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Octavia's POV
Today is the championship. I'm so excited with the plan with Clarke. Hopefully Lincoln and Bellamy will be happy. Clarke got in on Sunday morning and has been hiding out ever since. We actually came up with another routine. It'll be a big surprise. She's in it for like 5 seconds, but it'll make it better. I think Lincoln is sad that Clarke "won't" be there, but he doesn't know that she will. It's 4th block and I'm just tapping my pencil watching the clock. I feel like I'm in high school musical 2 when they are waiting to go on summer break. (I'm sorry had to add that) The bell finally rings and everyone like jumps out of their seats because their excited for the championship game. This game means a lot to our small town. The stands are usually packed full of people. I walk into the locker room and all the cheerleaders are getting ready.

"Okay girls prayer circle." I say

We all grab hands.

"Who's gonna lead it?" Raven asks

"I am." Someone says grabbing my hand

I look over and it's Clarke. I give her a hug and so does everyone else. We all say that we missed her. I really did miss her.

"Okay, grab hands again." Clarke says

We all grab a hand and Clarke starts.

"Dear Heavenly Father, please let everyone be safe, play their hardest, and most importantly kick some ass!"

We all laugh and then say "AHMEN"

We are about to walk out onto the field before I stop Clarke.

"Thank you for coming back." I tell her

"Anything for my best friend." We hug and I go out

Clarke will be coming out for half time and than the end of the game. Well here goes nothing. Let's kick some Arcadia ass!!!
Lincoln's POV
We run through the sign that the cheerleaders made for us. Arcadia is already warming up and they look line their on their A game today. I usually have a pep talk with Clarke, but sadly that can't happen because she's 3,000 miles away. I see Bellamy sitting on the bench helmet in hand eyes closed. He's probably praying. Clarke meant a lot to him and in the beginning I thought he was using her, but I was wrong he really did care for her. Whistles are blown and now it's game time. Bellamy tells us the play and we get started. Murphy passes the ball to me and I pass it to Bellamy, but he got taken out. That's how it's been the past couple of plays. Bellamy has been taken out. The score is 17 to 0. We're the zero.

"What is going on with you today Blake?" Our coach asks

"I don't know?! Okay. I just need to focus. This is our last game and every scout is out there watching me no us." Bellamy says

"We got this guys. I believe in all of you." Coach says

We put our hands in and say "break".

2 minutes till half time. We need to get something on the board. Bellamy calls the play and we get in formation. Murphy snaps the ball to me and I throw it to Bellamy. 59 seconds left on the clock. Bellamy runs it. I get close to the in zone he throws it. As he throws it a big guys comes and takes it out, but I catch it. I run it in the in zone and everyone cheers. Bellamy comes up and we bro hug. The clock goes off. It's half time so now we get to relax. We sit on the bench ready for the cheerleaders. Let's just hope their good without Clarke. No let's pray.
Octavia's POV
I'm not nervous at all. Who am I kidding I am. I mean I know we have Clarke and all, but what if just her being in the dance for 5 seconds isn't enough.

"Is it just me or do you guys look like your about to throw up?" Clarke says

"Clarke, your the good one. We need you out there more than 5 seconds." I say starting to panic

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