Walmart Trip Giggles and Laughter

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Amy's Pov

Hiding myself in Nialls embrace more scared then before of what has happened down there and who is on the other side of the door.

Zayn's Pov

Harry has been shown a piece of my mind how dare he do such a thing to my boo he has left don't know where or care at the moment.

Fuck Amy my mind screams i begin running to where i thought she would be gently knocking on the door not wanting to frighten her "it's me Zayn" i mention.

The door flung open then i was attacked with her hugs wincing a little since Harry cracked one of my ribs "hey it's fine i got you boo" i whisper to her hugging her tightly masking the pain with a comforting smile "boo"? Niall questioned me "ill tell you later mate now so isn't the time" i reply Amy sniffles then snuggles into me more.

Slowly walking forwards to my bed i turn us around so i sit down first then bring her into my lap so she will be more comfortable.

Niall's Pov

Zayn calling my little sister boo thats a bit strange wait she is always in his room they were caught cuddled up on the sofa OMG he he is dating Amy i can't believe i didnt figure it out sooner im happy for them but the minute he breaks her heart he has me to deal with.

I've finally calmed down from hearing that Harry did that to my little sister i feel like the worse brother ever . now everything slots into place.

All i can do is buck up my ideas protect my sister more and hope she doesn't get hurt again maybe me Amy and the guys apart from Harry can go to my home town mum and Greg cant wait to see Amy.

Harry's Pov

Fuck my whole body aches Niall and Zayn didn't take it easy on me man i feel like shit for doing that to Amy i was high as fuck and drunk so i wasnt really myself how will i ever get forgiven for that will the lads ever let me back in damn im in a lot of shit right now and alcohol seems like the best remedy.

Zayn's Pov

Me and Amy have been snuggled up in my(our) bed  for a few hours now so its mid afternoon watching something on Netflix her head leaning against my chest my arms around her waist trying to comfort her the most i can when she is ready she can talk to me.

Amy's Pov

I don't feel anything but fear and upset Zayn is the best boyfriend comforting me"you are my safe heaven" i whisper into his chest grinning like a child on Christmas day.

Niall's Pov
The front room is now tidy we need to go Walmart to replace all the broken furniture maybe they wanna come along.

text to Zayn

Hey bud how is Amy doing me and the lads are going Walmart was wondering if you wanted to come too :D.

Zayn's Pov

My phone pinged reading over the text "hey babe do you wanna go Walmart with the rest of the guys" she looks up then jumps out of my arms and begins undressing "i take that as a yes then" i question her she nods grabbing her jean ,my boxers my shirt and also my jacket before running into the bathroom giggling like a little school girl strange little one.

My reply to Niall

"she is good or getting there slowly it will take time yeah were coming she is just showering we will be down in a few".

Locking my phone i throw it on the bed then get up deciding what to wear since she stole the top i was gonna wear the little devil haha she is so cute in my clothes.

*skip getting ready and the car journey*

Amy's Pov

I wonder where he is, what did the guys do to him, will he come back to the house the amount of questions running around my head is making me dizzy.

Arriving at Walmart i jump out of the car yes we actually went in a car for once it was Nialls Car never knew he could drive always thought he wouldn't reach the peddles hehe. 

"Thank fuck they aren't creeps who only have a white pedo van " bitch comments "haha yeah i know right".

"so what are we getting from here again" Zayn asks as we walk into Walmart mine and Nialls phones then ping guessing it was a list of things to get while him and Louis looked for some new furniture they walked off leaving me Niall and Zayn to get what was on the list

Grabbing Nialls phone i look over the list he is sending us food shopping and he gave us well Zayn his card heheh silly move Payno ,grabbing a cart we began to shop getting everything on the list plus a few extra we went down the junk food isle we ended up filling two carts one filled with things from the list the other filled with junk food

Blame Niall he persuaded me to get loads so we could hide it away in his room and then hide from Liam when he finds out how much we spent it sounded like a good idea hehe Liam is going to love us haha

"No he wont he will take all it away and hide it from you both" bitch informs me "noo he cant do that its ours" i bite back

after paying for the shopping we all waited for them to finish shopping "imm boreddd" i whine to Zayn and Niall

Then we all began mucking around i ended up on nialls back zayn ended up on the floor hehe"Amy,Niall,Zayn what are you doing" Liam shouts we all turn to him "we've been caught" Niall announces then we all begin laughing

*skip car journey home*

Well that was the most silent i have heard everyone wow hehe

i helped carry in the shopping then we all start unpacking "this wasnt on the list" Daddy Directioner says holding up my energy drinks and the rest of the content in that bag that was one of my 3 bags oh no "oh god what else did you lot get" he groans  searching for the receipt no no no don't find it

"your screwed"bitch says smugly "fuck off bitch"i reply "talking to yourself again"she adds 

Looking in another bag he finds it shit "Guys Run" i shout to my partners in crime before running off myself "HOW MUCH" is all i hear Liam curse  before he runs after me why me why not Niall he is the one who suggested buying it all running around the house.

i head towards the front door swinging it open then running outside bumping into a seriously drunk Harry then .....

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