were I could hear torched screams below me beside and all around. The smell of death was evident on  my next master.*

"I have summoned you here to help and do my bidding. You are not to kill me nor my employer nor family. You are to kill and torcher whomever I tell you too with no hesitation and you are not to harm me nor drain me of my mana."

*Damn it! There goes that idea.*

"From now on you are to refer to me as master and you will respond to Death."

*My eyes gleamed with anger however I couldn't harm this thing since he ordered me not too. I felt him grab me by my scruff and take the collar off and replace it with one of his own which was spiked on the inside instead of outside.*

"You are to also wear this collar and not take it off."

*I bit back a snarl at my current master and instead looked at him with hate filled eyes.*

"Now Death my first command of you is to go over to that cell block and kill the people inside it we already have what we want from them."

*I padded over on the wet stone ground to the cell I was sopost to kill the people in. I came up seeing a father and a teenage boy as well as a five year old girl. All of which except the girl had broken bones and were bruised the girl only had bruises from what I could tell.*

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"Daddy what's that animal?"

"A fox."

"Why isn't it red?"

"Who knows."

"Mabye that fox could be out way out father."

*It pained me to know what I was about to do however I couldn't resisted a command given to me by my master otherwise the command would take over my body and move on its own. I shifted to a twelve year old girls form and looked at the small family with violet eyes devoid of expression.*

"I am afraid I am not a way out physically. I bare no grudge against you I am simply following orders."


*I slit the fathers throat before he could speak then proceeded to his son I hesitated towards the now balling child. I didn't want to do this. It wasn't right. My body began to move on its own with my hesitation and broke the girls neck cleanly. I closed my eyes for a moment when I opened them I saw what I had done everything was cleanly done if nobody knew better one would say they were sleeping. I shifted back to my fox form and slipped through the cell bars back to my summoner witch was with somebody else spinning a wheel around with the mans hands and feet tied and each time the wheel was turned the devise pulled more and more on the mans limbs until finally *pop* with agonizing screams for mercy and please to stop the mans limbs were yanked from their sockets.*

"Ye done with yer task Death?"

*I gave a nod and my master gave a dark laugh and motioned for me to look at the man he was currently torchering.*

"This man, I want you to get some information out of him on where his troops are going to be located."

*I looked with devoid eyes and shifted to my human form as I looked at my next order.*

"Yes master."

*Once again I am summoned to darker and darker times. Only this time I am guarantied to be here for a long while... Only this time I will be the one torchering and sentencing death.*

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