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Amy's Pov
It's him after all this time he still looked for me even though I told him not to I can't face up to him so I run back into the bathroom locking the door again coward of me yeah I know but I can't deal with this all right now.

I just want to be at home with Jordan and my little buddy lazing around the apartment watching Netflix's on the sofa cuddled up with buddy and Jordan man I miss them both he must be worried sick about me .

Anonymous Pov
She looked me straight in the eyes then ran into the bathroom locking herself away hiding "what did I do" I ask Liam wiping away tears "Nothing mate she's not herself anymore she hugged me and confessed to Alexander that she hadn't been eating at all for like 2-3 weeks I also noticed a lot more scars on her" he explains to me

Why does she do this to herself I'm so much more worried about her now then I was before she won't be leaving anytime soon I think to myself.

Alexander's Pov
Am I that scary that she hides away from me I hope she isn't scared of me I'll go see her later and find out.

Liam and him has left Amy's room had giving up on trying to get her out of the bathroom forgetting to the shut and lock the door .

Amy's Pov
Composing myself I unlock the door then leave the bathroom no one is in here and they left the door wide open great stupid cunts course I'm going to try and escape ,I grab Alexander phone and the Dr Pepper then run out of the room and try find the front door bingo I say quietly as I find it.

As I reach for the door hand just on the handle Alexander's voice fills my ears "and where do you think your going huh" he smirks fuck luckily I hide his phone before "away from you and this fucked up situation" I reply swinging the door open and legging it one away from him.

Having a bit of a head start helped a little I guess not much though.

A mile or so from the house he was still trailing my ass I was getting tired and ached all over causing me to slow down he was still going strong pushing that little bit harder he tackled me to the floor pulling my arms behind me then cuffing them "ughh let me go and take these off you of me you little cunt" I shout at him with the breath I do have.

He just laughed at me "no chance of that happening anytime soon sweetheart what have I said about you swearing" he says pulling me to my feet then tossing me over his shoulder moving around I try and get down "no use trying it won't work" he announces I continuously hit his back making sure the metal digs into him no reaction ughh "what are you made of iron" I ask rhetorically he chuckles.

Back to the prison he takes me

He puts me down on the bed uncuffs me then squads in front of me I turn away he then takes hold of my chin making me face him "there is no use trying to escape im twice your size and build I will always get you no matter what" he says standing up and leaving.

In anger I pick up the nearest thing to me an alarm clock and chuck it at him he ducks making it hit the wall and scatter into a million pieces "tutu tut I think a little someone needs anger management classes" he adds then leaves bolting the door securely "I fucking hate you" I scream at him I heard a faint chuckle descend down the corridor.

An hour or so later

I lay in bed unable to get to sleep I keep tossing and turning standing on my bed I look out my window wishing I could be free again ratting the bars in anger nothing happens they are solid no chance of getting through them anytime soon.

I slump back down on my bed and cry myself to sleep wishing I was home.

The next morning

Amy's Pov
I wake up to the sound of a annoying buzzing searching for the noise I find Alexander's phone on the side he set a alarm for today at 6:00am what the fuck ughh wait I have his phone but he has a code fuck and he would have realised it was gone by now "shit cunt" I shout profanities to my self.

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