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chapter 2

as i woke i was in a black room with one window at the end of it but only a small one as i tired to move i was quickly pulled back down realizing that i was handcuffed to the metal bed frame in announce i groaned and began attempting to pull the handcuff off the sound of footsteps interrupted me before he reached the door i went back to the position i woke up in pretending to still be asleep when the door open my breathing picked up a bit he began edging closer to me while he began to speak"sweetheart i know your awake we heard you trying to get these off" he said tugging at the cuffs "its time to meet the other two" my eyes shot open before i had a chance to think or struggle zayn uncuffed me and grabbed my upper arm and dragged me though the corridor past there rooms into the kitchen where they all were you looked around frantically i noticed the front door niall followed my gaze and mouthed "don't think about it little leprechaun"

Zayn's loud annoying voice interrupted my escape plan, "Amy this is Liam pointing to the buzz hair cut guy and this is Louis he said pointing to the guy wearing carrot slippers i giggled to myself quietly but obviously not quite enough harry heard poop head i thought to myself "whats funny love?" he asked curiously "nothing you need to know can i go home now i have better things to be doing then hanging about with well you" after finishing what i said i instantly regretted it liam(daddy directioner) turned around from the stove looking angry and pissed off

what the hell i haven't done nothing gosh why are guys so hard to understand you thought while sprinting off towards the front door before any of the guys had a chance to stop me

but of course niall knew my plan from the start and tackled me to the floor before i could reach the front door ,as i squirmed and struggled underneath him he called out for help "A little help here guys" he said in his thick Irish accent making me smile since i always loved the Irish accent i quickly hid my smiles as zayn and liam came into my view which i didn't like niall got off mr but before i could scurry away liam grabbed my left wrist and zayn my right pulling me up and back towards the kitchen liam went back to cooking breakfast while zayn kept a tight grip on you "before your little outburst we was going to tell you the rules which you've broken two of all ready and you have only been here a day" he said in a angry tone of voice "such a naughty girl Amy " harry said with a smirk on his face i just wanna go home why cant they just leave me alone i thought to myself

zayn went on talking blah blah blah rule 1-no disrespecting us or talking back which also means no being a smart ass rule 2-do as we say never ignore us liam said without turning around rude much i thought rule 3 -one of us has to be with you at all times unless using the bathroom harry said with a cheeky smirk i wish i could wipe that smirk right off rule 4-no punching,kicking,slapping or starching to us or you'll be punished Louis said and last of all rule 5- no escaping or you'll defiantly be punished niall said right before taking a bit of his bacon and egg sandwich fat shit i thought to myself great there's goes all my escape plans then liam interrupted my thoughts this time looking at me yay not "do you understand Amy" of course i do I'm not as stupid as i look i thought in my little mind but only said "yes" "right now that's all cleared up you must be starving here eat some breakfast"not at all starving i don't have a eating disorder but i don't eat till tea"I'm not hungry" i said innocently "cmon Amy you gotta eat breakfast its the most important meal of the day" he said sliding a bowl of cereal in front of me i don't care if its a important meal he doesn't expect me to eat that does he ? it looks like shit i got up to get out of the room but i stopped by zayn "where do you think your going Missy" omg is a girl not allowed to pee"to the bathroom of course is that allowed?" "don't sass me Niall show Amy where the bathroom is please" "oh bad boy zayn is used his manners i thought but must of said it out loud because of the angry look on his face fuck in alot of trouble now would be a best time to run

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