Trust Is All You Need

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Clarke's POV
I've been trapped in this hospital for 2 weeks. I get out tomorrow thank god. Taylor and Jack G went home so it's just Lincoln, Bellamy, and Octavia now. They always come to the hospital after school. Cheerleading. I'm missing cheer. This sucks. Basketball is going on right now, but oh well. I just need to be ready for softball. All I do all day is sit and watch tv and play on my phone. Everyone is at school and I'm sitting here wishing that I was at school. My GPA is probably dropping, but I'll bring it up. My phone goes off.

From Unknown: Party at Harper's house 7:00 tonight!!!🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈

Okay well I can't go, but Lincoln, Octavia, and Bellamy are going and their not gonna sit here and stare at me all night. I put them into a group chat because if they step foot anywhere near this hospital I'll kill them. Myself.

(Bell❤️🔐-Bellamy/ O💋-Octavia/ Bro🏈🏀⚾️- Lincoln)

C- If you guys don't go to that party tonight and just stare at me all night long I will kill you. 😎

Bro🏈🏀⚾️- Clarke I'm not leaving you alone again. The last time that happened you were kidnapped

Bell❤️🔐- Yeah, babe. No I can't let that happen. It will be no fun without you😩😩😩

O💋- Yeah, Clarke I can't go alone who's gonna help me pick out my outfit???👗

C- Seriously guys! Stop making up excuses. Your going and that's it. I trust you all will be careful. Have fun. Love you all❤️😘 ps. Come anywhere near here and I will seriously hurt you. See you tomorrow

I turned my phone off so they can't make anymore excuses anymore. I close my eyes and just take a nap.
Bellamy's POV
"I guess we're going to that party." I laugh

"Yeah, because I'm not facing the wrath of Clarke. She can be really mean sometimes." Lincoln says

"Yeah, but who's gonna help me with my outfit?" Octavia says

"Just wear something and don't bother Clarke because she'll go buck wild if you do." Lincoln says

We all laugh. The bell rings and we get out of our seats. This really sucks that Clarke can't be there, but she'll kill me if I don't go so I guess I have too. We get into our cars and drive home. Time flies by and now it's time for the party. Octavia is with Lincoln and I'm all by myself. Well not by myself I have friends, but it just doesn't feel right without Clarke. I'm talking with Murphy and Miller right now. I have my drink in one hand and phone in the other. If I call Clarke she will just get mad so I put the phone back in my pocket. Octavia and Lincoln come up to us.

"Bell come on. Have some fun that's what Clarke wanted. Loosen up." O says

I smile.

"Hey I can be fun! Just watch." I say

I put my drink on the counter and we walk to go do something. Fun.
Unknown POV
I'm gonna get Bellamy. If it's the last thing I do on this earth, but no he has the rich princess. Why couldn't Finn just follow through on it. Oh wait, never send a ex to try and kill their ex. They won't go through with it if they still love them. Honestly, I'll just have to get rid of Clarke myself. If it gets Bellamy to notice me I'll just do what any girl does. Break them up, but how? Well that I'll never tell. If I did I'd have to kill you. Toddles.
Bellamy's POV
"Okay Bell your right. Your a lot of fun." Octavia laughs

I grab my drink and drink it. Okay it takes really weird, but you know who cares it's a party let loose. We all just have a good time. It feels so good to be able to have fun again. I missed it. I'm still sad that Clarke couldn't be here, but she'll be at the next parties. I keep getting drinks left and right from people and well I want to stop, but I can't. Oh well I won't do anything stupid.

10 hours later...

I wake up with the worst headache every. I'm shirtless and I have know idea where the hell I am. I open my eyes, but the sun is so bright. When my eyes finally adjust I'm in a room, but not alone. I look over and it's a blonde girl, but it's not Clarke. She has my shirt on. Damn it! What the hell happened last night? I definitely screwed up this time. Damn!
Unknown POV
Thank god my plan worked! Now all I have to do is press send and the whole school will know what 'Bellamy Blake did to his girlfriend'. I take out my phone and admire the picture. Great way to start a Saturday, but not for Clarke. She just won't know the truth. Oh well who cares. I get him all to myself. That's all I ever wanted. That's all I want, but Clarke I guess is better than me, but not anymore. Bellamy never saw it coming. Prefect. Now all I have to do is keep it a secret. I see Bellamy leave the messy house full of red solo cups and the smell of beer. He looks devastated, but I'll fix that. He gets into his car and drives away. I walk into Harper's house and upstairs to the bedrooms. I open the door and the girl that "slept" with Bellamy is standing there.

"Pay up. I did what you asked me to do." She says holding her hand out

"Here. Thanks again." I say

"No problem, Gena. Thank you." The girl says walking away with 100 dollars

Time to press send. So excited. Here comes hell Clarke.
Clarke's POV
Finally time to go home! Octavia and Lincoln walk through the door with sunglasses on.

"You guys look like hell." I laugh

"Thanks sis." Lincoln says

"Where's Bell?" I ask

They look at each other. Oh god this can't be good. They were about to say something when all our phones go off. We look at each other and take out our phones. They open theirs first. They look at each other shocked. Oh great. Lincoln runs over to me and hugs me. Octavia grabs my phone.

"Hey! Give it back." I say

"No, sorry." Octavia says

"Please, please!!!" I say with puppy dog eyes

Lincoln looks at Octavia and nods. She throws me my phone and I open the message. No frickin way.

"Please tell me this I fake." I say

They look down. Tears start to well up in my eyes. Well that must mean it's not. I throw my phone on the bed and run out of the door. I go to Lincoln's car and sit in it and cry. They both come out 5 minutes later. Lincoln hands me my phone and I just turn it off. If that was sent to all 3 of us than that means it was sent to more than just us. Great! Just great. Now I'll be the girl who was cheated on. Oh well, I knew Bellamy was too good to be true.
Thanks soo much for reading!!!! ILYSM!!!! Love you!!!!! Hey serenityrose_24 Wyd!???? Hope your having a good Tuesday!!!

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