Chapter 29 Saraphinx Being...Saraphinx?

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I tossed the magazine to the side and stood up gracefully my illusion veil dissipating within the presence of my master. I met his gaze as I looked into his emerald green eyes his hair sticking up every which way. 

"If you don't require me, then I will be leaving."

"Where do you go when you leave exactly?"

"Ohh, and why do you want to know this ohh so nosy one?"

Derick pursed his lips and I thought this a good time to mess with him. I crawled onto his bed my tail flicking languidly around me as my ears were let back in a calm relaxed seductive appearance as well as my expression being completely enticing and inviting. I saw Derick tense as I was now  atop of him while he still maintained his up straight sitting position.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing that you should worry thin fiery red head of yours."

"I believe if  you are sitting on my lap naked as the day you were....errr...summoned?"

"It still doesn't matter. It also seems you rather like me in the position I am in currently."

" I don't!"

"Ahh, don't lie to me m.a.s.t.e.r~ I can feel your excitement."

I leaned forward further just in front of Dericks face then blew into his ear causing a shiver to run up his spin. I moved away and off of him as he presented a fully flushed face and and waved to him as I walked out leaving him hot and bothered. It was always so fun to mess with the innocent ones. Innocent  really? If he is so innocent then how could he have summoned you?  I felt a hand grab my shoulder out of instinct I sunk my nails into the hand and twisted it at a harsh angle only to hear a familiar pained grunt. I turned around seeing Lexer with tears just being held back as he flashed me a bit of a pained smile. 

" Yeah I deserved that for scaring you."

I shook my head in disapproval as I took his hand a little roughly and twisted it this way and that has he barley held in his cries of pain.

"Owww! That isn't helping!"

"Hush. I am almost done."

I gave a few more twists and jerks before I heard a series of small pops as well as felt them. Lexer had a shiver run up his spine by the look of it as I let him pull his hand away as he tested it by twisting it. When he felt no pain he looked back at me with a confused look upon his face.

"How did you learn to do that?"

"Who is to say." I gave a shrug "What was it you required?"

"You said you would think about going to the dance studio on Wednesday and it is Wednesday."

"Ohh, it is?"

"It is, I take it you wont be going after all then?"

"No, I will. What time did you require my presence?"

"Well, I am actually late so right now..."

Lexer rubbed his neck a bit awkwardly

"I see, then we had best be heading for was it?"

"Yes, studio. The way you speak, its...hard to place. I feel like I have heard it somewhere before."

"I highly doubt it."

I looked forward following with even step alongside Lexer.

"I hope you don't mind questions, since the students like to ask quiet a few of them."

"I don't, but I can behave."


"Nothing, just a little joke of mine, you would have to have known me for awhile to understand what I mean."

"Ohh, so your a bad girl I take it?"

Lexers voice held a playful lilt to it as he spoke and I returned it with my own seductive purring response.

"Ohh, yes I am a very bad girl."

Lexers eyes widened a little as a light ting of pink painted his cheeks and he laughed a bit at my response with a friendly  one, not mocking like I half expected. I swear some of the people in this era are quiet odd, normally at that type of response would get either a major blush, and or a as equally witty response which would then lead to me and the other party finding a dark alley to exchange some...information then leaving. However, Lexer did neither. A simple light blush and a lilting laugh.

"Well, we are here so best to contain your bad girl ways."

"Like  I said, I can behave."

Lexer made a swooping motion for me to enter first and I gave a polite nod in return  and went in. I was met with none stop chattering then once Lexer came in behind me everybody stopped talking and all focus was on him.

 I was met with none stop chattering then once Lexer came in behind me everybody stopped talking and all focus was on him

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(Lexers dance studio)

"Class, I have a friend here who was kind enough to join me to show you some dance moves on her part as well as to show you what a little work can accomplish and what perfect harmony can achieve."

A few hands shot up and Lexer nodded for them to speak.

"Well, I have a question for Miss..umm"

I helped the boy out.


"Miss Saraphinx, are you and Lexer a couple?"

I believe the boy was looking for some kind of blushing mess at that question, but I responded out of character to what they were use to.

"No, but I do find him quiet handsome, any other questions?"

The class all shook their head no at the same time and I gave a gentle deceitful smile the spoke.

"Well, let us show you what a dance should look like with your partner at the same level as you."

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