Moving Day!

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Clarke's POV

"That's the last one!" Lincoln shouts from out my bedroom window

Lincoln is my older brother. He's really buff. He's very protective of me. My ex boyfriend Finn. Well let's just say he won't be bothering me anymore. Well for one he won't be bothering me because he moved away and I'm moving too and he doesn't know where we're going. We live in LA, but we are moving to Virginia. It's out last year of high school and when I say we I mean Lincoln and me. He's only 2 years older than me. I'm 16 and he's 18, but he got held back because of personal reasons.

"Okay!" I yell up to him

He comes walking out of the house and closes the moving van that will be driving to Virginia. We are taking a plane because we start our new school on Monday. It's Thursday so we have the weekend. Lincoln is my legal guardian now because our parents died. They were murdered. It's a cold case. Which means they never found out who did it. Lincoln was 17 and I was 15. We were at a party when it happened and came home and there were cops everywhere. I just try and forget about it.

"Ready to drive to the airport?" Lincoln says putting his arm around my shoulder

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say giving him a hug

"Than let's go!" He says running to the car

He's more excited than I am because we grew up here, but it's hard to live in a house when your parents died in it. We have an older brother Taylor, but he travels the world. He's our half brother Taylor Caniff, but he really loves us. It was hard for him when mom and dad died. So he just disappeared. Haven't heard from him since last year. That's why Lincoln is my legal guardian. I get in the car and Lincoln drives away. The moving van truck should make it to Virginia by Saturday. Poor guys. Oh well.
"LA to Virginia now boarding." Someone says on a speaker

I grab my carry on and so does Lincoln. We walk to our seat 3A and 3B thank god we don't have to sit next to people! I hate that. I sit next to the window and Lincoln sits by the isle. I put on my pink beats and plug it into my pink 5c iPhone. Don't ask, but our parents had a will and for some reason they hand a lot of money and when I say A LOT of money I mean A LOT of money! I turn on my playlist and the first song that comes on is "All for love" by Madison Beers. My best friend Jack Gilinksy is dating her. I told him not too, but he didn't listen to me. Oh well if he's happy that's all that matters. I know jack and jack because of Taylor. I'm friends with all the Magcon boys but mostly Jack & jack! I close my eyes and fall asleep on Lincoln's shoulder.

I'm dancing at a party. Lincoln is hanging in the corner with Cameron and Taylor. I'm dancing with Madison beers. Yes I have to be friends with her but it's because I want to keep my friendship with Jack. My phone starts to ring and I answer it.

"Hello?" I say

"Hello is this Clarke Griffin?" Some man says

"Yes, this is her? May I ask who is asking?"

"This detective Wallace from the LA police department. I'm sorry to inform you, but your parents were murdered."

"What? Please tell me this isn't real." I say with tears forming in my eyes

"I'm sorry." He says

I start to cry.

"Thanks." I say and hang up the phone

I walk outside and just let all the tears fall out of my eyes. I have to tell Lincoln and Taylor, but I can't. I walk back in the house and grab Lincoln and Taylor.

"Hey what's wrong?" Lincoln says

"Mo-mom and dad they- their dead." I cry

They both looked at me shocked. Taylor has tears in his eyes and Lincoln has tears falling down his face. They pull me into a hug. We walk inside and tell everyone good bye. We didn't tell anyone yet, but we will eventually. When we get home their is tape that says "do not cross". We stand there and watch as they push our parents into vans. I break down. I can't see anything through my watery eyes.

"Hey wake up." Lincoln says

"Sorry." I say wiping away a tear that must have snuck out

"Look we just need to forget our everything bad and move on. Okay?" Lincoln says

"Okay." I say

I'm glad I have Lincoln I truly am. The rest of the plane ride is silent. I just listen to music and so does Lincoln. I really feel bad that we didn't tell Taylor that we left, but he left without saying anything too. We sent letters to everyone, but we didn't officially say good bye. They'll be pissed, but it's for our own good and I think we made the right choice. They would have begged us to stay and I couldn't do that. The plane ride comes to an end and we grab our stuff and go. We are staying in a hotel till our stuff comes, but because of the time difference it's only 3:00 in the afternoon here in Virginia and at home it was 12:00 in the morning. We go outside and wait for the cab.

"Ready to go see the house?" Lincoln says

I shake my head yes. We only saw the house over the Internet and never saw how big it actually is so we don't know if it's small or big. There is 4 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. It is in a nice neighborhood too. When the driver pulls up to the house it's huge. It has a lot of Windows. I walk up to the front door and walk in. It's huge the carpeted floor leading to the wooden floor. I walk up the kinda twirly staircase and into a bedroom. I just found my bedroom. It's gonna be right next to Lincoln's. I usually have to sleep next to him because I have nightmares and he has to calm me down. I already know what I'm gonna do to my bedroom. I'm an artist and I love to draw and color so I'm gonna do that to my wall. Just wait and see. I go out back and see that there is a pool! Yass! It's September so it's cold, but in LA we could swim all year long.

"Come on, the cab is waiting for us." Lincoln's say

I can't wait for our stuff to come so we can move in. We get in the cab and get to the hotel. We put out stuff on the ground and take a nap. We have to go register for school so we can just show up on Monday. So we get up at 2:30 when school ended. The school's cheer squad saw me cheer and play softball before so they asked me to join. I'm nervous, but I hope that they actually like me. We grab our stuff we need like our schedule. They must not get a lot of new people because they new us right when we walked in. It is a small town in Virginia. Going from a big city to a little town is weird. When we are done its 3:00. So we go out to lunch. Its weird not getting to talk to my friends in a day. We usually hang out. Their at school right now. Still don't know where Taylor went though. I've gotten txt like "where are you?" Or "hey you okay?" So did Lincoln. We didn't respond. Not until they get the letter. We go back to the hotel and just sleep the rest of the day away. I'm so glad I moved. Not really.
Hey thanks so much for reading hope you like it. This is a AU so it's gonna be nothing like the show! Can't wait for bellarke and for season 3! Yass! Go check out my other books Pretty little Daughter and One mistake can change everything! Only if you want too!!! Thanks so much!
Kisses, -S

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