cultural appropriation AGAIN

176 16 9

( December 23, 2015 )

I know I've ranted about this twice but it's popping up again hahaha. Anyway, I usually don't get fazed by comments created by ignorant white people(and some POC) on social media anymore unless they come at me, but this, I had an issue with. It was one of those things that you see and it just makes your blood boil instantly and you don't really know how to feel.

It was a picture of Miley Cyrus(before she dyed her hair blonde and got called out by my Queen and all that) standing in front of a "little African boy" or something. Clearly donating or whateva. The caption was: "she never changed."

Now, I have no problem whatsoever with the picture or with Miley donating to good cause even if it's for public attention. That's a positive thing. What I do have a problem with is people supporting this promotion of white saviors traveling to foreign countries that everybody calls third world because they are foreign and making the continent(in this case) look like trash. Clearly, there are major parts in every place in the world that are lacking in food and abundant in poverty and political issues. My problem is when people travel to a perfectly fine place where the kids are eating and make it look like the place is so terrible simply because it's a country filled with POC. Like you get what I'm saying? That white savior shit. I have a problem with that.

And then, what really jingled my bells was this comment made by (oh, surprise), yet another problematic Justin Bieber fan account. I'm tolerant of Bieber, and like I said, I used to love him. But he's too problematic and white boy privileged for me! Anyway, the fan page was replying to another comment made by somebody who said that Miley appropriates black culture with her display of dreads, twerking, grills and sudden interest in "black music."

The comment said something like: "We live in a world where blacks and whites aren't separated anymore. Lmfao shaking your ass is not a culture. You're not even black. Why are whites caring more than actual blacks do?"

Obviously I wasn't in the argument but trust me something about this comment which is the typical argument that I see daily just made me mad. I would've slayed that bitch if the conversation hadn't ended eleven hours ago. But anyways, let me list all the things wrong with this simple minded comment.

1) "We live in a world where blacks and whites aren't separated anymore."
• Bitch. Stop using your hoe ass "racism is no more!1!1"/ "segregation doesn't exist"/ "stop being exclusive towards us whites." You know damn well why us "blacks" are being shot down by police. You def know that Donald Trump is talking about building that wall so don't even try to lowkey say that segregation doesn't exist. Donald isn't thinking of building that billion dollar wall to keep out unsafe, undocumented immigrants. Donald is thinking of building that wall to keep out people of color. Which, as I remember (throwback to fifth grade history class) is called "segregation"! Ring a bell?

• "Whites"/ "Blacks." K. Why not just say "Crackers"/ "Negroes." If you're so inclined.

2) "Lmfao shaking your ass is not a culture."

• This comment made me mad on so many gotdamn levels. When I read that, I was so ready to virtually beat her ass. I'll list a couple reasons why.

Do not brutalize or fetishize or generalize the entire black race and make it look like all we do is twerk, lay around, shine your shoes and eat fried chicken. I'll beat your ass BYE. Also, maybe you mad because you likely have no ass and if you do, you paid your college tuition for it. Canceledt.

• Next, "shaking your ass" is a culture. Bitch. Why do you think you saw so many black people doing it before Miley's hillbilly hick ass started attempting it? Matter fact, lemme get my statistics going hold up.

The term "twerking" came from the New Orleans during the early 90s. It was very similar to a dance called the Mapouka which is a dance originating from Cote d'Ivoire. It has existed for centuries. Yet another "black thing" that white people gathered around in a circle to discuss on and progressively fucking ruin. Just like they ruined: food, hairstyles, slang, dances, and just about every other fucking thing any POC ever created yet successfully stealing it from them; from us.

So yes, shaking your ass or whatever term you want to use to generalize the entire black culture, is cultural. Which leads to cultural appropriation when a fucking country ass white girl who wore the ugliest dreads I've ever seen in my life does it. Thank you.

3) "You're not even black. Why are whites caring more than actual blacks do?"

• The person this hoe was arguing with didn't have themselves as their profile picture. They claimed to be black and female. In addition to that, the model they had set as their profile picture was an Arab male. Clearly not white!!

• Yes, the majority of white people I've met are racist, whether they'd like to admit it or not and subconsciously or not. Does that mean we can't have a woke society full of all different shapes, sizes and colors *kindergarten teacher voice*? Fuck no Becky, so stop making your race(we're gonna go ahead and assume that you're white since you whitewashed a POC who didn't look white in the first place!!) look like more of an embarrassment than it already is.

Fun fact: Did you know that white people are technically mutated? You know, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles minus Raphael which takes away all the swag that they never had.

• It's clear that Becky's point here was to make us seem like "the angry black girl." Well, maybe she's right. I am female. I am black. I am angry.

Anyways, I hate *most* white people and reverse racism doesn't exist. I'm talking to you. Peace out dawg.


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