Chapter 5 1400's

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*It has taken quit awhile, but my bones have finally started to heal over, my pad on my paw is a white scar and it hurts to move around too much even in this grey goo, however it was bearable. I had reflected on my biggest mistake at failing my master and had hardened my mind since that time. I felt my body getting a light sucking feeling then I was jerked onto a summoners symbol, my summon symbol.*

(Summon symbole)

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(Summon symbole)

*I moved so my weight was shifted too my left paw so my right wasn't strained. I waited till the circle wasn't glowing then leapt. However the circle came down with a lightning bolt crash shocking me as I circled the barrier on the inside snapping at the edges.*

"I Christopher Landilaya have summoned you as my familiar to do my bidding, you must follow my command with compleat accuracy and speed. Rule one you may not harm or kill me,*typical human* rule two you must protect me even if it means your life.    * well now this might just hurt seeing as my last master died cause of me.*. Rule three you must refer to me as master. *yada yada yada cut to the chase.*. Rule four you must always stay in your human form.*haha very funny I can't do that retard. My fur began to buzz and my body shifted to a five year old with fox ears and a tail. I sat cross legged looking at my new master.*

"Happy now?!"

"Rule five you must always respect me."

*He gave a smirk at me and I gave a snarl, but only succeeded in getting a harsh zap that silenced me.*

"Rule six you must always wear a collar. Finally rule seven you must follow all of these rules unless I add or detract rules as I see fit. *that last sentence got too me and I gave a growl at this new master of mine, but this time the zap was harsher leaving my fur standing on edge silencing me thoroughly this time.*

"Rude little minx aren't you?"

"Why yes I am master."

"What is you name if you have one."


"Saraphinx, that your last masters name for ya?"

"Don't talk about my last master he is none of your concern."

*My fur rose on my ears and tail puffing up and my violet eyes narrowed.*

"Well, I am not your last master, so your name as of now is Minx since you won't behave."

*I moved out of the summoners ...triangle and narrowed my eyes at my master.*

"Fine by me."

*I sharpened my claws, however before I could swipe them across his face my claws detracted and my nails sheathed on their own. My body moved away on its own accord out the door as I heard my master murmur 'Kill the man in a white hood.' A growl escaped my mouth as I stopped and looked around at my surroundings there were dirt streets and solid looking homes as well as light trails of smoke rising from homes. Not a grain of sand in sight and lots of architecture as well as paintings and statues. A shiver went up my spine at the sudden change. I counted on my fingers human time and estimated the 1400's to be the current date on how long the world has been around and the humans reference on the time period. I looked around the streets and saw people looking at me with discusst one man even came up to me and spit on me. My response, I will let you guess. Well my response was me swiping his face with my sharp cat like nails and leaving a five inch cut on his face. I walked away from the town circle my tail swishing behind me and my ears twitching. A man which was painting a lady took a glance at me and made weird angles with his hands towards me. My irritable mood dissipated and I became curious.*

"Young lady, would you be willing to model for one of my pictures?"

*I cocked my head to the side and looked around I was the only one around other than the man and the lady he was painting.*

"Why me?"

'Kill the man with a white hood that's an order Minx!'

*I pushed my masters order to the side he didn't give a sordid if time frame so I was ok to work this loop hole.*

"Why not? You certainly are a curiouser little girl. Or if you can at least get my current model to smile."

*I suppose I could at least get his model to smile. I gave a nod and went up to the lady as I whispered into her ear.*

"Your future will have a loving husband two girls and a boy and you will be very famous after this painting is compleat with your smile."

*She gave a gentle smile and the man painted it quickly, but carefully. I began to walk away with a barley noticeable swish of my tail.*

"Won't you model for my picture?"

"Once I compleat the task my master had assigned to me then I can."

"Are you a slave?"

"I am a slave to time itself."

*I walked away on that note my ears pointed up; my tail that was giant and fluffy wrapped around my body which in human form was bare to the world. I scanned crowds from my rooftop perch and found the man in a white hood. I leapt down from my perch and landed on the mans back killing him instantly with my sharp nails piercing  his heart.I walked away before anybody could know it was me. I licked the humans blood off of my hands absorbing the raw mana and began to store it.  I found my way back to the man which wanted to have me model.*

"Ahh you are back! Sit, sit I want the scenery in the background for this picture."

*I sat with my back to the vines and he got out pencils and began to sketch me. My tail laid across my chest and lower abdomen and then laid across and down touching the floor. I kept gentle calculating eyes on the man as he sketched with a passion that relaxed me. So far this is the longest I have been out on my first day as a familiar. What my silly master doesn't know is I am stealing mana from him slowly draining his life and expanding my reserves. I sat with un changing emotions and yet changing and turning deep within my eye if you looked closely you could see what was slowly becoming of me behind my mask of violet eyes.*

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