Unespected discovery

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re cap - i head towards the front door swinging it open then running outside bumping into a seriously drunk Harry then .....

Amy's Pov

i slipped falling down on the hard wet ground and black out

Liam's Pov

walking out i see Amy unconscious on the floor and Harry completely drunk only just able to stand by her side "Harry what do you think your doing" i question him he looks up tears covering his face

"im trying to make up for all the wrong i have done please help me i cant do it on my own will she even listen to what i have to say" he slurs looking back at her

Picking Amy up bridal style i bring her to Nialls room putting her in bed then went to the kitchen to tend to the drunk all the guys are in their room but Niall he is out

two hours later

Harry has sobered up a bit now "what the fuck is he doing here" Niall yells as he comes into the kitchen with Amy's drugs from the pharmacy"sobering up and trying to make for all the damage i caused Amy and you guys" he chimed in "well you have a lot to do and you can only stay if Amy says so" niall answer "where is she anyway" niall add

Amy's Pov

waking up i wondered where i was then turned over and seen it was My brothers room man it feels weird saying that getting up and changed borrowing(stealing) some of his clothes as i put on the top i looked down at my scars through the mirror running my hand across them having a moment to myself i need to escape this life before i enjoy it more i thought grabbing a bag stuffing extra clothes food and water inside then money in the front pocket before leaving Nialls room and escaping through Harrys window im so glad the alarm wasnt on

Niall's Pov

"Shes in your room at the moment sleeping" Liams says clearing away the dishes walking to my room i think about how much mum says she misses Amy and i cant wait for her to meet theo "Amy you awake i got some news Amy" i say opening the door to see my room empty and the bed made with a note placed on top picking it up i park myself down then began to read it

Dear my short lepreachaun brother

I am sorry for escaping you and thank you for being there but i couldnt stay in that house any longer

P.s don't try and find me yout better off without me in your life
Love you bro
Yours sincerly
Your little sister xxx

Tears leak from my eyes onto the piece of paper

Zayn's Pov
Stirin from my slumber turning over rubbing my eye i notice a slip of paper placed on my side sitting up i grab it

Dear my Zayniee poo
I am sorry for being a pain escaping all the time this is the last time i escape you all i cant handle this all anymore by the time you have read this ill be gone

Don't come after me you don't need me in your life im only trouble
I love you
Yours sincerly
Your little rebeluse one xxxx

Amy's Pov
2 miles down the long winded pebbelled path i look back over my shoulder remebering all the good and bad memories tears fill my eyes.

An hour and half later
Up ahead i see a sign for a small retro dinner walking in i order myself a mocha and a burger then sit down in a booth deciding my next move with my head in my hands releasing a breath i didnt know i was holding in.

Meanwhile at the house

Liam's Pov
Zayn and Niall come in sprinting in to the kichen tear stainded faces grasping pieces of paper "shes gone she escaped for good" they shout in unison .......


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Sorry for such a long wait for the update

Dont know what to do next ideas please

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