Packing Life Away...

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Clarke's POV
I woke up outside on the chair I feel asleep on. I grabbed my crutches and sat up. I saw Bellamy asleep with a blanket. Even though he thinks I don't have my memory he still cared enough to sleep outside and watch over me. I stand there smiling at him until my phone goes off.

Bell jumps up and I trip over my own feet and Bell catches me. I know your probably like how the hell did that happen, but some how it did. We look into each other's eyes and it's really hard not to kiss him. I mean have you seen him!?

We are leaning in and in until my phone goes off again. Damn! I stand back up on one foot and Bell picks my crutches up and hands them to me.

"Thanks." I say smiling at him

"No problem. That's what I'm here for. Just a friend helping a friend out." Bellamy says

When he said friend my heart shattered. I mean I know that he probably thinks I still forget, but it's still hard to hear him say "friend". We stare at each other awkwardly, but thank god my phone stepped in again and it started to ring. I look at the caller ID and its a phone number from Australia.

"Uhm.. I have to take this." I say to Bell

He nods his head and walks inside. I press accept and start the convo.

DS- Diana Smith/C- Clarke

C: Hello, may I ask who's speaking?

DS: Hi Clarke, it's me Diana Smith from Sydney College of the Arts. I was just calling to see if you still wanted that scholarship, we would really like it if you would come study with us.

I don't know what to do. I mean I can't keep up this act much longer, but if I tell them I know everything then someone will die. I take a minute.

C: Uhm I...
Bellamy's POV
I was this close to kissing Clarke. This close and her frickin phone rang. Ugghhhh! I mean It was so awkward. I called her my "friend" when in reality she's my girlfriend. Nice one Bell.

When Clarke was finally done on the phone she comes in the house and goes straight up to her room. I'm surprised she made it up without help. Lincoln and O come down the stairs laughing.

"How was your night outside Bell?" O laughs

"Ha ha very funny." I laugh cracking my now hurting back

That chair really was not comfortable at all. I just really needed to keep an eye on Clarke.

"Bell, Clarke will remember us. Like I said yesterday 'you can't rush her back into anything' okay?" O says

"Okay! I get it. Don't rush. Let her brain take its time, but in still gonna care for her." I say

O and Lincoln smile and walk into the kitchen. I walk up the stairs quietly and walk to Clarke's door. It's creeped open a little so I can see her sitting on her bed. She's drawing in her notepad. Why does she have to be so beautiful. I mean Ugghhhh!!

I look a little closer and I see tears rolling down her eyes. This must be really hard for her. If i forgot my family I wouldn't be able to try not to think about it. Clarke's phone goes off. She picks it up and answers it.

"Hello?" Clarke says

I can't hear who's on the other side of the phone, but she seems upset.

"I'm leaving. Don't worry. You won't have to worry about me anymore, but you will not hurt anyone." She says and a tear falls down her face

What? Clarke hangs up the phone and just lets her tears fall out. I have know idea what's going on. I knock on her door.

"Come in." Clarke says wiping away her tear

"Hey I just wanted to see if you needed anything?" I ask

"No, thanks though I'm okay."

"Okay, look I know you still don't remember me, but you should always know that I will always be here for you. No matter how big the problem is or no matter where you are in the world, you need me I'll be there." I say

She smiles. I was about to walk out of the door until..

"Bell wait!" Clarke says

"Yeah." I say turning around

"Thank you. I mean I understand I don't remember you, but I do understand that you care about me. So thank you."

"That's what I'm here for." He says

I smile and walk out of the door. I just hope she remembers soon.
Clarke's POV
I'm so tired of all of this. I should have just died in that stupid crash. Ugh! My phone is gonna be the death of me too. Bellamy's speech to me just makes me think of what I'm about to do is going to break them all. I don't know how I'm about to do this. Just please don't let it hurt them.
Omg! I finally updated. Sorry it was short, but I've been really busy and I had to update. I was so happy about the bellarke hug I cried!!!! I was sooo excited!!! Who else was excited??!??

Kisses, S❤️💕💕💕💕

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