The Hardest Thing To Do

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Lincoln's POV
I watched as Bellamy and Clarke walked up the stairs together. It sucks that she doesn't remember anything. I just sit there staring at a blank tv screen and a tear just slips out. I failed my sister. When I signed those papers to be her guardian I was supposed to be the one to keep her safe and I didn't.

I moved her here. It was my idea to move here. Octavia puts her arms around my shoulders from behind me. I just let another tear slip out.

"Lincoln, I promise she's gonna be okay." O says softly in my ear

"I don't know O. She looks at me like she has know idea who I am. She's all I have left O." I say

"I know Lincoln, but you just have to give her time."

I nod. I know I need to give her time, but if she was your sister would you want them to totally forget you? Bellamy walks down the stairs blank face and all. He sits down on the other couch. I know how much he cares about Clarke.
Bellamy's POV
When Clarke asked me about the password it broke my heart to lie to her, but you can't make someone love you. I realized that I just have to give her time to too was everything. I mean the girl has been through so much in just a couple of months.

I walked down to where Lincoln and O were and just sat there. I really didn't know what to feel. All I know is I feel relieved she didn't die. I would have blamed myself. It was me who got mad at her and mad her just storm off.

"Guys come on! Seriously this isn't gonna help get Clarke any better! We need to just keep our heads up and believe that she will get better!" O says

Lincoln and I just sat there in silence. I can't keep it in anymore so I just let it all out. I'm pretty sure I made Lincoln cry too. Clarke is the only girl that I have really truly have been in love with and didn't physically lose her, but mentally I did.
Clarke's POV
I heard O yell downstairs about me. I went to the stairs and went down carefully. It might have taken me a couple of minutes, but I did it. I hid behind a wall and watched as all of them cried over me.

I wish I could tell them, but if I do I'm putting their lives in danger. Id rather sit and watch this than watch them die like I did with my parents and Alana.

"Clarke may not mentally be here, but she is physically and right now that's all that matters with everything surrounding her and us here she is going to remember us." O says

I start to tear up. I go the back way to go on the deck out back. I sit myself in a chair and just stare up at the beautiful sunset. I let a tear slip out of my eyes.

Besides going to my parents funeral. This is probably the hardest thing I've had to do. I just closed my eyes and lay my head back. Soon I'm out.
Bellamy's POV
After O's speech I've just balled my eyes out. I can't stop. I wish there was a switch, but there isn't. Lincoln and O are on the one couch sleeping. I got off the couch and went to the kitchen. I noticed someone sitting out back.

I grabbed a blanket and walked out back. Clarke was fast asleep on the comfy chair they have out back. I laid the blanket on her and sat down and just sat out there. I'm not gonna leave her outside alone. I just closed my eyes and slept the nights away.
Sorry it's been awhile!!!! Been really busy! Hope you enjoy!!! Happy Thursday!!!! #The100
Hope there's a bellarke scene tonight!!!!!
Kisses, S❤️💕❤️💕💕

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