Last Goodbye Pt. 2

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Third Person POV
"Your probably wondering if I'm scared? Truth is I'm...uhm..." Clarke stops

Lincoln, Octavia, and Bellamy furrow their eyebrows in confusion. They have know idea what Clarke is about to do. They watch as Clarke crumbles up the notecard she had placed on the microphone stand before she started her speech earlier. They all sit up straight not knowing what Clarke is about to do next. Clarke takes a deep breathe and stares at the audience again.

"Truth is I am scared. Not many of you know that my accident wasn't really an accident. I've been black mailed, in a car accident, bullied and even kidnapped. My life is like a roller costar that goes up and down. I have my good days and my bad days, but I always fight through it.

I really wish I could have told people this when it first happened, but if I would have people would have been killed and I wasn't going to let that happen. I did remember the first day I came home from the hospital, but if I told anyone I would have gotten everyone around me killed. I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm going to Australia that has a good program for Art.

I really am sorry, but this is so no one else gets hurt because of me. Congratulations again."

Clarke walks off the stage as fast as she can with her boot on. Everyone is silent. No one knows that to say. Everyone still loves Clarke, but they feel terrible for her. She runs into someone on her way out. Clarke looks up and it's Monty.

"Hi Clarke. Great speech. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that." Monty says dusting himself off

"Thanks Monty, but do you by chance have your car today?" Clarke asks

"Yeah wh-" Clarke pulls Monty put the door before he can finish his sentence

They both get into Monty's car. Monty does as Clarke asks and steps on it. Monty drops Clarke off at home and she thanks him. Clarke gets in the house and starts packing. Her flight is in 45 minutes and she still has to drive to the airport. She packs in enough time to write Bellamy, Octavia, and Lincoln a note.

Once she finished that she got into the taxi that took her to the airport. She held back her tears as much as she could. This is the last goodbye for Clarke and she never really got to say it to them personally or them knowing that she remember them.
Bellamy's POV
I'm still in shock that Clarke remembers. I should have known when she started calling me Bell again. I just thought O told her that. I'm not mad at her I'm just upset because I don't want her to leave. Clarke got away pretty fast. Monty texted me that Clarke was at home.

So Lincoln, O, and I got in our cars and drove to Clarke and Lincoln's house as fast as we could. I feel like this is Dejá Vú from when she left with Taylor and Jack G. When we got to the house we ran in the house. I ran up to her room and it was empty. Nothing but a empty bed and one last thing hung on her wall. I take the note off the wall and read it.

Bellamy, Octavia, and Lincoln,
I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier I remembered. I just didn't want to have to watch one of you guys die. I watched my parents die and it sucks. My flight leaves at 3 for Australia. Good luck at Georgia guys. They are really lucky to have you. I was really lucky to have you.
May we meet again,

I give O and Lincoln a chance to read it. I look at the time it's only 2:30. I look at them and we get in the car and I step on it. I'm not letting her get away again. I made that mistake before and she ended up getting hurt. When we got to the airport we asked so many people which gate her flight was at. At first I thought I was screwed, but they eventually found it for us. I ran to the gate and I saw Clarke.

She was about to hand her ticket to this man letting her on the plane. I call her name and she looks at me.
She walks out of line and runs over to me. She hugs me and I hug back.

"I'm so sorry Bell. I never meant to hurt you." She says crying into my shoulder

"Clarke, I'm not mad. It's okay. Just please stay." I say

She pulls away.

"Bell I can't. If I do someone dies. I really can't. You need to understand. Please." She says with sincere eyes

"Clarke, I told you before and I'm gonna tell you again. I am here for you no matter how big the task is. I will always love you. I'm never gonna stop. Just please don't leave. Don't leave me again." I say and my voice cracks a little

She takes a deep breathe.

"Last call for Flight 235 to Sydney, Australia." Someone says on the intercom

"Please. I'm begging you. Don't leave."

She just stares at me.

Im sorry for the cliffhanger. I hope you enjoy. Let me know.

Clarke leaves for Australia...

Clarke stays with Bellamy....

Let me know. Please comment!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!
Kisses, S😂💕💕💕❤️💕

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