The Truth Will Set U Free

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Bellamy's POV
Is it bad that I'm keeping this secret from Clarke? I mean she does have the right to know, but Octavia, Lincoln, and I need to figure out what needs to be done. This is really hard for me to see Clarke go through this. Clarke is at home right now studying so Lincoln snuck out of the house so we could make up a plan.

"What do we do?" Octavia asks

"I don't know, we can't let everyone hate on Clarke forever because she did nothing." I say

"We need to get Alana to tell people herself. It would be better if it came from her." Lincoln says

We all nod.

"But one thing though.... How the hell are we gonna get Alana go tell the truth?" I say
Clarke's POV
I'm studying for a stupid ass bio test and I'm all alone. Lincoln went out. I'm all alone in this huge house. The last time I was alone I was almost dead. I'm focused in on my biology book when my phone beeps. I open the message.

Unknown: I know who killed your parents... I also know who set you up that night Alana "caught" you "sleeping" with her boy toy Matt.

Okay, who the hell could know all this stuff? I shrugged it off and just continued to study. The messaged started to really bug me though. Maybe this person really did know who killed my mom and dad and who the hell would have set me up to ruin my life? Or why? I grabbed my phone and responded:

C: Who are you?

U: I can't tell you that right now. Not until the time is right, but I can tell you that the person who set you up is the one and only Alana Taylor.

I put my phone down on my bed and just stared at that message in shock. I knew I didn't do anything wrong, but why would she do it? Why? I thought we were friends. I almost killed myself for this. People said really rude and hurtful things to me and to find out that this was only a set up. I tried to get the person to respond again, but they wouldn't. Now what am I supposed to do. I have an idea go kill Alana.
Octavia's POV
We stood in front of Alana's house begging her to just come clean. I think we have been here for over two hours now. Why does this girl have to be such a bitch?

"I'm not gonna ruin my life. It's over and done with people will forget about it." Alana says

"Alana, Clarke has been through hell. The least you could do is just say it was a misunderstanding." Lincoln says with pleading eyes

Pleading eyes my ass I want to kick this girls ass right now.

"Guys lets just go. Miss perfect just wants to be popular. There's no way she's gonna do this one thing." I say walking away

I really really hate this girl. I get into Lincoln's car and just sit there. I can feel tears wanting to come out, but I bite my lip to hold them back. Oh who am I kidding I let those bitches fall out of my eyes and just sob into my hands. I hear the car door open and muscular arms wrap around my body.

"Shhh! O, it's gonna be okay. We are gonna find a way to help my sister and take down Alana. I know you care about her, but there is really nothing we can do about. Unless we leak that tape, but then Alana could just say that we just put words in her mouth. Until Alana comes clean Clarke's life is over again. I hate seeing my sister like this. Okay? But there is nothing we can do, but hope it blows over." Lincoln says

I nod. I wipe my tears away. I kiss his cheek. I'm so done with this bitch. I want to kick her ass. The ride home was silent, but good silent. So more tears were shed, but not just from me.
Alana's POV
Maybe their right. Maybe I should be a good friend and help Clarke out. I stare at myself in the mirror and just think back to that night. How could I have been that stupid? How could I hurt my best friend like that? I go grab my laptop. I know somethings I wish I didn't. Things I can't undo and I know Clarke will hate me even more for it. We all have that one secret that no one knows and I like to keep it like that. I go onto this video thing where you can share a live video to everyone. I need to just get this over with. I turn it on and notify everyone to come and check it out. I take a deep breathe. Soon I'm gonna get more hate then Clarke. Here goes nothing.

"Hi guys, my name is Alana Taylor. I did somethings I wish I didn't and I hope you understand I wish I could take back my actions, but I can't. I Alana Taylor want to apologize to Clarke Griffin for saying things about her that weren't true. She never slept with my boyfriend I set the whole thing up. I just hated how she had more than me. She had a good life and she was popular, but that doesn't give me the right to have everyone hate her. I know I can't take back everything I did, but Clarke I'm really sorry. Thank you for listening. Goodbye."

I shut my computer screen and just sob into my pillows. My computer and phone start blowing up. Texts, notifications, and more. Now I know how Clarke felt every day. I guess a lot of people saw this because I'm getting messages from people back in LA. Calling me names. Which I deserve. I deserve all of this. I don't even expect Clarke to forgive me, but it's a step in the right direction. I've done things that I'm not proud of. I got involved in the wrong crew and people ended up dead. Maybe I should just disappear some how, but how? Who the hell knows... Maybe I should just jump.... I don't deserve to be on this planet. Not after everything I did. Clarke will never forgive me for that. I'm serious. It's bad.
Clarke's POV
Did she just do what I think she did. Apologize. I don't know how I feel. I have mixed emotions. I want to scream, but I want to cry. I close my laptop and burry my face in my pillow. I let my mascara stain the pillow. I hear my door open and someone put their arms around my body. Arms that make me feel safe. I bring my face out from under the pillows and see Bellamy. I give him a small smile and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you." I whisper in his ear

"For what?" He says intertwining or fingers

"For standing by me even when everything was going on. Your the best boyfriend ever." I say kissing his lips

Let's just say things get a little heated, but clothing stays on. We get interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. Lincoln walks in and he looks really upset.

"Hey Linc what's up?" I say

"The police just called. Uhm.. They found a body in Lake Maury (actually lake in Virginia) and they think it's Alana's."

When he said that my heart sinks. What have I done to deserve this much pain?
Omg! I finally updated! This chapter sucked, but I hope you enjoyed! I will try my best to update as much as I can its just softball season is starting and school Ugghhhh! Don't worry I'll update though! Maybe not everyday, but it will be maybe 3 or 5 days after each other idk depends on how much time I have in between! ILYSM!!!! Thanks for reading and loving the story! Means a lot!
Kisses, S😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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