The Message.

743 31 14

Bellamy's POV
"Beep-Beep!" I wake to the sound of a phone going off

I have my arms wrapped around Clarke. She's so beautiful when she sleeps. I look over to my phone and and it's not mine. I know this is terrible to do, but I grab Clarke's phone. I press the power button and a message from an Unknown sender.


Who would want Clarke gone? Why would someone want Clarke gone? I put her phone back in the same spot that it was in, but I took a screenshot of the message first and sent it to myself. (Screenshot above) I don't even know who to tell. Do I tell Lincoln or would that just worry him more? I walk out of Clarke's bedroom and walk downstairs to find Lincoln and Octavia making out.

"Excuse me. I'm still her brother. So get a room if your going to make out." I laugh

"Whatever Bell." Octavia says

"Where's Clarke?" Lincoln says

"Still sleeping." I say

"Then why did you come down here?"

Should I show him or should I keep it to myself? I pull up the picture of the message and hand it to Lincoln. He studies the photo. Octavia looks at it too.

"Who sent this to you?" Octavia asks

"Not me, who sent it to Clarke?" I say

Lincoln's face changes emotions. I don't really know what type of emotion he had he just looked worried.

"You need to get her phone. I don't need her to leave again. We need to delete this message." Lincoln says

I nod and go back upstairs. To find Clarke not in bed and no phone on the desk anymore. Damn it! Clarke comes out of he bathroom. Tears streaming down her face. I walk up to her and put my arms around her. She cries into my shoulder. I knew I should have just deleted it.

"Shhh, baby it's okay." I say hugging her

She just cries into my shoulder. I can't tell her that I know what's wrong so I just ask her.

"What's a matter?" I say rubbing her back

"I can't tell you." She says crying

"Why not?"

"Because this is my problem not yours." She says walking into her bathroom and looking at herself in the mirror

"Clarke your my girlfriend. You can tell me when something is wrong."

I know I Know about the message it's just I want her to tell me about it. Clarke takes a deep breathe and hands me her phone. I look to find 7 other messages:

"Leave or die."

"Your worthless so no one will care if you leave."

"You have 24 hours to leave or say bye bye."


"Mommy and daddy would be so ashamed."

"Bellamy doesn't even care about you."

"Just kill you self it would be so much easier for me."

Reading these messages hurt, but I'm not Clarke and I don't know what to do. If Clarke leaves again I don't know what I would do. Clarke just stands there tears running down her face. Lincoln told me what happened to Clarke, but he never told me what she did to herself. I walk up to Clarke. I put my hand on her cheek. I wipe the tears away. I lift her chin making her look me right in the eye. Her blood shot beautiful blue eyes. I take her hand.

"Bell I might need to leave again." She says looking away

"Hey, Hey look at me." I say using my pointer finger to lift her chin up

"I will not let anyone hurt you at all. We will get through this together."

She nods her head because she can't get any words out. She puts her head on my shoulder. I caresses her hair. She picks her head off of my shoulder. She kisses my cheek and walks out of her bedroom and walks downstairs. She walks out of the front door and I hear her motorcycle leave.

"Where is she going?" I ask Lincoln

"She said she needed to clear her mind." Lincolns says

I nod. We just sit there watching Netflix in comfortable silence. I just can't stop thinking about what Clarke has been through and she's only 16. I mean she is turning 17 soon, but that's still too young for all this to be happening to her. I just want the best for her.

Clarke's POV
After Bellamy told me that he wouldn't let anyone hurt me I felt safe, but he's one person and one person can't take care of me for the rest of my life. I tell Lincoln I just need to clear my mind. I got the keys to my motorcycle and just left. I just drove and drove until the tears started getting in the way of everything so I stopped at the spot that I went to with Octavia when I first moved here. I sit there and stare out at the lake. Right now I bet my parents are so disappointed in me. I wish I could just rewrite my life or just end it. I sit there for a long time because it gets really dark. I hear a branch snap.

"Hello is anyone out there?" I say getting up and walking to the wooded part of the place I was at

I keep looking around until someone runs at me and hits me on the back of the head. I knew I should have left. I knew it.

Thank you sooooo much for reading it means soooo much!!!! I love you guys soo much!!! How is your day going? Hopefully it's going good. How are you doing serenityrose_24???????

Kisses, ~S

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