The Truth Hurts...

625 29 15

Clarke's POV
One day I'm having a really good day with my friends and the next my friends turn into my bullies. I guess it must be true. I should just accept it and keep my head down. I shouldn't let it bother me. Who am I kidding it's gonna bother me. I couldn't even last a day of hell at my old school.

"Clarke you need to go to school. I promise no one is gonna hurt you. No one knew about it." Lincoln says knocking on my door

I just manage to get up out of bed and walk to my closet and just pick out a outfit. I don't even think it matched. I put my hair into a messy bun and walk outside. When we get to school I just keep my head down. Lincoln and I have classes together because I skipped grades, but my brother can't beat the wrath of Alana Taylor. When I walk into school Alana is already crying with her... well were my group of friends. Of course they are standing next to my locker because Alana's locker is right next to mine. Of course. I open my locker and just ignore some of the comments. I can hear them whispering. I close my locker and when I was walking by one of my best friends for 8 years Kalani said something.

"**cough** SLUT **cough**!"

I just walk away. I walk into the girls bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I don't deserve this or do I? I knew these girls way before Alana did. Kalani is my next door neighbor. I guess she can just be friends with Alana now. Oh well...

Months past by and things have happened. People wrote things on my locker, Posted pictures of me, Spreader rumors that sure as hell aren't true, and I lost my best friends. I mean if they were my true friends they wouldn't be doing this to me. I just wanted to skip school. My grades are good, but I hate getting in trouble. I'm at my locker just minding my business until Alana and her "crew" come up to me.

"How's life treating you Clarke? Oh wait I bet it's just terrible. How are mommy and daddy huh?" Alana laughs

Oh yay, and did I mention this is around the time that my parents died. Yeah. Great.

"You know what Alana you can put me down and do whatever you want to me, but leave my parents out of this. Maybe everyone is right. I should just kill myself. That would make you happy right?" I say slamming my locker door and walking out to Lincoln's car

I sit in his car and think about everything. Should I do it? Should I kill myself? I bet everyone would be happy. I get out of Lincoln's car and I walk myself home. When I get home I just laid there. I kept asking my self "Should I or should I not", but I made my choice. I got my laptop out and opens up my Social media pages. Words hurt. People said things like;

"Attention whore"

Okay you know what I'm done. I turn on my camera and talk into it.

"You know no one had ever asked me my side of the story. Everyone just jumps to conclusion. Has anyone ever thought about what really happened or do I not get a say. I mean my life is hell. I don't care anymore. I just thought I should share what I really think about all of this. Goodbye. Hope everyone is happy." I say tears rolling down my face

I turn off the camera and post the video. I go into the bathroom. I open the cabinet and take out a bottle of pills. Pain medication for when I hurt my back doing some back flips. I pace back and forth. I can't open the bottle. I open the bottle and I poor the pills into my hand. The bathroom door flings open. Lincoln.

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