racism at our school

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so at our school on the intercom, there was this announcement from the principal about some conversation that went on with racial tendencies & using racial slurs and how this was not acceptable and blah blah blah. this happened at our sister school, which i won't name because ju know, it's the internet.

but basically, there was this group chat between a couple of white girls or something saying "if i hear another student talking about how black lives matter i'm gonna become a nazi" and then all the other white girls said they agreed and i guess there was more that happened.

so there's this club at or sister school basically trying to improve on POC racism and one of the students in that club took screenshots of the conversation and gave them to the principal who did nothing about it.

so then they started this twitter hashtag talking about it & they ended up getting in the news which is great !! they were on the front page !!

and then me and my friends today were walking outside and we get stopped by these reporters from this v popular newspaper in boston👅.

and they basically ask us if we've ever experienced anything with racism since we were all POC and they write it down and ask for our names and then they took a picture of us too. so yeah we got interviewed and it's going in their newspaper AHA lit!! or it might be. at least i hope because we all had a lot of things to say. and i learned some stuff about my friends that i didn't know, like how my friend used to wear jackets to hide her skin color smh. but now she's black and proud AHUAHHH.

but yeah we all had a lot to say on the matter and ofc i was RUNNING MY MOUTHH sooo... lol.

but yeah i basically talked about my previous incidents with fuckboy as you all remember. i brought up what he said about my hair and how he called me a nigger and then tried to tell me where it came from. and the reporter was shocked at all of our stories and felt that they had a huge impact...

so yeah if we get mentioned in the newspaper i'll tell you & this actually won't be my first time in the paper woot woot i was once on the front page.

and i don't think i ever told you guys this but i used to "work with" the local television station and guys they loved me. i'm serious.

but yeah then we went to the corner store and i had a vanilla card 👅 so i got my food & there was this old woman and she was LIT like she was so hip she was rapping and twerking and everything and she was mad nice.

so yeah then we left the corner store and me and my one other friend stayed after school till 4 pm and then a couple other friends came. we stayed because we watched the basketball game haha. it was mad fun & then i left and i'm in the car now so :)). fun.

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