I just cannot anymore with the daddy kink.
Like okay, I call boys daddy all the time. Like all the time. BUT I HATE READING SMUT AND THEN THE GIRL CALLS HIM DADDY.
Like I used to write smut where the girl calls the guy daddy and I thought it was so lit but it really isn't like no !! I grew out of it a long time ago and didn't think much of it, but when I do think about calling someone "daddy" during sex I just find it unrealistic. Like I can't cope,,, I feel like I personally wouldn't call another guy daddy, if we were dating that is. Otherwise I call guys daddy all the time. Like Leo's daddy, Dave Franco's daddy, Harry Styles is daddy, you know, those guyz.
But I hate the idea of legitimately calling someone daddy like nooooo. I still call my own real biological father daddy, and I'm not uncomfortable with it, but it's like okay DAMN it's weird to have anything relate back to parents during sex y'know?
Anyway I'm not kink shaming or whatever because it's super annoying when people do kink shame, but I just can't deal with calling people daddy anymore. Like it would be so cringeworthy if couples actually called each other daddy and meant it LMAO like you feel me. If I walked past a couple in the club and one of them said,
"Yes, daddy."
I would actually barf !! But otherwise I mean hey, do what u gotta do, it's never that serious !! I had 2 rant though.