Art School?

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Clarke's POV
Spring time. I love spring. I think it's mostly because of all the flowers and the pretty pictures I can paint and take. This is around the time my parents died and now it starts to get a lot harder on me.

I managed to get my body out of bed and get into the shower. I literally am doing nothing today so I put on sweatpants and a tank top.

Lincoln is sleeping. Okay, now I have an idea. I went downstairs filled a bucket full of water. I'm a bitch. Seriously. It was ice cold. I walked up the stairs carefully not to spill the water. I walked in his room quietly and dumped the water on his head. I also had glitter in my hand so I threw it on him.

"Happy Easter Brother!" I said

"Oh, just wait Clarke. Pay back is a bitch Clarke!" Lincoln says chasing me

I run down the stairs and outside to the pool which is open, but it's kinda cold out so we don't really go in it. I heard Lincoln coming so I didn't know where to go. I'm stuck. Lincoln runs outside still covered in glitter.

"Okay, look I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." I say as Lincoln gets closer and closer

"Lincoln, please I'm begging you." I'm getting closer and closer to the pool

"I'm sorry Clarke, but this is what has to happen." Lincoln grabbed me and jumped in the pool with me

I came up for air and pushed my hair out of my face. When I say it was ice cold it was more like Antarctica.

"Pay backs a bitch." Lincoln says

I got out of the water and totally forgot I had no towel. Oh wait! We keep towels in a bin. I grabbed one out of there and sat down on the pool side chairs.

"How are you still in there?" I ask Lincoln

"Trying to clean out all the glitter you threw in my ear." Lincoln says cleaning his ear

I roll my eyes. My phone goes off. The number is out of the Country. Australia. I picked my phone up and pressed the accept button.

"Hello?" I said

"Hello is this Clarke Griffin?" A woman asks in an Australian accent

"Yes this is her." I say

"Hi Clarke, my name is Diana Smith from Sydney College of the Arts and I saw some of your drawings." Diana starts

Okay, first off how did she get my drawings and second who gave them to her?

"I really enjoyed them and I wanted to talk about a scholarship." Diana said

"A scholarship?" I said shocked

"Yeah, I would like you and a lot of the teachers here would like you to come study with us here in Sydney."

I think I'm gonna cry. Not because I'm upset or because I'm happy because I'm shocked. Why me? I'm not that good. I walked in the house still on the phone and went up to my room and locked the door. What am
I about to get myself into.
Lincoln's POV
Clarke just walked in the house. Okay, that's weird. I got out of the pool and grabbed a towel. I went into my room and changed clothing. I then went and tried to open Clarke's door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Clarke are you okay?" I ask

No answer. So of course me being me and Clarke's history I kicked in the door. I saw Clarke asleep on her bed. Thank god. Well she's gonna be pissed when she wakes up.

My phone beeped. I looked to see who it was and it was Octavia.

Babe❤️💍: Bell and I are coming over Clarke wanted us too. So her and Bell could go out. Well so we could all go out. She said she needed to talk to us. See you later. 😉😍😘

I laughed and closed my phone. I walked downstairs and just relaxed.
I woke up to my doorbell ringing. I opened the door to O and Bellamy standing there looking nice. O was in a dress and Bellamy was in a nice outfit.

"Damn I was asleep for a long time." I said

"I like that outfit. You should go just like that." O said laughing

Bellamy just laughed.

"Okay, where's Clarke?" Bellamy said

O and him walked in. They sat down on the couch.

"I think-" I was interrupted by Clarke saying:

Clarke's POV
I must have fallen asleep after I texted Bell. I got up out of bed and walked to my dresser and got my dress out and walked in the bathroom. I got in the shower. I'm still stressed out. I don't know what I want to do. I told Diana I would call her back tomorrow.

When the water hit my body I just forgot about everything. I don't know if I want to go to Australia. I want to stay here.With Lincoln, Bellamy, and Octavia. When I finished my shower I got out and did what I had to do. I grabbed my blow dryer and blow dried my hair. I then braided it and curled the tips of my hair. (Hair up above)

I put on my dress and put on some light makeup. (Dress up above) I walked back into my room and grabbed my purse and phone. That's when I noticed the door. How the hell did I miss that. There is literally no door. Only a a rectangular hole to walk through.

I'm just so stressed out right now that I got so ticked off. I walked to the railing.


"Uhm..In the spare bedroom." He says loud enough that I can hear him

I walk down the stairs and Bellamy and Octavia were on the couch. Laughing.

"Okay, well why is it not where is supposed to be?" I say

"I might have kicked it in."

"Might. Lincoln why didn't you just knock?"

"I did and you didn't answer."

"Okay. Just go change. I over reacted I'm just stressed." I said walking outside

I sat down on the swing that we have out front on the porch. I heard the door open and someone sat down next to me and put their arm around my shoulder. I knew it was Bellamy so I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Clarke, what's wrong?" Bell says

I seriously feel he asks this question every time I see him.

"Today I really don't know. I just there's too much going on. Graduation is less than 2 months away and I don't know what I'm gonna do. I get we got asked to go to Georgia and everything, but I have know idea what I want to do with my life." I said

"Whatever your chose is I will still love you. No matter how big the challenge is remember?" He says

I nod. Bellamy cups my face in his hands and he passionately kisses my lips. The door opens and were interrupted again by Octavia. This time Lincoln is with her.

"Come on let's go! I'm starving!" She says walking to the car

I laugh and roll my eyes. I grab Bellamy's hand and we get into the car. When we get to the restaurant we sat down and started looking through the menu. We ordered our food and now we waited. We all joked around and told stories about when we were little. The waiter came with the food.

"Hope you enjoy." The waiter says and walks away

We ate our food and joked again as we ate. If I leave and go to Australia I will be leaving all of this behind. All the good times, but I will be leaving all the bad things behind too. I don't know if I should or shouldn't tell them. I mean their gonna be pissed if I don't so I might as well. I took a deep breathe.

"Guys can I tell you something...?"
Cliffhanger sorry guys! Promise there will be another update. I also need your help. On the next update is covers for my sequel to this book. I don't know if you would like a sequel, but I guess I will do one. It would mean a lot if you would help me and chose a cover and a tittle or you can make a cover and a tittle and tell me. Just DM me and I will give the best one gets a shout out. Thanks guys! I appreciate all the reads thanks for 3K reads it means a lot! ILYSM! ❤️❤️

Kisses, S❤️😘❤️

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