final chapter / update / ten days of simple living challenge???

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hiii guys. so, it's been a while since i updated on here. may to be exact??? i don't know, wattpad on this page kind of just died so i stopped coming on here. it's not like i didn't have anything to rant about, believe me, i did. but, i just didn't find a need to come on here and rant everytime something rant-worthy popped up. i didn't think it was that long since i posted a new chapter!!! it's been agesss and i really miss everyone. i'm not sure if anyone will even read this or if people who used to read this absolutely horrifyingly shit book will come back to read this but hey. 

anyway, this is the final chapter i guess. my book has reached 200 parts, and this is the last thing i can post ;-(

the good thing is that i will most likely be coming out with another "rant book." i'm not sure if this thing will actually be a rant book but you know i guess i just kinda wanna stay on here? like idk i don't wanna die completely. i might be writing other stories on here too, i haven't decided. the account where i actually do post stories is on my second page @venusinphoenix , but the stories i write on there are specifically g-rated because this is the kind of page i wanna keep open to the public and the kinda page i'd like to not be ashamed of if people at my school somehow discovered it??? 

so if i do post actual stories on here, those will be the ones that are a bit more mature if you get what i mean. but anyway, i really can't believe how fast time flies by... i started this book in november of 2015 i think and ofc i had that god forsaken first rantable book which i don't even know why the hell i posted that thing man omg that book is SO embarrassing. pls don't read it lolol i hate myself. 

but yerppp i might fire up another book at the beginning of the school year and it'll probably be like life updates/ rants / healthy living choices?? i'm still trying to get my life together and this time i'm serious about it. especially as school is starting up again, this is when work and stress begin to pile up and i don't wanna feel like my life is a mess on top of the fact that i'll have sooo  much work to do. but yeah, i'm trying to steer myself towards healthy, simple living. i honestly believe my life would be so much more rejuvenating and full of joy if i tried to get myself there. i suffer from pretty bad depression and slight anxiety and sometimes life is just really hard and i hate being so down all the time. 

i want to feel happy naturally, but i realize i can't just do that anymore unless i'm going thru a manic phase which always fades into a depressive phase. i wanna stay in the manic phase, except let it be more regulated instead of all sunshine and rainbows and then everything is crashing and burning and ahh it's scary. sooo in order to reach that feeling of being at peace with myself and everything being balanced out, i understand that i also have to make some changes in how i live my life instead of expecting life, which is so unpredictable, to do that for me. i know i can't just tell my hormones to stop doing what they do or try to cure myself but i can at least try and change how some things are going. 

but i'm on here now realizing how much i kinda miss doing this stuff, writing and updating and talking to you peoples even if this page is kinda dead. it makes me feel happy knowing that people actually read about my life? like damn why would you wanna do that LMAO i'm not that cool... i am but wow that's pretty sick to think people i don't even know irl care. and not just that, but it's like a community when we all comment and share our thoughts on things, especially when they're on books like this. but anyway, i'm gonna get back to this soon even though this is the last chapter, don't worry. 

sooo now for a life update. not much has happened this summer, so here goes nothing, i guess.

+ i worked at a radio station called grlz radio. it's all girls and it's a place "where girls are heard and respected"(our motto). i've built a tight close-knit family there and i really adore that job, it's so fun and being on the radio was such a nice experience this summer, as well as socializing with other girls and our supervisors and bosses.

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